Merlinus' existence disappeared, as the fruits of his entire life ended landing in the hands of a being he envied and abhorred. If at least Planta had taken them, or the goddess that slayed him, he would have at least felt more satisfied. But it ended up going into the worst hands he could have possibly imagined.
His life felt like it was for nothing, and everything he ever accomplished ended up being for nothing too. The fruits of his labor were stolen, and now with him gone, the Demon King of Death felt truly satisfied, although he would've wished for more.
"The crown is not complete…" He complained, squinting his blazing eyes made of will-o-wisps. "However, this should be enough… nonetheless."
The artifact on his hands was floating in midair, made of red and black crystals, its size was as big as fifty meters of length, and it spun constantly.