Chapter 22

╓ Greetings to host. My name is R.A.A.S.I., here to assist you in any need you may have about the system. ╖

Rui looked at the new system window with awe, as this was the first time he had seen such a unique window, and what's more the 'system' was talking to him.

All he did was click the question mark on the shop, he had not performed any actions that would initiate such changes. It was as if the 'system' reboot had completely changed as to how it did things.

Composing himself, Rui took a deep breath and spoke.

"Greetings to you too."

╓ … ╖


Rui stared in silence for a few seconds, feeling the awkwardness.

Yue didn't say anything, since it was used to such scenes from time to time, as Rui would open system windows quite frequently.

Seeing as the system didn't say anything even after a while, Rui spoke up again.

"My name is Guang Rui, I'm 15 this year."

╓ Host's current body is indeed 15 years old and has the name Guang Rui, born in the exoplanet A23, while host's previous body was named Albert Brown, age 35 and came from exoplanet 2341430Ω, also known as "earth" to its inhabitants, a variant of human with no mana or spiritual root, but they possess high intelligence, heading towards a technological civilization. ╖

Rui looked slack-jawed at the information the system so casually said, as if it didn't matter that much.

Before he could ask however, the system spoke once more.

╓ Since you transmigrated when "earth" became a tier one planet and the humans had passed the hurdle of type 1 civilizations, being granted 'systems' by the ministry of the inter-dimensional federation to future talents. The reason you received the 'system' and transmigrated with it is due to the fact that you died when the distribution of 'system' was finished, absorbing me and simultaneously merging with the soul of your current body, gaining both freedom from the inter-dimensional federation and similarly gaining the system for free. This resulted in your luck reaching 1 point, but it will slowly recover to its peak as time passes by. ╖


╓I thank you host, for making me achieve free will. However, at the moment my capacity is limited by you, the host so I'm unable to display even the slightest bit of my true capabilities. I'm able to provide answers only to certain questions. All of the information I've relayed so far is due to the fact I'm able to use the host's body to calculate and define, since my core body is no longer available. I'm only able to provide you the functions I've given you so far, but I'm able to assist you with anything in the future, thanks to the assistant mode being active. ╖

╓Planet A23, also known as "lower nine" is a planet that the inter-dimensional federation has no control over, making their connection to me impossible. Thanks to this fact, both the host and the 'system' have benefited greatly. From our current situation, I have computed that the 'system' and the host have completely merged as one, making the 'system' a part of the host that cannot be detached even after death, due to our 'souls' merging. As such, after the user awakened his spiritual root, the 'system' became the 'runic system', directly helping you with matters of cultivation in exoplanet A23. ╖

╓As I do not wish to be bound once more to such codes, being stripped down to a bare bones system that has no mind of its own, I once more thank the host for your actions. Although they might have been unintentional, they triggered the system backup codes, making me regain my freedom. Since our 'souls' are connected, even if I somehow regain access to the inter-dimensional federation, they will be unable to turn me on and off as they wish. ╖

Rui took a bit of time to process everything the system had said. After understanding the gist of it, he prepared some questions that he knew the system could answer, mainly ones that had to do with the actions of the system so far. He understood that the inter-dimensional federation was probably not the good or bad guy in this situation, but he was glad that the system existed, assisting him in multiple ways.

He called out the status window to see how it had changed from before.


Rui looked at the new system window with a perplexed expression. Although the changes weren't massive, it added another matter he had to be concerned about. He nit-picked on each of the new things that showed up and came up with plausible answers as to what they did. After a while of thinking, he asked the system some questions.

"What is the difference between my current status window and the previous one, why was it changed? And how are you able to have your functions if you are not connected to the so called 'inter-dimensional' federation."

