An eye for an eye

SAHARA looked at the explosive in Kevin's hand and saw a blinking red timer ticking down rapidly with a synchronized beeping.

"If you detonate that device, the explosion will kill you as well," SAHARA stated. "Why would you endanger your own life?"

"Just so that I could take you out with me," Kevin replied, chuckling back. "I'll be happy to die if it means I can rid the world of another android. Twenty seconds to go."

Despite being designed to look and behave like humans, the androids had little understanding of human emotions. SAHARA could not make any sense of Kevin's suicidal plan. There was no logic behind taking such a drastic step. 

As the detonation timer ticked down to ten seconds, SAHARA's self-preservation protocol kicked in. His job here was done and it was pointless to die with Kevin, so he jumped up, and turned on his jetpack again. Before the bomb could go off, the android flew up and cleared away from the destroyed building.