"Leave now before I get you escorted out..."
"I will I promise, I'm not leaving you."
"You are not wanted here."
"You are a fool Jason Silva."
I woke up with a jolt and stopped. My heartbeat was the only thing that I could hear in the dark empty room, my body incredibly tangled with the black sheets that were now sticking to my skin due to my incessant sweating. I placed both my hands on my face while closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, feeling an headache already forming. I simply laid there, not sure for how long, looking at the ceiling while replaying my nightmare over and over again, her words, his words, their actions. My eyes burned but I refused to cry, I should have known, everything was so easy with her, it couldn't possibly be real. I don't deserve to shed a single tear for my ignorance, but at the end of the day she was still my mate as I was hers.