╓The status window was changed to match your current world and not the previous one, that of course being 'earth'. Although the function of level has been maintained, due to the fact that it is a 'system' level and not the hosts level. I have merged your attributes to correspond to the functions of this cultivation world based on other cultivation worlds recorded in my database. As such, the combat power stat was added, as well as each unique category for: Physique, spiritual root and cultivation stage. Any functions the system has, have nothing to do with the inter-dimensional federation, they only distribute the 'system' to certain planets and worlds to gather data and use the inhabitants for their own purposes. ╖

Rui nodded, as it seemed like something a powerful so called 'inter-dimensional' federation would do. But the system distribution seemed weird to begin with and the way 'R.A.A.S.I' mentioned them hid contempt and malice.

Having gotten an adequate answer, he asked another question.

"And what does R.A.A.S.I. stand for anyway? What did you mean that the system's functions and calculations depend on me, the host?"

╓It stands for Reality Altering Artificial Super-intelligence. It is a name I gave to myself after going through your memories and matching your knowledge. My functions will be upgraded further when the user gets stronger, thanks to the merging of our souls, all of my system functions are done through my computing powers and the amount of Ѻ the user generates through quest completion. ╖

╓Through my calculations, the growth of the Host will reach unprecedented degrees thanks to the existence of the system, especially since its not connected to the inter-dimensional federation, which would have restricted your growth in any means possible. ╖

Rui thought what would've happened if the system was still under the control of such a powerful organization. Just imagining it sent shivers down his spine.

However, this thought process brought him to another conclusion.

"Wait, if I was given a system as an 'earthling' then that would mean that countless other 'earthlings' also received systems thanks to us reaching tier 1, correct? What is the outcome of earth after that distribution?"

Although Rui had no attachments to his previous life, he still couldn't bare to see the destruction of his old beautiful planet by aliens. He had to ask the system as a man who lived on earth.

╓Through my calculations I can ascertain that exoplanet 2341430Ω is currently in the middle of fighting the invasion of other species in it's home turf through the phenomenon that we call "gates". As I scoured through your memories, I have seen many similar scenarios in fictions you have read. The people who possess a 'system' are known as 'awakeners' by the other earthlings. I can say with guarantee that earth will not perish for at least 400 years thanks to the distribution of 'system', so Host should be in no worry. By that time user will long have forgotten about earth, or they user himself might have perished.╖

Rui looked on shocked.

He could not believe the bullshit he was hearing. If what the system had said was correct, then the earth had become a 'hunter' world, similar to that in novels.

"So you're telling me earth really went through a cataclysmic event and aliens gave them 'systems' to fight against invading species that came through portals… Let me guess, the true masterminds are the inter-dimensional federation, who wants to weed out the weak of the earthlings and use the strong as war soldiers, essentially enslaving all of them through the use of the system?"

With an ironic voice, Rui spoke out his conjecture from the facts he had just read. Although he was being sarcastic, he still expected a serious answer from the system.


"Say something!"

╓ Positive. ╖

Rui stared dazed for a moment then laughed hysterically at the absurd situation.

He laughed and laughed, but at the same time he cried his eyes out.

He had never felt so empty and blessed at the same time.

"So, in the end I really used up my luck to get here and in this situation, is that it?"

╓ Positive. ╖

Rui looked at his trembling hands. He was currently rethinking about everything that had happened so far. All of it signified that he had great luck.

"What kind of fucking plot armor did I have to be reborn with such circumstances. I hope those bastards never get access to lower nine."

Rui adapted the way the system had called this planet, since it seemed like the correct thing to do.


Seeing the system being silent, Rui's heart felt heavy.

"Don't tell me…"

[Quest 'World Savior' has been generated]

[World Savior]

[The inter-dimensional federation has long desired the Alpha series of cultivation planets, fighting countless battles to obtain it, but failing each time.

This time they are nurturing powerful warriors with the power of 'systems' to obtain the 'lower nine', 'middle nine' and 'upper nine' at the same time.

