
Stella looked around her surrounding, struggling to maintain her rationality as she processed the familiarity of her environment.

"No, this is not happening." But her nightmare was confirmed. She was back at Nolan's apartment.

"Babe," The voice that haunted her nights and her days spoke behind her. She froze, unwilling to turn to see if it was all real. Oh but it is, after all, here she is.

Slowly, she turned towards the direction where the sound had come from. To her utmost horror, her gaze locked with those of Nolan, the one person she hoped she'd never again encounter in her life.

"Nolan," She whispered, feeling the blood drain from her face and her knees go weak with instant defeat.

"Baby," He whispered with a sinister smile. It's not real. She knew for certain that it was not real. But why did it feel so?