Irene had appeared out of nowhere, reprimanding me that I hadn't upgraded her for quite a while, and she wasn't wrong, I haven't done it for the rest of the equipment I created IRL, the enchanted clothes and the shield either, the bracelets and so on. I had made them initially because I couldn't transfer equipment from Arcadia here, but now that I have grown enough to be able to transfer A Rank items from Arcadia to Earth, they became slightly redundant.
Of course, I still wear them, and their shapes can be changed, so I usually wear them whenever I go out to fight, but that hasn't happened in a while either or might not for some time as Arcadia will have my full attention for the time being.
Merlinus might have been vanquished, but the Demon King of Death is still there, and the battle against him is slowly creeping in and approaching, so I can't really focus too much on Earth for now.