Chapter 12: Couldn't figure out a title, call it whatever

Disclaimer, I don't really feel good about this chapter seeing as the upcoming scenes kinda feel forced in my opinion, but i'm posting it either way.


The rest of the day went as well as it could have, which ended up with Edward being a drama queen about Bella. He went immediately to the office and had asked for a class change.

So what? She smelled good, what was the problem? Rose thought to herself. Although she was thinking to herself, she still heard Edward grumble as he walked through the door to the Cullen's house in front of her. Or rather, should she say her new home? It was still all new to Rose seeing as it had been only a day and for the most part, she was either asleep or at the new school where she was gaining so much attention that it was hard to focus, one of the humans had even noticed her pointed ears, which was written off by said human as a birth defect.

She walked in and saw the fiery blonde acting pissed off as usual, never having a quiet moment with her. Rose glanced at Emmet, who was standing beside Rosalie as she huffed and puffed, it was comical to Rose at how bitchy Rosalie could be sometimes. At this thought, Edward grinned and nodded to her, before watching the small tantrum Rosalie had. None of this interested Rose, and she left the house again quickly after throwing the small bag that she had down at the door frame. It shocked her somewhat that Alice had been able to prepare so much for her in such a short amount of time, but didn't really bother her too much, a kind gesture.

She ran in a certain direction, although she couldn't say sure where she was running, just that the stench of wet dog got stronger the closer she got to it. She ran out onto a busy street, which she slowed down to human speeds and just followed the stench more, curious at what it was. She continued walking the day grey as it had been before. She walked until she got to where the stench had originated.

"How curious, this stench is forming somewhat of a border here along the road, I wonder if" Rose muttered to herself, before reaching out at it. There was nothing physical other than the scent blocking her from entering, and if you thought that was going to stop her, you were dead wrong. She shrugged her shoulders before strolling past the line with a grin, as if she knew what she was doing was wrong.

She continued down the road before something caught her eye, a boy with shaggy hair was walking down the sidewalk with two others, walking towards a house on the side of the road as she decided to follow. Rose followed the three before the one decidedly turned around, irritated at their pursuer, however, turning around his eyes softened seeing a girl that was slightly shorter than him and seemingly looked a lot younger.

"Can I do something for you little girl?" He had asked Rose, who had just in response grinned widely, slightly creeping the boy out. "Yes, matter of fact you can. I want to hang out" she asked innocently.

The boy along with the others with him were now staring at her oddly, as the one in the middle said "I think you should go home" he said. Rose looked down as if she were sad "I-I don't have one..." she said, purposefully letting her small voice crack. The boy in the middle started panicking now, as if he made the small child cry, he was about to touch her shoulder when he felt the coldness and shied away from her skin.

"It's okay, it's okay kid, tell you what, you can come home with me and meet my dad, how's that sound?" he asked. Rose's act died as she looked up cheerfully "Perfect! Let's go!" while giggling, the guy was dumbfounded, while his friends behind him laughed it all up.

"What's your name?" Rose had asked him out of curiosity. The boy looked down at her "Jacob Black" he stated. "My name is Rose" Rose replied to him. It didn't take long for the three, now four, to reach Jacob's house, a rather small but comfortable house that seemed to be big enough for a family but nothing really more. There was an old man in a wheelchair sitting out front of the house, Jacob's dad Rose had presumed.

"Hey dad, what're you doing outside?" Jacob had casually asked him, as he looked over to him. "Needed some fresh air." Was the only response he got as Jacob's father had surveyed the group that was with his son. His ancient eyes stopped on Rose, however, squinting at her and almost glaring daggers at her as she stared back.

Does the old man know? Rose thought to herself, not too shocked by the revelation, better act a bit at least in case he doesn't, she thought.

"Hey mister, you're Jacob's dad, aren't you?" She asked as innocently as she could, with a convincing smile.

"Yes, my name is Billy Black, I haven't seen you around here, are you new?" Billy asked her, suspicion layering his voice. "Yes, I moved here to live with my family" she said, eyeing Jacob to see if he had caught on now to her previous lie, if he hadn't before. She looked up and he looked down, one suspicious and the other grinning, both knowing what had happened.

"Really, and who is your family?" Billy asked, suspicion growing heavier on his face. "The Cullens" she replied to him simply. Billy's eyes widened slightly before returning to normal.

