Chapter 35: Engagement News

“What would you have done?” Celia asked.

“I would have consulted attorneys and made you an offer for joint custody,” Carter replied. “I wouldn’t have tried to woo you in any way. You would have been a mere business project.”

“Celia looked at him trying to picture him as a ruthless businessman trying to secure his interests, and she wondered how she would have handled that hard, cold side of him. Celia had to admit to herself that she preferred this version of him.

“Well, I must say that I love being rescued and I’m flattered to have a hero,” she responded. “A rather intimidating hero, but mine all the less,” she said leaning over to kiss him full on the lips.

“Does that mean yes?” Carter asked after returning the kiss with a tender passion that was previously unknown to him.

“It means yes,” Celia responded with a big smile on her face.

Carter then placed the ring on her finger with a proud grin on his face.