A mother’s beating heart (3)

Handing over his power supply unit to Dr. Edna would be the last nail in the coffin for Kevin. He wanted to prolong the conversation and buy some more time to come up with a plan, but she was not in the mood for idle gossip.

Though she had deactivated the timer on Dylan's tablet, its detonator was still in her hand. One wrong move and she wouldn't think twice about killing the kid. Kevin had no choice but to comply, despite knowing what it entailed.

"User: Kevin Lee Smith. Password: 98DeltaSteelwing#17. Access core developer settings. Lift all restrictions."

// Warning! Warning! Warning!

Modifying core settings can cause the ECUI to malfunction.

The user is advised not to add or remove hardware without compatibility verification. //

"Open internal power supply's protective casing."

In response to his command, Kevin's back panel slid open, revealing the black power supply unit with neon green lines running on its underside.