A mother’s beating heart (2)

Kevin had never expected the situation to turn out like this. He was here to put an end to Dr. Edna's game, but her words compelled him to listen to her story.

"The Experimental Cybernetic User Interface was not just Dr. Zhao's dream; it was mine as well," Dr. Edna began. "Your system isn't just the exoskeleton with all its fancy weapons and defense mechanisms. It's a combination of a modified XL11 exoskeleton and your assistant AI. I designed your AI as well as the software that operates your body. Of course, I had plenty of help from Cassandra and her team of interns, but the software was my brainchild. I helped Dr. Zhao and the others breathe life into this mainframe so that one day my son could talk to me again. I did it all to give him another chance at life."

"Why didn't you give this to him then? Why hook my brain to the ECUI?" Kevin asked.