The First Kill

Nathan's POV:

I'm really glad Jason agreed on training right now, I really would not manage to wait until tomorrow... After a few seconds of silence, I ask:

"So, where exactly are we going?"

"East, there should be some Raptor or even a Carnotaurus for us to kill." He answers, with no signs of expression on his face.

A Carno huh.. Raptors are around human size and Carnos easily surpass those, getting to four and sometimes five meters high. Trapping it and using crossbows is probably the best way to hunt those, since they aren't very agile due to their size. However, if someone gets hit by their horns it is a certain death if not using a good armor.

Either way, I've never really used a sword before, the largest blades I've wielded are daggers. And in my hunts, I mainly use my bow, I'd rather have a crossbow but there's no money for that.

With a bit of worry, I ask:

"So uhhh, do you think I can kill one of those with no trouble? I mean, I've never really used a sword before and always rely on bow and arrow."

"Don't worry, I'm here for a reason. I will teach you much more than just use a sword. Each creature you'll find is unique and so, precautions must be taken. You've spectated a Raptor hunt once, haven't you? They are fast and hard to catch, but not very big, so luring them to holes in the ground and having them fall in there is the best option. If possible, I'd like to have you do it in the next few days."

I wasn't expecting this.. killing Raptors this early on huh.. I'll certainly enjoy my time with Jason.

We continued east for a few more hours, reaching a large valley with a river going through the middle of it. We pause for a bit appreciating the view, and Jason says:

"This is where your father passed his exam for the Warriors tribe."

"Wait, so dad was like, one of those official soldiers just like you used to be?"

"Yes. It was always nice watching him fight, took on a pack of Raptors on his own at the exam, and was only supposed to kill one. Because of that, he got a high rank at Warriors from the start."

At times like this I really wish dad would still be alive.. Killing a single raptor alone is something to be proud of, but a pack of them? It really must have been great to watch him hunt.

"What do we do now?" I asked Jason, who started thinking.

He looked over all of the valley, and told me:

"There, near the river. There are two Dilophosaurs, it seems they want to drink the river's water. Let's sneak on them from behind and kill them. Take this as a test, if you do it correctly, I'll consider you ready for bigger challenges."

Dilos are about half the size of a person at best, but still dangerous thanks to their venomous bite. It amazes me how Jason managed to spot them from this distance, it looks like they're half a kilometer away.

"Any specific way you want me to kill them?"

"Yes." Jason answers instantly. "Their ribs are the weakest point, thrust your sword in either side of their body and you'll manage to inflict a fatal hit. And remember, do not get bitten no matter what, or you'll have a really hard time today.."

"Very well then. Mmm do I try killing them both?"

"No, I'll go with you. Focus the one on the right."

We both slowly walked towards the Dilos, until we're finally right behind them. As Jason said, they are now drinking from the river, unaware of our presence. I unsheathed my blade and waited for Jason's signal. If everything is done right, this will end in a matter of seconds.

With his hand, Jason started counting down from five..





We both jump forward surprising the small creatures, and I thrust my sword into the sides of my target. I can feel my sword cutting through the flesh of the Dilo, until not being able to push the blade any further in it.

The Dilo screams in pain for a few seconds, flopping around on the ground like a fish out of the water. And then, he stopped. I did it, I successfully killed a dinosaur with a sword!

"Next time, try aiming a bit higher on his body, if you hit the heart it will die instantly."

Jason said while examining my target's corpse.

Realizing Jason hadn't used his knife to kill, I question him:

"Wait, how did you kill yours?"

"I snapped his neck."

Oh... I guess that can work as well, but I don't have enough muscles for that.

"So, what do we do with them now? Do we skin them and take the meat? My bag is pretty much empty."

"Not here, if we take them back to the village we can extract the venom and only then they'd be alright to eat."

"I see, they are poisonous after all."

"Actually, let's do something else with them. Kid, I'll now teach you how to easily hunt Raptors."