Chapter 13: dunno, think of a title yourself

To clear things up, I forgot that Rose doesn't know anything about Twilight last chapter and I'm kinda too lazy to rewrite that scene in the last chapter, so just live with it or act like she didn't say anything about the shifters in the last chapter, also, I don't know if Sam was already a wolf in Twilight, but he is in this, that's it. See ya.


Rose laughed, while she was near limitless, doing that really took anything out of her, luckily, Esme stepped in.

"Enough, no more fighting!" She shouted, causing Emmet to sigh in frustration and Rose secretly thanking her. She looked back at Edward, glad he was too loopy right now to read her mind, but also happier that he was already healing to top shape. Rose walked toward the Cullen house, taking her time as she didn't really care how long it took.

5 minutes later, she reached the front door and opened it, practically collapsing on the couch and falling asleep immediately.


The next day

Rose woke up to the sun in her eyes again, feeling a lot more refreshed. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 12 in the afternoon, well through the school day already. After last night's fight, they must've let her sleep through the day. Getting up, she walked around for a few minutes examining the art before getting bored and leaving.

"To La Push?" she asked herself out loud, glad that she was free to herself the whole day. She nodded, answering her own question, her body turning to shadows as she travelled toward La Push, reforming in the shadow of a tree right outside the border. As soon as she reformed, she heard a growl right next to her.

"Again? Really?" She asked as she turned around, surprised though at what she saw. An extremely large black wolf staring at her from across the Quileute border.

"Hey, what's your name puppy?" She asked, not at all intimidated at its size.

The wolf looked at her surprised for a minute, before returning to growling. Rose, not caring at all, walked right up to the wolf crossing the border. The wolf growled louder as she crossed casually towards it, when she reached her hand out and patted it surprising it once again.

Rose sighed, "I might be a bit dumb, but I can definitely sense something more to you. That and you are kinda bigger than a fucking bear." she added, giggling and swiping her hand away when the wolf snapped at it.

She stared smugly at it, "so, what's your deal here? You just gonna not talk to me?" she impatiently asked, "if you're not going to talk to me, I'm going to go"

The wolf looked at her and ran behind a tree, and a minute later a tall black-haired man walked out from behind the same tree.

"Glad to see you in the flesh instead of the fur" Rose joked as soon as he came out. "How does that work by the way" she asked curiously.

"I don't have to explain myself to a filthy bloodsucker" the man snarled.

"Fine, Fine, keep your secrets" Rose said, "Anyway, what is your name" she asked.

"Sam" She got in response.

"I'm Rose" she responded to Sam.

"What are you doing here" Sam demanded.

"Hanging out" Rose responded to Sam, "I got permission from Billy last night" she added.

Sam looked at her sceptically.

"There's no way that billy would willingly let a bloodsucker across the border." he snarled.

"He didn't, until after he realized that he couldn't keep me out, he told me to follow the rules and I agreed" Rose casually explained.

"Impossible!" he shouted at her.

"If you want proof, we can go see Billy right now, I was just on my way there actually" she said.

"Alright, fine, but if you try anything I will kill you" he said before turning around in the direction of the Black's house. Rose followed close behind him, smugly looking at his back as she wondered if he could even touch her if it did come down to a fight.

It took a few minutes with the pace that Sam was walking with while they walked along the sidewalk. They arrived at the door to Billy Black's house and he knocked on his door waiting for a response.

The door slid open as Jacob answered the door, scowling when he saw Sam.

"What do you want?" He asked rudely to Sam.

"I want to see Billy" he stated simply as Jacob grumbled.

"i'll go get him." and shut the door in his face.

A few seconds later, Billy opened the door, and greeted Sam.

"Ah, good evening, Sam, what brings you here today?" Billy asked as he saw the familiar face, until the other, less pleasing familiar face popped out from behind his back "Oh, it's you again" Billy had said, his voice taking a sharper edge as he said the words.

"Hi Billy~" Rose said teasingly behind Sam, only getting a grunt in response to her cheerfulness.

"Billy, I want to know why you would give a filthy bloodsucker permission to roam in La Push" Sam urgently, but quietly said.

Billy nodded, but didn't say anything until after a while "I am sure she explained, did she not. I didn't want anything to do with her and told her to leave, but she made it clear that she wasn't leaving until she got what she came here for, a ticket in and out of La Push. I caved in and made it clear that she had to follow the rules" Billy said in response, staring angrily at the small childish figure that grinned back at him before looking up at Sam.

"Hehe~, see, he said I was allowed!" Rose told Sam with fake anger in her voice.

"I see, but don't think I'll be welcoming you in as nicely" Sam said to her. Rose just shrugged, and walked right into Billy's house, without waiting for Billy to welcome her in.

"Hey Jacob!" she said as she turned the corner and saw Jacob's butt sticking out of the fridge as he dug into it.

"Huh? Oh, hey Rose!" he said, seemingly forgetting that she had tricked him yesterday into bringing her to his home with the story that she was a lost orphan. Thinking about that, she smirked a little.

"What're you doing here?" He asked, curious why she was in his home. "Your dad invited me in after I came over, sorry I came here unannounced." she said, not exactly sorry at all.

"it's okay, it's nice to see you again after you disappeared from the house yesterday, did you climb out of the window or something?" he asked, curious at how she snuck past him.

"Yeah, your dad said something about that?" she asked him in return, wanting to know how much Billy had fabricated of her literally turning into a shadow in front of him.

"Yeah, he said you went to the bathroom and just never came out, and when he checked you were gone. What happened for you to leave?" he asked.

Billy came in at that time grunting a little.

"Oh, hey dad." Jacob said to his father as he rolled into the small house. Billy grunted again, this time to answer Jacob as he rolled into the living room past them.

"Hey, Jacob, you should show me around I'm not exactly familiar with La Push" Rose suddenly said.

"Oh hey, that's a great idea, let's go!" Jacob said, excited that he got to run around town with a friend, "Hey dad, I'm showing Rose around town, we'll be back soon!" he shouted.

"Don't be out too late." he replied, his voice sounding dark.

"We won't!" Jacob replied as he practically pulled Rose out the door by the hand.