Chapter 23

Rui, along with Liliang approached his family, who were waiting in anticipation.

He greeted them with a warm embrace, having missed them dearly.

His uncle, Daito had been scanning his body since earlier, clearly not understanding what he was doing in the academy, seemingly wasting his time in there.

On the other hand Liliang just stood there, awkwardly, not knowing what to do with the current situation.

Seeing him act this way, Rui pushed him close and introduced him to his family, especially his uncle.

He had already informed him about bringing a friend over to the ancestral house to train with him.

Rui had already labeled Liliang as his ally, making him owe a debt this early would make their relationship closer, as he had nowhere to go. Rui was giving him a chance to increase his strength and form a closer bond with each-other.

"This is Liliang. He is an orphan with great potential as a rune master, so I recommended him to the family as a guardian."

Liliang bowed in respect towards Rui's family.

This was the excuse Rui, along with his father and uncle, had come up with to deceive his younger brother and mother.

Although Rui was sure that Jian would awaken as a rune master, he couldn't explain as to how he knew to his uncle. As such, they decided to lie to them.

Of course, Liliang was informed about the family matters, so in reality, he was not putting up an act.

He indeed revered and respected Rui's family, as they were the true guardians behind the empire. They were the hidden edge of the royal family.

This was something that would make any young man who dreamt big to become fervent with just the mention of a hidden clan.

Of course, Liliang had to swear an oath much stronger than the one Rui had given, restricting him and binding him to the clan.

His mother accepted it without a shadow of a doubt and his little brother was too excited about Rui returning that he couldn't care less.

He had completely gotten used of the sword technique Rui had taught him and he was waiting for more with pleading eyes.

A year had passed and his height had increased, he was 13 this year. Unlike Rui who was an adult inside a teen's body, Jian was a true teen who grew up with a loving family.

He was still naive, but compared to teenagers on earth, he was far more mature. He only acted like an airhead when interacting with his family.

After all, both of them had received copious amounts of harassment by others, and even trained daily just to be able to fight back.

Jian had one passion in his life and that was swinging the sword for hours. He found it fun and felt himself free every time he did so.

Rui looked at him, knowing full well that his little brother was a sword fanatic. He glanced towards his uncle and gave him a signal.

Communicating with his family and uncle was something Rui had done regularly through letters. However, most of the time his uncle came to visit himself. The last time he came to the academy was a month ago, to inform the crown prince of court matters.

He was a messenger but also a rune master trained for war.

That was the art the Guang family taught.

His uncle smiled and nodded, calming down Jian by giving him a training manual for another sword technique of the clan.

Of course, he did so without even signing a contract, as Jian was a unique case even inside their family. Even the family head agreed to give him any techniques he required with no restrictions.

He was the only one in the family born with red eyes, while the rest were born with blue eyes.

Red eyes had a deep meaning in the Guang family.

Having exchanged greetings, his father made the suggestion to return to the family tavern.

Having eaten a hearty meal, Rui, Liliang, his father and uncle headed upstairs to discuss some matters.

Although Guang Ryuji was not a rune master, he still participated in the conversation, as a member of the Guang family.

The first to speak was Daito, who looked at Rui with a perplexed gaze.

"Why are you only at the initial energy gathering stage? With your talent, you should have easily entered at least peak energy gathering stage and even formed the rune. But you're nowhere near what you should be. Even Liliang here formed his rune, while having lower cultivation talent than you. Did you give up half way?"

He was angry and disappointed, having already assumed that Rui had given up half way, putting in a minuscule amount of effort.

Since he frequently visited, he already knew that Rui spent a lot of time in the training grounds, but he didn't put much thought on the progress of his cultivation, believing that Rui would do his best.

Rui smiled bitterly, but didn't speak.

The only way his uncle would understand was through action. He got up and headed towards the kitchen area, pulling out a knife from the rack.

This was a knife made for cutting meat, being extremely sharp, sharp enough to even damage the skin of rune masters with ease.

Daito looked at this scene and didn't say much. He only waited to see as to what Rui would do.

Rui sat down once more and with strength stabbed the knife at his leg.

Both Liliang and Ryuji tried to stop him, but his action was way too swift.

They waited for the worse, awaiting blood to spill out, however nothing happened.

Looking at what was supposed to be a well sharpened knife, they gaped.

Rui had refined his physique ten times. It was a feat that even the system had to record and send to the inter-dimensional data base. Not only was his physique incredibly resilient, unless the weapon was coated with runic energy, it was impossible to damage him in any way. He possessed resistance to the cold and heat, at the same time gaining greater capacity to his bowl, as the body and bowl were connected.

The knifes tip was completely crooked, becoming duller than a spoon. It could not even be called a knife at the state it was in, more like scrap metal.

Daito looked at the result and frowned.

After a bit of thinking, he asked.

"How many body refinements did you perform? At least eight right?"

Both Liliang and Ryuiji looked stunned at Rui, who nodded his head like it was nothing.

"To be exact, I completed nine body refinements and achieved a supreme bowl, so that's why I am still in the initial energy gathering stage. I also upgraded my physique to the perfect heavenly Rune physique."

