The Domain Is Connected To How Many Places?!


Urban Spirits.

A new type of Spirit I had never seen before.

Well, not new for the world, but new for me and my family and friends.

Apparently, and according to what I heard, they are created out of man-made Urban Legends.

Their existences are faint, and they might only live a few years before disappearing.

This is because they're made out of the short-term belief of people gathered within a certain area.

Therefore, they're also bound to this area.

However, a tactic they use to remain alive for longer is that they spread more rumors about themselves through the world.

By acting like their Urban Legends, scaring people, or helping them, or stealing from them like these legends… then they begin to become stronger and more real.

An example of one of them as Julio the Stabbed said, would be the Wendigo, a man-eating undead monster.