Chapter 43

"Quiny I'm coming in '' with that I opened the door, As soon as I entered the room I bumped into someone. urghh.. my nose. I slowly looked up as my eyes met with a pair of gorgeous eyes, they were mixed with green and blue color. So beautiful. Then I looked at the person that I bumped into, Damn......... what a handsome man. He's the most handsome man that I have ever seen. Sharp jawline, wet and messy black hair, sexy lips, then I suddenly realized something and, damn he's only wearing a towel....WHAT THE FUCK? What the hell is he doing in Quincey's room? No, don't tell me he is a pervert.

"Hey." I came back to my senses as he spoke. damn his voice is so sexy, but unfortunately he's a pervert. "Wh...what are you doing in her room? Pervert" I looked at him as I spoke in a trembling voice.