Rui undermined his progress quite a bit, completely lowering the stage of each of his progressions. It was something he had to do, since the feats he had truly achieved were impossible normally. Only with the assistance of the system was he able to reach the stage he was currently in.

Daito listened carefully and didn't speak for a few minutes.

Silence ensued as both Liliang's and Daito's expressions suddenly turned to shock.

Ryuji had no in-depth knowledge of cultivation, so he had no idea as to how great a feat Rui had completed, but he could guess from his brother's reaction that it was something unfathomable.

"Let aside the fact that you refined your physique nine times, but you also achieved the supreme bowl? How is that possible! How did you even do that, the method was lost millions of years ago! We got to tell this to the clan elders!"

Daito was shaking in excitement, but Rui couldn't help but shake his head. This was not something that could be taught that easily. Sure he could teach the method of a perfect bowl, just like he had done to Liliang, but that was the limit.

Liliang had completed seven body refinements and a perfect bowl before he continued his cultivation, just like Huo Liang and Ning Yinin.

Rui didn't want to see them fall behind in the future, so he taught them in private as to how to achieve the perfect bowl. Body refinement was straightforward after all.

"Uncle, I don't think I can explain how to do it. At most I can speak out the method I used, but I taught that same method to Liliang and a few others, but they were unable to do it."

Daito's excitement died down after hearing that, but it suddenly resurged once again.

"Well that doesn't matter. At least now I understand why you are only in that cultivation stage. What's more, you said you upgraded your physique to the perfect heavenly rune physique, is that true?"

Rui nodded.

"That's great. Upgrades to your physique are hard to chance upon so you're quite lucky. I guess it might have been an aftermath of you reaching both a supreme bowl and a ninth body refinement. Tomorrow we will head towards the clan home, so prepare quite well you two."

Saying so, he disappeared from the spot.

Being used to it, Rui didn't say much and spoke to the surprised Liliang.

"Liliang, make sure to take all your stuff, since we don't know how long our training will take."

Liliang nodded and headed downstairs, to collect his stuff.

Rui spent some time to chat with his father.

It had been a while since they last had such a deep conversation. The family tavern was running perfectly fine even in Rui's absence.

Rui was only 15, but his father felt that he matured way too quickly. Becoming a rune master was after all a matter that would change anyone's life.

Thankfully their family had the background to take care of him in the future and suppressing the aftermath of letting him awaken in public.

"Father, I don't want you to worry about me. You should focus on Jian and mom for the time being, just trust on uncle and the rest."

Ryuji smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"My son, do you know why you were named Rui?"

Rui shook his head, clearly not knowing the meaning of his name.

"It means lucky, because when we had you, everything went perfectly. Our business was booming, the crops yielded were greater, the weather was perfect. It was as if your presence alone had given us the perfect days."

Ryuji laughed out loud, tiers threatening to spill out of his eyes.

"To think that small and vulnerable child that I held in my arms has grown to such a fine young man. You are only 15 and yet you have reached my height. Our genes our truly powerful aren't they."

He said with a sarcastic voice. He was feeling discontented with his current life.

After Daito unsealed his memories, Ryuji remembered his youth and the hope he had of awakening. He too wanted to become a rune master, but it was impossible.

Perhaps due to his lack of aspirations, he married early and had children that he hoped would complete his own dreams.

"It must be great being a cultivator. Too bad its impossible for me to become one, but still, at least my son is living out my dream."

Rui could understand the feelings his father was expressing at the moment and he smiled bitterly.

There truly was nothing he could do.

At least as an individual that is.


He whispered.

╓At your service, Host.╖

"Can a normal individual awaken as a rune master? Is it possible to make my father a cultivator?"

╓ Scanning through data ╖

╓ Calculating ╖

╓ It is indeed possible for a normal individual to awaken their spiritual roots, as long as they are born in a cultivation world, since the human body innately possesses one. ╖

Rui's eyes widened in disbelief.

"And how would we do that?"

╓ It is quite simple, all it requires is a catalyst to activate the sleeping spiritual root and since the cultivators here use runic energy, it is possible to awaken one with a high quality runic energy catalyst, but of course the roots themselves will be of the lowest quality, since they didn't awaken normally. ╖

Rui swallowed his saliva and asked once more.

"How powerful of a catalyst?"

╓Its not about power, but quality and quantity. You may use [understanding] and [identify] on the individual, it will help with the data I require to calculate. ╖

Rui nodded and proceeded to use his skills.

[Guang Ryuji, Age 33

Cultivation level: Sealed (earth grade spiritual roots)

Physique: Demon refining physique

Character personality path: wise merchant

Luck: 5 +(52)sealed

Curse: Fate Sealing ]

Rui almost jumped in shocked, as his father looked at him with a perplexed gaze, as he was acting like he saw a ghost.

In reality, Rui felt like he was looking at a ghost.

His father too was not normal.

It was a wonder as to how he did not awaken his spiritual roots with that sort of physique and luck, but the final tab made the situation more understandable.

A curse.