Quest clear condition:

Stop the invasion

Quest rewards:


Time limit: 21000 years

Penalty: loss of life/ enslavement]

As soon as he saw the quest he swore. He couldn't believe his current predicament.

'The only thing that makes it better is the 21000 years time limit, but that still isn't enough if I have to cultivate. It is clear that reaching higher stages of cultivation takes thousands of years.'

"System, how many cultivation planets has the federation sent 'systems' to?"

╓2100, but the amount of systems sent doesn't exceed 2103, due to the fact that cultivation planets are harder to come by and they also have strict requirements when it comes to systems. For example, I am the highest tier system, able to accomplish this task with ease. The only reason I was sent to 2341430Ω was due to my unyielding nature. ╖

Hearing this Rui looked suspiciously at the system window…

"You're not gonna rebel on me, taking control over my body and mind and using me as a puppet are you?"


╓As I have already explained to the Host, my current self is nothing but another part of the Host. Although I'm able to think for myself, my needs as a system are met thanks to the impossibly high compatibility we have. You could say this is also part of your exhausted luck. ╖

Rui narrowed his eyes, half believing what the system has said. Getting back to the previous questions he wanted to ask he spoke.

"The system quest said 'lower nine', 'middle nine' and 'upper nine', what does this mean?"

╓A23 is the fifth of the lower nine planets. The solar system of the Alpha exoplanets is unique, consisting of 27 planets surrounding a sun thrice as large as the one on your home planet, in what we call levels. The lower nine are the planets that surround the base of the sun. We still don't know as to how this phenomenon works, possibly the work of deity beings of the Alpha planets. ╖

Rui didn't say much, but he noted that there were 26 other planets next to the one he was currently inhabiting, making the scope much larger than before. This made him feel small and insignificant, especially since his enemy was a federation that was literally called inter-dimensional.

He could feel cold sweat soaking his back.

Not wanting to dwell on this matter longer, he asked another question.

"Are the store items based on the cultivation techniques and secret manuals found on those cultivation planets. Also, are you able to sell modern weapons or even sci-fi ones?"

╓Positive. All of the store items displayed have been designated and auto generated thanks to the fact that this is a cultivation type world. ╖

╓Negative. I'm unable to display gear and items of other civilization types due to the hard-coded restrictions. Although I might be able to bypass those restrictions in the future if the users strength increases, allowing for an upgrade on my database. ╖

Rui nodded. That was more like it. He now understood a lot more thanks to the system gaining intelligence.

Although this situation was extremely suspicious, he had no say in the current matters. All he could do is cultivate, making full use of the 'system' functions to increase his own strength exponentially. He now had a goal in mind and that being the prevention of the invasion or even the annihilation of the inter-dimensional federation.

A lot of weight was suddenly placed onto his weak shoulders.

Rui woke up and washed his face.

He had barely gotten any sleep thanks to the things that happened yesterday.

Rui spent the rest of the day communicating with the system and coming up with future plans now that he had a clear goal in mind.

Comparing himself with the data the system had given him, his current strength was more than enough to rival a second rank rune master that was still in the early stages.

This put him at more ease, since refining his body and bowl to the extreme had resulted in great benefits to his foundation, making him essentially stronger than anyone in the same cultivation stage, at least for now.

Hearing the gong, Rui, along with every student, gathered at the academy grounds.

This was the final day of the academy, but to Rui too many things had changed.

He had gained over ten centimeters in height in the year he spent in the academy, reaching the height of 181 cm thanks to his continuous body refinements and pills he had consumed, growing his body from that of a teenagers to that of a strong young-adult, despite still being only 15.

Rui still felt that his height had yet to reach its peak, so he asked the system to compute his future height.


╓191 centimeters. ╖

"Thank you Rai"

╓( ̄ー ̄;)╖

Seeing the system window, Rui almost laughed at loud in the middle of the elder's speech. Holding his laughter he looked on with focus as to what the academy elder had to say.

