
While Kevin and Suzy were fretting over the spy, they received an urgent message from Cassandra. She had finally managed to break the encryption and gain access to the Settler Camp data files. 

Dr. Stacey, Dr. Zhao, Dr. Edna, Kevin, Suzy, and Shane arrived at the R &D lab for an urgent meeting. Cassandra looked greatly perturbed by something. Whatever she had discovered had shaken her to the core. 

When everyone was seated around the central conference table, Cassandra turned on the holo projection unit in the middle. The holographic device was synced with her main computer and displayed a long list of text files. 

"These are the data files from the first Settler Camp where the males were being kept. They contain everything from the regular camp activities, layout, guards, camp defense systems, as well as the personal and medical records of all the settlers," Cassandra began, addressing the room.