Chapter 35

The life of a runic beast was extremely simple, with its normal daily routine consisting of resting and hunting.

Since most runic beasts didn't have intelligence at the level of humans, they acted purely on instinct.

However, that was only the case for runic beasts of the fourth stage and below.

After the fourth stage, the runic beasts would obtain consciousness, becoming fully aware and creating techniques and fighting methods for their own use.

Even though the fourth stage was the minimum stage for consciousness, there were some outliers, such as mythical beasts like the three-legged golden crow.

Sunny was a runic beast with the intelligence of a five-year-old child. It had the ability to understand human speech when it was born, while at the same time possessing innate skills in its bloodline.

Unlike other beasts that had to cultivate to the fourth stage and, through sheer luck, develop consciousness, Sunny had innate memories and a strong consciousness as soon as it was born.

As Rui had spent over six months trying to find his attribute, Sunny had been studying the craters with the fire element.

Since the three-legged golden crow was a beast that signified the sun, the attribute it possessed was fire in its purest form, which could also be called Yang.

Just from studying the countless marks from the fire attribute attacks of these cultivators, its cultivation had risen by a level, reaching the second rank of runic beasts in a short period of time and at the same time comprehending countless methods to use its fire.

Sunny currently had its eyes closed and was meditating while its wing rested on top of a crater.

The crater was incredibly wide, probably the widest crater in the wall. Although the damage wasn't deep, the width signified that this was a large-area attack that was quite powerful.

After meditating on it for a few hours, Sunny opened its eyes and looked at its master.

Rui was currently sitting in midair, supported only by a platform that he had anchored to the walls, constantly maintaining contact with the deep cavity in the wall.

His eyes were tightly shut as sweat constantly poured from his body, soaking his robes.

A few days had passed since he found the attribute that he was aligned with, but he first finished the remaining craters before proceeding with understanding the only one he could.

Rui understood after a while what sort of attribute it was.

'Space and Time... No wonder I was unable to find my elemental affinity...'

He had confirmed his suspicions with the help of the system, identifying the weird energy as spatial fluctuations.

The Space attribute was almost never seen and confirming it was incredibly hard or even impossible. Unless a rank 8 rune master personally tested your attribute, it would be impossible to find your alignment with it.

As for the Time attribute, Rui had found that after understanding a bit of the crater, he could see changes in the constant of time, and the realm further enhanced that feeling, confirming his compatibility with the Time attribute.

The Time attribute was even harder to confirm, and almost no cultivator had ever been seen wielding it except for those of the ninth rank, but at that point it was no longer an attribute but the understanding of a law.

Laws were fundamentally different from attributes. Attributes were innate to a person, but laws were the rules that contributed to the creation of the universe and the fabric of space and time that kept everything together.

It was also known as the highest level of energy one could wield.

Rui had only come into contact with this information after he browsed through countless books and asked his elders. Hints about this power can be seen in countless cultivation methods and scriptures.

Rui opened his bloodshot eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"It's been close to seven months since I started searching and meditating on the attributes; I wonder how much time has passed outside." Rui muttered to himself.

╓ Exactly 48 Hours have passed outside. ╖

RAI's mechanical voice sounded inside Rui's head, informing him about the passage of time.

Rui opened his mouth in disbelief as the time difference had become larger than before.

Having comprehended enough of his attributes for the time being, he got up and inspected his appearance, smiling bitterly.

He had grown a small stubble, with his hair reaching his ankles.

He couldn't help but sigh with disbelief at the rapid growth of his hair and lament the slow growth of his facial hair.

Before his reincarnation, he was quite a hairy individual, having a full beard by the time he was 18, but now he seemed like a tender kid with extremely feminine features.

Even the small stubble on his chin didn't change that fact, but he didn't dislike it.

'Who would hate being this handsome and beautiful?'

He thought to himself, shaking his head soon after from such egotistical thoughts.

Sunny had long finished meditating and was looking at Rui with confusion as he was shaking his head and muttering to himself.

Rui, feeling a gaze on his body, turned around and greeted his faithful companion. Sunny had grown rapidly in this period of time, not only strength-wise but also in size. His black feathers now had a golden glow to them.

Since Sunny was a three-legged golden crow, his size would increase drastically with each subsequent advancement.

Rui smiled warmly at Sunny and walked over to him, gently stroking his feathers.

"You've grown so much, my friend; we've both made progress during these months of solitude.""

He said so affectionately. Sunny wasn't just a pet, but a friend.

Sunny let out a low caw, expressing his contentment and loyalty. As an intelligent runic beast, he understood Rui's words and cherished their bond.