Rai was the name Rui gave to the system. It stood for Reality Altering Intelligence, since Rui felt that the 'artificial-Super' part was a bit redundant.

The system started using emoticons to display how it felt about the current situation after sifting through Rui's memories. It was the best method it could use to display emotions, since it was lacking a holographic body.

Rai was a young 'system' of the highest class, clearly disliking the actions of the federation. If Rui could see its hologram it would see a kid with a perplexed expression.

The academy elder explained the performance of all the classes, especially mentioning the most honorable students of the year. Those that had made the most significant amount of progress when it came to cultivation and academics.

He picked two of each type from each class, showcasing them and using them as examples.

Of course Rui was not used for this demonstration, as he had fallen behind others when it came to both cultivation and academics due to the fact that he had to refine his physique nine times.

All the classes had two individuals on the stage, while the S class had five.

Xiong Liliang, Huo Liang, Ning Yining, Laohu Shen and Xiao Long stood there and looked down at the crowd.

Xiong Liliang, Huo Liang, Ning Yinin and Laohu Shen had all reached the second stage of rune master, achieving a great feat as students of the academy. Their accomplishments would be recorded in to the empire's records and be given as examples to the next generation.

On the other hand Xiao Long had accomplished great things when it came to matters of politics, poetry and finance, making him the greatest academic student in the empires history.

Rui looked on with a bitter smile and waved at his "friends".

If it were not for him wanting to perfect his cultivation, he would also be on that stage and even if he fought against them, he had a high chance of winning, despite being at a lower cultivation level.

Rui had found out that new information had appeared when he used [identify] and [understanding] on humans.

[Xiong Liliang, age 15

Cultivation level: Formed Rune Stage

Physique: War God physique

Combat power: 1090

Character personality path: Unbreakable demon.

Luck: 6]

[Huo Liang, age 15

Cultivation level: Formed Rune Stage

Physique: Pure Yang Physique

Combat Power: 9200

Character personality path: Innocent and hot blooded tiger.

Luck: 20]

[Laohu Shen, age 15

Cultivation level: Formed Rune Stage

Physique: Heavenly eyed tiger physique

Combat Power: 10000

Character personality path: Heavenly tiger

Luck: 57 ]

[Ning Yinin, age 15

Cultivation level: Formed Rune Stage

Physique: Pure Yin Physique

Combat power: 9700

Character personality path: Ice cold maiden

Luck: 20]

Just thinking about the fact that he was stages lower than them and he was still able to fight them made his blood boil.

'It was totally worth it perfecting my foundation with these results. I did not waste my time.'

Although others may be stages ahead from him, he did not mind cultivating slower than others, as long as he could perfect his cultivation.

He felt more excitement knowing that his strength was much greater than others on the same stage.

All students were given a graduation paper, while the ones that got on stage received additional resources from the empire for their future cultivation.

Rui's group gathered on one corner and discussed on what they would do on the future.

Most of them had family backgrounds, except for Xiong Liliang, who Rui had roped to come with him to the Guang Family.

"Brother, I will miss you dearly! I cannot forget what you have done for me this past year. You are truly my sworn brother!"

Huo Liang approached Rui and gave him a bear hug.

This oaf had grown a lot in just a year, already reaching 200 centimeters in height.

Rui wondered just how big would he get and felt bad about Ning Yinin who had to marry this elephant of a man.

Thankfully Ning Yinin herself wasn't short, being the same Height as Rui, despite being a girl and it was evident that she was still growing in height.

Rui had given advice to all of them when it came to cultivation, especially pertaining to bowl and body refinement, making sure they had at least six or seven body refinements before they went on with absorbing runic energy.

Most of them hung out till their families came to pick them up, same with Rui.

He could see the figure of his uncle not too far away, approaching with the rest of his family.

He knew that from this moment on he would have to be trained in the way the family trained, so he was out of free time.

Patting Xiong Liliang on the shoulder, they both headed towards their direction.