A Fighter's Unfolding

Nathan's POV:

It's been a good day so far.. this should be enough for at least two days.

I put the rabbits I just killed in my leather bag and clean the blood off the knife. Taking a closer look, I realize that the blade is dull, so the cuts aren't as clean as they used to be.

Perhaps I should get a new one. I'll stop by the blacksmith after leaving the food at home.

I start heading back to the village after a successful morning of hunting. This forest is full of small animals so it is pretty easy to get food around this place, but if one goes a bit too far it can get dangerous really fast. Because of the large number of people in this area, most of the big creatures are smart enough to not attack and stay far away, leaving us with a lot of passive animals nearby.

After an hour of walking I finally reached the village where my family lives at. The tribe that rules it is called Warriors, pretty bland name if you ask me.. but either way, they do a great job at leading and have provided us great defences from the beginning.

After getting to my house, I open the door and immediately notice a sweet smell, mom is probably preparing lunch already. I head to the kitchen so I can give her the meat I got.

"Hey mom, I got us some rabbits!"

"Oh, would you look at that! You really didn't need to!" She said while opening the bag and taking them out.

"Want me to skin them? Oh, nevermind, I was just about to go get a new knife, this one is no good anymore."

"Is that so? Go ahead then, this will probably take a while. Do you need some silver coins?"

"I have enough, don't worry. I'll be going now, see you later!"

And so, I left the house and began walking to the blacksmith. On the way there, I came across what seemed to be soldiers from the Warriors guild, dressed in their metal armor and a crossbow on their hands.

I wonder what they're doing here.. It seems important.

The Warriors tribe main base was a few hours away if travelled by horse, around two days by foot at a moderate pace. Perhaps some dangerous animal got too close and they came to kill it... or someone from an enemy tribe was spotted.

Arriving at the blacksmith, I realize there is a huge crowd of people surrounding the smithy. Curious, I approach one of the villagers and ask:

"Hey there, do you know what is happening here? Never seen so many people gathered in this place before."

"Apparently some soldiers from the Warriors tribe came here and brought a few sets of armor and swords with them for us to use as we want. They must have fought some other tribe nearby and couldn't be bothered to take the loot to their base since it's a bit far.."

Just like I thought.. I just hope that it doesn't escalate to an all out war... again. Fifteen years ago, the Warriors tribe had a huge fight with The Dark Clouds, a very aggressive tribe that kills whatever gets in their way. Many people died back then, including my father.


The blacksmith, Jason, yelled out, annoyed at so many questions being asked. His voice deep and impactful, a very strong man as well, respected by all. And so, most of the villagers present started to leave and keep on what they were originally doing.

Finally getting my chance to talk to Jason, I approach him.

"Good morning Jason. Seems like you've been busy."

"As you can see, I have been very busy yes.. So? What are you here for?"

To answer him, I pull out my old knife and showed it to him.

"This blade has its days counted.. Would you have any new knifes for sale?"

"A knife huh, not sure, let me check. How urgent is it? You only hunt with bows anyway."

"Well I'm not gonna kill any rabbits by running at them with a knife... and I must be prepared if a Dilophosaur or Raptor come running at me!"

Jason smirks and says:

"You idiot, be careful with what you wish for. Either way, you won't find any of those around here."

He's right. Thanks to the Warriors scouts, no danger even comes close. It is better this way I guess..

While Jason is looking for a knife to sell me, I notice the swords and armor the soldiers had left in a corner of the smithy.

Perhaps Jason will give them to the best fighters we have? Although we don't really have many people willing to go far from the village. Well... maybe if I ask nicely I can get one of those swords..

"So hmm, what is all this equipment for? You're not just going to leave all that laying around on the floor right?"

Jason lets out a sigh, and says:

"In fact, I am going to leave that there. You more than anyone should know that getting too cocky just because you have a nice set of armor and weapon will lead you to death. Our village's fighters already have their gear so there's no need for me to give these out. Perhaps I'll melt it all and forge some new scythes to help on the fields."

"Can I have a sword then?" I asked, hopping he'd let me have one.


Jason thought about it for a few seconds, which is great since he didn't refuse right away.

"Fine." He said, looking at me in the eyes. "But you'll have some lessons on how to use it properly."

"Huh? Is there even anyone that can teach me in this place?"

I asked, happy and confused at the same time.

"Yes, me. We start tomorrow morning. Be ready at the gate."

That's right, how could I forget. Before dedicating his life to forging stuff, Jason used to be an official soldier under the Warriors tribe. He never told me why he retired from that tho.

"Haha, very well then. Can I take the sword now?"

I asked while already reaching for the weapons left on the corner.

"Feel free to do so, and here's your knife, it will be ten silver coins."

"Ehhh really? Giving me a sword for free and making me pay for a knife?"

I responded sarcastically but still hopping he'd let me take both for free.

"What? Would you like to pay for the sword as well? Three gold coins and ten silver coins total then."

"Nevermind, here are the silver coins."

I gave him the silver coins and took the knife from his hand, it does seem like a great blade, his work is always fantastic.

Going back to the swords, I try chosing the best looking one but quicly realized they all looked the same. So I simply grabbed one randomly.

"I'll be taking this one, is that alright?"

"Yes, be careful not to hurt yourself."

"I will. Well then, I'll be heading back home now, thanks for everything!"

"See you tomorrow kid."

He's trying to hide it but he's clearly excited about it as well, mom did tell me a story about his lost son.. I wonder if I remind him of his child.. and that's why he wants to help me.

Lost in my thoughts, I started my way back home. Gotta tell mother about the new sword.