Rui's focus soon shifted to the vast expanse of craters on the wall. The understanding of his spatial and time attributes had given him a new perspective on their purpose. These craters were not just random formations but rather strategically placed elemental attacks.

Each and every single one of these craters represented an elemental attribute's effects when used in tandem with techniques. Just glancing at the countless craters, one would feel a sense of awe.

Rui knew that to complete this stage, he had to first understand his attribute, comprehend it, and then use it to leave a mark on the wall.

This wasn't an easy feat, however, and Rui understood it well. Just the time required to reach a decent understanding of his attributes had taken him a month. Normally, if he had a common attribute, he would already be done with the test, but now things had become complicated.

Implementation of elemental attributes in attacks usually requires at least the third stage, the rune core stage. Runic cores were different from the "bowl," which was created in the process of advancing from the first stage to the second stage, the rune sea stage.

To advance to the third stage, it would require one to possess a vast amount of runic energy and convert said runic energy into a runic sea in their dantian, surrounding the bowl/rune.

Knowing this, Rui asked R.A.I. a question.

"Is it even possible for me to complete this stage with my current power? I don't have the runic energy needed to even construct a proper attributed attack with my elemental attribute of space, let alone the attribute of time."

A system window floated in front of him at that moment, responding to his question.

╓ Completing this stage solely with your current power would indeed be challenging. Your runic energy is insufficient to construct a fully attributed attack. However, there might be alternative methods to overcome this obstacle. Would you like me to provide suggestions? ╖

Rui pondered for a moment, considering his options. Despite the limitations, he was determined to complete this stage and advance further in his cultivation.

"Yes, R.A.I. Please provide me with any suggestions or alternative approaches I can take to overcome this challenge. I know that using [Sun Cutter] won't work since it uses armament powers and not actual attributes."

Rui replied, his voice filled with determination. If it were possible to pass this test by using an artifact or armament, then many people would have already gotten higher-grade badges. There was a reason this place was called a test realm.

╓ One potential approach is to harness the synergy between your space and time attributes. As your comprehension of both attributes deepens, you might be able to create a unique fusion technique that maximizes their combined effects. This technique would leverage spatial fluctuations and temporal manipulation to enhance the power and efficiency of your attacks. ╖

Rui's eyes sparkled with excitement upon hearing the suggestion. The concept of combining his attributes and creating a fusion technique intrigued him. He realized that this approach could potentially compensate for his lack of runic energy by amplifying the impact of each attack.

"I see. So, if I can master the fusion technique, I can create attacks that surpass the limits of my current power. How should I proceed?"

Rui inquired, eager to explore this new path.

╓ To develop a fusion technique, you must deepen your understanding of both attributes and their interactions. Start by analyzing the crater and its corresponding effects. Study the patterns and observe how the spatial fluctuations and temporal changes intertwine. Experiment with small-scale attacks, gradually increasing their complexity and power. Through trial and error, you will refine your technique and reach a breakthrough. ╖

Rui nodded, absorbing the guidance provided by R.A.I. He turned his gaze towards the craters once again, his mind focused on deciphering their secrets.

Days turned into weeks as Rui delved deeper into the study of his attributes. He meticulously observed the space-time attribute crater, trying to understand it to the best of his abilities.

He used his [Understanding] skill along with [Parallel thinking], even triggering a full immersion multiple times. Through this process, he was able to use the attributes in small amounts.

At first, the results were modest. The fusion of spatial and temporal energies was challenging to control, often resulting in unstable and unpredictable outcomes. However, Rui persevered, fueled by his determination and the unwavering support of Sunny.

As time passed, Rui's proficiency in manipulating his attributes improved. He learned to harmonize the spatial fluctuations with precise timing, exploiting the temporal changes to enhance the impact of his attacks. Slowly but surely, he began to create more cohesive and powerful fusion techniques.

In this trance-like state, Rui had completely forgotten about time, giving his all to mastering the fusion of his attributes.

Rui didn't know how long it had been, but one thing was sure: it had been a long time.

His hair had grown incredibly long, dragging along behind him as he navigated the wall with ease without using any supports or runic energy.

His bloodshot eyes were barely kept open, and he had lost a lot of weight from constantly using his energy. His emaciated figure was lost in a trance-like state; his eyes hazed over as he muttered from time to time, constantly jotting things down using his finger and a small amount of runic energy, engraving them on the wall.

The only thing that could be damaged in this place was the wall, which contained the craters, and Rui had used his attribute fusion to slowly carve out a runic hex on its surface.

He had figured out that it was impossible for him to create an attack like the other rune masters before him, so he decided to approach it in an unconventional way.

