Let Me Fight

Nathan's POV:

On my way back home, I realized I'll need to convince mom to let me keep the sword..

Well, even of she doesn't let me, I can just have Jason's lessons behind her back, although it would be great to have her approval.

Hoping for the best, I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Mom, I'm back." I announced, while entering the house and closing the door.

Surprised by my early return, she says:

"Back already? You usually get late for lunch.. Nathan, where the hell did you get that? That damn blacksmith made you it didn't he..."

She sounds so angry, as expected..

"No he did not. Some Warriors guys dropped some gear off at the smithy, and since no one else would pick this up, Jason let me have one."

"Is that so.." she whispers to herself before continuing:

"And? What do you think you'll be doing with that? Don't you have your bow for your hunts?"

"Actually, starting tomorrow morning, Jason will teach me how to use it properly."

"Then promise me that you will never get hurt in any way because of that."

Worry can be felt in her words, but it is understandable..

"I promise." I said with conviction. I don't plan on getting myself hurt anyway, and being skilled with the sword might prove to be useful someday.

"Now put that away and sit down, the food is almost ready."

I placed my sword next to the doorway and sat down at the table. A few seconds passed in silence, until my mother spoke out:

"Why the sudden interest for swords? Thought you'd be focusing on your bow skills."

"Dad was a swordsman wasn't he? I think it would be nice if I followed his steps and become a proper swordsman."

"And die in battle as well?"


I don't remember my father so it never bothered me, but mom must miss him a lot.

"I will not die. After training with Jason I plan on going to the Warriors tribe main base and apply for official Soldier. Then I'll be able to be a scout for this village."

"Huhhh. Honestly, I won't even bother arguing with you. All I ask is for you not to go around on your own trying to kill any dragons."

"Haha, finding a T-Rex is already a once in a lifetime experience for us. Don't worry, I don't think I'll be going against a dragon any time soon."

She laughed, and finally put some of the food she prepared on my plate and placed it on the table.

A nice and sweet smell flooded me, making me hungry. Although the rabbits I caught were not used yet, every single dish my mom makes is incredible. I guess I'll miss her food once I finally leave..

We finished eating, and I took care of the dishes while she went to her room to rest for a bit.

After washing everything, I noticed the sword next to the doorway and felt like trying it out..

And so, being as quiet as possible, I picked it up and slowly left the house..

Jason's POV:

Guess I should take a break for a while.. it's been a very confusing morning. I closed to door to the smithy and placed a sign with the word "closed" in front of it.

"Hey Jason!" Someone shouted from afar.... it's the kid again.

"What's up? You know you don't need to carry that sword around everywhere you go right?" I asked, noticing his sword before continuing: "Actually, don't you want a sheath for it?"

"Oh yes! Do you have any I can borrow?"

Such an idiot... He really expects me to let him have everything for free.

"Seven silver coins, just like for everyone else."

"Fine.. Here."

I take the coins from Nathan's hand and put them in my pocket.

"Wait here, I'll go grab one for you."

I go in the smithy once again and search for any pristine quality sword sheath. After a few seconds of searching I find a few sheets that were once used in the war, not the best condition but this will do... They're just rotting away in here anyway.

I leave the smithy and handle him the sword sheath

"See if this one fits."

He puts the sword in it perfectly, seems like there will be no problem.

"Thank you! So uhhh, are you busy right now? I know you said tomorrow morning but I really can't wait!"

Nathan sounds really excited... And well, I guess we might be able to catch something even tastier than rabbits.

"Fine, did you tell Katherine you were going hunting?" I asked, knowing he probably didn't.

"She is having a nap so I didn't bother waking her up."

"You really are reckless. You know damn well that she'll worry. Well, I guess we better start going so we can be back soon."

We both start going to the village's gate at a fast pace.

Let's see how the kid does with a sword.