Gut instincts

Matteo stood transfixed as he beheld Stella walk towards him in an outfit that threatened spill his senses. She wore a black latex button-up flay gown with long-sleeves pulled up to reveal only half of her forearms, and broad fold-out collars that imitated a suit jacket.

Her chest area was slightly revealed, but somehow, it left no sight of a cleavage for the peaks of her bosom. Only the swell through the dress, that rightly emphasized its natural allure, made it clear that she had most beautiful breasts that any man would want to feel more than see.

While she walked, her soft legs were revealed in the slit that started from her knee, but it was the black strap heels that made all the difference. It made him thank the heavens for its creator, for wearing it gave her steps the emphasis of a natural seductress.