Chapter 34: A Decent Proposal

Celia was surprised that Linda apparently did not feel worthy enough to come and spend time with her and the children. Until recently, she had acted as if it was her right to be with the children. She’d even considered taking them away from their mother.

“You’re all shaken up and so am I,” Celia responded to Linda’s question. “So, it’s best to come with us and we can help each other get over the shock, at least. Added to that, the children are always a blessing.”

“That is so kind of you, Celia, but I just want to get into my own bed,” Linda responded.

“Alright, I think have a solution to the problem,” Celia remarked. “Why don’t you spend some time recovering from the shock at our house, then you can go and sleep at Carter’s house afterward?” she proposed.

Linda looked visibly relieved when she heard this suggestion.

“That’s so kind of you,” she remarked as she got into the Jeep. “That sounds like a good idea.”