Using his two attributes, he turned the entire wall into an array after countless hours of studying.

Sunny, who had been so far observing his master from afar, was anxious for his well-being but didn't stop Rui from pursuing his goal.

As Rui etched the intricate runic hex on the wall, he could feel the immense power resonating within it. The fusion of his spatial and time attributes had transformed the wall into a formidable array, pulsating with energy.

With the completion of the runic hex, a surge of vitality coursed through Rui's weary body. He slowly stepped back, taking in the sight before him. The wall, once covered in countless craters, now radiated a mesmerizing glow.

The array he had created held the essence of his fusion technique, capable of channeling the combined might of his space and time attributes. It was a manifestation of his perseverance and ingenuity.

Sunny hopped closer, sensing the transformation that had taken place. The runic beast's golden feathers shimmered in the radiant light emitted by the array. With an approving caw, Sunny expressed his admiration for Rui's accomplishment.

Rui couldn't help but smile, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. He knew that this array was not just a testament to his own growth but also a valuable tool that could aid him in future battles.

Waving his long fingers, Rui began chanting, the runic array lighting up in response.

In an instant, massive pressure enveloped the room, creating a giant yet shallow dent on the massive wall, which even overshadowed the other attributes.

At that moment, the sound of a system chime was heard inside Rui's head, prompting him to look at the newly appearing window.

[Quest 'Fusion' has been completed.]

[Distributing rewards]

[An item has been added to your inventory.]

Rui's heart raced with anticipation as he read the notification from the system. He quickly opened his inventory, eager to see what reward he had obtained for completing the quest.

He had obtained this quest when he performed his first fusion, although it was still imperfect at the time. Browsing through his inventory, he found the new item. It was a small and intricately carved jade pendant. The pendant emanated a faint glow, pulsating with energy. Rui carefully held it in his hand, feeling its warmth and resonance with his own energy.

Using his [Understanding] and [Identify] skills, he was able to understand the pendant's functions.

[Pendant of Harmonious Fusion]

[An item generated based on the cultivation world "Tian Kong".

A relic infused with the essence of spatial and temporal harmony. It enhances the wielder's control over fusion techniques and grants temporary boosts to their power.]

Looking at the pendant's functions, Rui smiled. He knew that this pendant would be a valuable asset in his future cultivation and battles. With its assistance, he would be able to further refine his fusion techniques and push his limits.

As soon as Rui finished inspecting the pendant, the voice he had almost forgotten about spoke again.

﴾Participant has perfectly cleared the third test.﴿

﴾You will be given 300 minutes of rest time and a special reward for clearing the stage in a unique way.﴿


The timer began counting down as soon as the announcement finished.

Rui was taken aback when he heard he was going to be rewarded for clearing the stage, but before he could comprehend the situation, the room began changing rapidly, returning to its original shape.

The room was now back to a simple square, but it was at least twice the size of what it was initially due to Sunny's growth. It was now that the room had become small that Rui noticed his extremely long hair and emaciated appearance.

"R.A.I., how long has it been since I entered the realm? Both inside and outside."

Asked Rui, worried about the time.

╓ Inside the realm, you spent a total of 5 years and 2 months. Outside the realm, approximately 7 days have passed. ╖

Rui's eyes widened in astonishment as he absorbed the revelation. He couldn't believe that he had spent over five years immersed in his training and exploration of his attributes. It was a testament to the depth of his dedication and the power of the realm of fortitude.

Outside the realm, only a week had passed, meaning that the world continued to move forward while he was completely engrossed in his cultivation. It made him realize the immense value of the training opportunity he had been given.

This also made him realize how badly he had treated his body over the past five years. Waving his hand and muttering, he opened the system's inventory, instantly taking out high-quality pills and consuming them.

Soon, he felt the energy gushing through his body, prompting him to sit down cross-legged to absorb it slowly.

As Rui sat down cross-legged, he closed his eyes and focused on absorbing the energy from the pills. His body, weakened from years of intense cultivation, gradually regained its vitality. He could feel his strength returning and the fatigue and weariness dissipating with each passing moment.

Sunny, perched nearby, observed his master's recovery with satisfaction. The runic beast knew how taxing Rui's training had been and was relieved to see him finally taking care of his physical well-being.

As the energy circulated through Rui's body, he also took the opportunity to reflect on his accomplishments and experiences within the realm of fortitude. The five years he spent delving into the depths of his attributes had not been in vain. He had not only discovered the power of fusion but had also honed his skills and understanding of spatial and time attributes to a remarkable degree.

Rui called out the quest windows, remembering he still had two quests to complete in this realm.