"I see, would you be interested in talking in private, for just a moment? I want to help you call your parents." Billy said, already rolling himself toward the house. Rose followed him, not bothering to conceal her unnatural strength as she helped push Billy up in the house, him being surprised by the little gesture.

Making sure they were out of earshot of the children, Billy turned around and said "I think you need to leave" he blatantly said to her, getting a wide grin in return. "I am aware of the treaty, I was told about it last night by Carlisle" she responded.

"And why then are you here over the treaty line?" Billy angrily asked this time.

"I got bored, and besides, I'm free to do whatever I want. I won't let some verbal agreement that had nothing to do with me stop me from roaming around whenever and wherever I want to. If you want me off the Quileute turf, you'll have to force me out. And we both know that you don't have the firepower to do that, do you? I promise not to hunt humans here or anywhere else for that matter, but I expect to be able to roam free however I want, and possibly pet a big doggy too~" she smugly said, enraging Billy, who stared at her, and waved her out.

"Get out, now. I won't be able to force you out of the area, but I do expect you to respect the rules." he said harshly, at which she grinned wider, laughed a little bit and her form dissipated into the shadows, returning a few miles away near the Cullen house, still laughing.

She ran back to the Cullen house, giddy from the time she had there as she had fun tricking Jacob into thinking she was an orphan, and the argument she had with Billy Black. She walked through the door, again today as she was met with the others staring at her angrily.

Alice, of course. She had thought as soon as she saw the angry faces. She looked around and found Alice upstairs, not exactly happy but also not angry.

"What the hell were you thinking?!?" a voice came. "I wasn't, that's what" Rose replied calmly; however, she was also slightly angry herself, she was just having innocent fun.

"You call that 'innocent fun'?" Edward growled out, reading her mind once again. She grinned at the comment though, "Yes, I do. No one was hurt, and I get to have more fun as well, provided I follow their rules" she commented.

At this, she received a growl in response from them. She was getting tired of this, the constant reminder that she was currently weaker than them when she wasn't even unsealed. She stamped her foot down, and began to growl back, not backing down from a fight. As soon as she did this, she saw the blur move toward her and hit her in the stomach, sending her outside the door into a small clearing. The only reason she stopped at all was because she hit a tree, snapping the tree in half as she hit it.

Getting up she got even angrier, a low blow, not even letting her prepare. She got hit again and again before she shifted away in the shadow, getting some distance from the pursuer that she was fighting, but finding no ground because as soon as she reformed, she got assaulted again, getting hit into the ground as she felt powerless. As it continued, the blows finally stopped.

Until she heard, "had enough yet?" Which made her anger boil over the edge. She heard a sound, and knowing what that sound was, she grinned, before a burning sensation seared her hand, making her clench her jaw tightly until it stopped.

System Alert: Requirements reached, Seal two, and seal three unlocked

She slowly got up from the ground, grinning widely as she said it "Release restraint level: 02" as she immediately grew in power, her eyes glowing with a strange light, as her body is cloaked in a shadow, surprising her attacker, which it was of no surprise to her that it was Edward. She smiled and flashed to his side, surprising him with her speed that he couldn't follow with his own eyes.

She hit him in the stomach and he flew across the field, except she wasn't done yet. She flew to his side and punched his chest down, into the dirt as he hit the field extremely hard. She continued to pummel him slowly, and sadistically. She let him get up just to hit him back down again. Let him run at her just to knock him back. She was enjoying herself and let him know that with the grin plastered to her face.

She eventually got bored, and gave him one last hit, leaving him heaving for air with his battered body. "Restraint level: reset" she muttered, as the shadowy cloak dissipated and sucked back into her body. She looked down at the battered vampire, feeling slightly pitiful, after all, she beat him so easily, and she was standing there, not even a scratch on her. Although, her clothing was messed up from all the previous blows she had taken which had slightly annoyed her.

She looked back, seeing that she had amassed a crowd of vampire witnesses that consisted of her new family, if they saw her as that anymore. She sighed, not proud of her work anymore as she grabbed Edward by the collar of his torn shirt, dragging him back with her. She grimaced when she saw that Carlisle wasn't even angry, it made her only feel guilty.

She dragged him up to them, where unsurprisingly, she saw Emmet with a wide grin.

"I knew you were strong little sis, wanna fight now?" he asked, completely ignoring the current situation, which earned him an elbow in the gut by his lover, Rosalie.