Merlinus saw the brightest light he had ever seen in his entire long life, the green and golden light of life and nature, which engulfed his soul and body completely.
"T-This light… It's so bright…!"
The light rapidly consumed his physical body, the demonic miasma and the hundreds of thousands of souls within them were purified, as they flew into the skies resembling spheres of light.
His entire being rapidly disappeared, as his soul fell into a limbo of darkness, the last thing he saw was the figure of a goddess purifying his very being.
"So they had to bring a god to stop me…"
Deep down, he smiled, despite facing his ultimate end. He felt proud of his power, he felt proud of the fear he spread through the world.
That a god had to come to beat him down already said a lot about how much they feared him…
And yet…
"But I… I don't want to die…"