Chapter 42

"Because she s so beautiful and I loved her." I really expected this. I knew it. His eyes were filled with love and something weird. I couldn t understand..

"You know, you could have been my daughter." He smiled at me. My mind was a mess. I can t understand what this was. Urghh.

"Can you tell me everything? I just can t understand anything." I sighed as I looked at him. He just nodded at me and went to the dining room. After I finished my breakfast I went out of the house and the most annoying thing was, I was followed by two bodyguards. Urgh. As soon as I came out of the house my heart dropped. My tears rolled down because I realised there s no way for me to escape and this is an island that was surrounded by the ocean.

" this an island?" I asked a bodyguard as I looked back at him, I wanted to believe that I m wrong and this is not an island.