
It had been quite some time since Beatrix had last laid eyes on Rhys in person. But now, seeing him again, it was an overwhelming experience.

The intensity of his presence hit her deeply, stirring up a mix of emotions, both beautiful and horrifying.

His eyes, his face compelled her to take an instinctive step towards him, only to restrain herself at the last moment.

A sense of suffocation washed over her, as if the air around her was thinning and her chest was tightening. Reminding her to hide, however, her feet remained stubbornly planted where they were.

Is this some kind of illusion? she wondered, searching for a rational explanation. 

She tightly shut her eyes, silently counted to ten, and opened them again.

To her surprise, he was still there, standing in front of her.

Her panic surged stronger than ever.

"Hey," he spoke softly.