Virulent (2)

After three long hours, Dr. Zimmer stepped out of the room to take a break. Kevin looked at him expectantly and enquired about his progress with Alan.

Dr. Zimmer removed his gloves and wrapped them in plastic before disposing them off into a waste basket. "It's a viral infection that much is certain. But I can't find any matches for the known viral proteins. The patient is suffering from acute encephalitis and internal bleeding. Additionally, his lymph nodes are swollen and his core temperature is dangerously low. If this virus doesn't kill him, he'll develop another infection soon."

"I'm looking for solutions here, doctor. Can you treat him?" Kevin asked.

Dr. Zimmer shrugged his shoulders. "I honestly dunno. I need to run a few more tests first. This might take a while."

"Take your time. I need you to save him."

"I will need to eat before I can continue. And maybe take a warm shower as well," Dr. Zimmer replied.