A movie date

Kevin and Shane shook hands like pals, but the way they looked at each other, was nothing short of hostile. Though he agreed to cooperate for the search and rescue mission, Suzy and Dr. Stacey felt uneasy about the whole arrangement.

Cassandra read into their thoughts just by looking at their faces. "Kevin's a big boy now. He can handle himself. Shane might have his prejudices, but he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the mission," she muttered.

"We need time to get accustomed to our exosuits. I need at least a day to train my team," Shane said to Dr. Zhao.

"I think that would be the best course of action," Dr. Zhao replied.

"It's settled then. We move out in four days." Saying this, Shane unexpectedly turned to Kevin and asked, "Do you need to train with us?"