He told his father everything was fine and calmed down, comprehending what he had just seen.

'The demon refining physique, also known as the demon devouring physique is an extreme rank physique, similar to the heavenly rune physique. It absorbs the energy of demons and beasts alike, refining it and making it their own. It is an extremely coveted physique. However, why would father have a curse on him.'


╓ It seems like a curse that has been placed a long time ago, possibly near the time your father was about to awaken. It has gone unnoticed due to the fact that it is not powerful enough, nor is it life threatening, merely sealing his spiritual root but at the same time sealing his fate. ╖

"Is it possible to remove?"

╓ It needs a powerful individual to disperse the demonic energy that is locking his meridians, dantian and spiritual root. ╖

Rui nodded and headed downstairs to call for his uncle, leaving his father feeling anxious.

Going down, he found his uncle drinking out of a gourd while playing with a pendant.

Seeing him approach, Daito waved at Rui with a grin, which soon faded after seeing Rui's serious expression.

"What's the matter?"

"Come upstairs, I need to tell you something."

Daito nodded and followed.

Ryuji stood there in silence and felt awkward, being left alone while expressing his true feelings to his son, who reacted in a bizarre manner, even mumbling to himself some gibberish.

Seeing his son return with his older brother, Ryuji felt more puzzled.

'Just what is my son thinking?'

"Father, I have something serious to talk about. Firstly, Uncle, please release a barrier to stop any eavesdropping."

Daito didn't say anything and just chanted, instantly surrounding the area in a translucent barrier.

"Uncle, you do remember the ability I used on you the last time, correct?"

Daito nodded. He could still feel Rui's gaze from that day.

"It is indeed a great innate ability, especially for the work of our family. So, what about it?"

"I recently upgraded it and I'm able to peer in far more things. I used it on father earlier and found something quite suspicious."

Daito frowned and used his own skills on Ryuji.

Ryuji stood there wondering about what was going on, clearly not feeling anything from the gazes directed at him.

After Daito finished scanning, he found nothing out of the ordinary.

He looked at Rui and waited for a more detailed explanation.

"Please get close to dad and scan his meridians, dantian and spiritual root."

Hearing what Rui said, Daito's pupils suddenly shrank and he rushed over to check on Ryuji's condition. He didn't know how Rui knew of the spiritual root, since it would only be used when someone reached a higher stage of cultivation, but he didn't question it.

Anything related to those three was life threatening, so he was anxious to check if anything was wrong with his little brother.

He gushed in energy to check every nook and cranny of his body.

Suddenly he stopped his probing and swore.


'Demonic energy, there really is demonic energy sealing his spiritual root, and what's more its infected his meridians and dantian as well. Just how long has this been there?'

"Rui, just what did you find out?"

"Its a curse. More specifically a fate sealing curse."

"A fate sealing curse? How did that thing get there? Who would do such a thing?"

"The only thing that could have made someone curse father is his physique."

"His physique? Just how powerful did that ability of yours become to know the physique of even a mortal?"

Daito Looked flabbergasted, almost forgetting the current situation.

"Fuck, what sort of physique does he possess!?"

"The demon refining physique!"


Daito couldn't believe what he was hearing. If his brother really possessed the demon refining physique, then they literally wasted the early years of such a talent. Thankfully the fate sealing curse would suppress any energy, so a runic explosion didn't happen.

"Ryuji, you are coming with us tomorrow, you bring little Jian and your wife as well. Rui, use that ability of yours on the two of them as well, we have to be sure that they are unaffected."

Rui nodded and headed downstairs, passing through the membrane like barrier.

Ryuji looked at this scene in confusion.

Daito grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him left to right in excitement.

"Brother, don't you understand the situation yet? You will awaken as a rune master after the curse is lifted. You can finally live your dream!"

Ryuji shook slightly, clenching his two fists tightly, trying not to shed tears.

"Big brother, is it really happening, after all these years, after all the things we tried. I had long given up and decided to settle down and become a small tavern owner, but now you are telling me there is still a chance. How am I supposed to feel about this now."

He could no longer hold his tears and sobbed with all his heart.

Daito hugged him, consoling his suffering brother.

Rui came down the stairs and glanced at his little brother and mother, using both of his skills.

[Guang Ya, Age 31

Cultivation Level: None (mortal spiritual root)

Physique: Mortal

Character personality path: Caring Housewife

Luck: 50 ]

[Guang Jian, Age 13

Cultivation Level: Invalid (archaic Spiritual root)

Physique: Sword God physique

Character personality path: Pure swordsman

Luck: 70 ]

Rui's eyes widened. There was clearly nothing wrong with the two of them, but just looking at the luck made him flabbergasted.

What's more his brother had an archaic spiritual root and a physique he had never heard of before.

His mother on the other hand was a true mortal, through and through, possessing both a mortal body and spiritual root. No wonder his luck was so immensely high, having two incredibly talented sons and husband belonging to a hidden clan.

It could be said to be fate.

Rui made up his mind to awaken both his father and mother, so that they could live much longer.

You can read the chapters in more detail, on the RoyalRoad page.