
Alan was shaking feverishly under his blanket when Kevin and Nash entered the room. His right shoulder looked swollen and his eyes were red and watery. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days.

"Alan, I need you to look at me," Nash enunciated every word slowly to make sure he could get across to him, but Alan didn't respond.

"Looks like he's having a fever," Kevin said to Nash.

"Check this out then." Nash took out a clinical thermometer from his emergency medical kit and placed it carefully between Alan's trembling lips. When he took it out after a while, the temperature read 93F. "His body's cold, but he's still shivering. I've never seen anything like this."

Kevin walked up to the bed and let his Advanced Analyzer perform a detailed medical scan. 

[Subject: Human]

[Stance: Friendly.]

[Heart Rate: 80 BPM.]

[Respiratory Rate: 7 breaths per minute.]

[Blood Pressure: 100/65 mm Hg.]

[Oxygen: 90%.]