[Realm Explorer]

[Realms are unique and obscure phenomenon that are either artificially created or naturally generated through unknown means. The Eastern Mountains sect gathering takes place in one of those unique Realms, known as the realm of fortitude.

Quest Clear Conditions:

Explore the Realm of Fortitude.

Quest Clear Rewards:

20000 Ѻ, [Explorer] Skill]

[Growth (1)]

[The three legged golden crow is a mythical creature that requires a vast amount of experience and treasures to mature into a true myth.

Quest Clear Conditions:

Upgrade beast companion "sunny"

Help beast companion obtain its "core"

Quest Clear Rewards:

Upgrade in Bloodline]

The realm explorer quest would be concluded after he finished all of his tests, while growth required Sunny to create a core. This meant that Sunny had to reach the third stage of runic beasts, becoming a runic spectral beast.

Rui recovered from his horrid state, even cutting his hair back to a manageable length. He knew that it would take more than just pills for his health to reach its peak, but for now, it was enough.

With a mix of satisfaction and anticipation, Rui turned his attention to the special reward promised for his unique approach to clearing the stage. He wondered what it could be and how it would further aid him on his cultivation journey.

The countdown slowly reached zero, and the room began changing.

As the room settled into its new configuration, a tall pyramid resembling the Mayan pyramids of earth appeared with a shimmering portal in the center. It emitted a soft, inviting light, drawing Rui's gaze. With a sense of curiosity and excitement, he approached the portal, with Sunny following closely behind.

Stepping through the portal, Rui found himself in a vast, serene landscape. It was a beautiful, ethereal realm filled with vibrant colors and calming energy. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and gentle breezes caressed his face.

Rui marveled at the tranquil surroundings; his heart was filled with a sense of peace. He knew instinctively that this was a sacred place, an oasis of serenity amidst the trials and challenges of cultivation.

In the distance, he spotted a figure approaching. As the figure drew nearer, Rui realized it was an elderly man dressed in flowing robes, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. The man exuded an aura of profound knowledge and authority. Unlike all the rune masters outside, the man didn't have a rune engraved on his forehead.

Rui was stunned at the appearance of a person here, since the realm of fortitude was known to not possess an owner, functioning autonomously for thousands of years. The appearance of one at this moment put him in a daze.

The elderly man approached Rui with a warm smile, his voice carrying a sense of gentle authority.

"Greetings, young cultivator. I am the Guardian of the Sacred Oasis, entrusted with guiding those who have achieved unique accomplishments within the realm of fortitude."

Rui bowed respectfully and responded.

"It is an honor to meet you, Guardian. I am Guang Rui, a cultivator on a journey of self-discovery and growth."

The Guardian nodded approvingly.

"Guang Rui, your dedication and ingenuity have caught the attention of the realm. You have unlocked the potential of fusion, a feat that few have achieved. As a reward for your unique approach to clearing the stage, you will be given this."

From within his robes, the guardian produced a small, intricately crafted box made of rare celestial wood. The box seemed to glow with a faint luminescence, indicating its extraordinary nature.

"This is the Celestial Spatial Compass," the Guardian explained. "It is a remarkable artifact that can help you navigate through the realms with greater ease and precision. It possesses the ability to detect spatial fluctuations and guide you to hidden pathways and treasures."

Rui's eyes widened in awe as he accepted the box from the Guardian. He could feel the faint hum of power emanating from the artifact, and he knew that it would be a valuable asset in his future endeavors.

"Thank you, sir."

Rui said sincerely.

The Guardian nodded, disappearing from the spot, and left Rui staring blankly at a familiar wall.

Without even understanding what had just transpired, Rui found himself back in the square room with Sunny, who also cawed in disbelief at the seamless transition.

Before Rui could even collect his thoughts, the realm's announcement sounded, signaling the start of the next test.

﴾Fourth test will now begin.﴿

﴾A change in the test has been applied due to the participant's achievements.﴿

﴾The "Library" will be manifested as the stage of the fourth test.﴿

﴾There is no specific requirement for this test.﴿

As the realm's announcement echoed through the room, Rui's attention was drawn to the sudden transformation taking place. The walls of the square room began to shift and expand, stretching outward in a mesmerizing display of spatial manipulation. The room seemed to unfold, revealing a vast expanse of shelves filled with countless books, scrolls, and ancient tomes.

The room had transformed into a magnificent library, its shelves stretching endlessly in every direction. The once modest space now extended far beyond what Rui's eyes could perceive. The shelves towered high above him, disappearing into the distant ceiling, while countless rows of books lined the floor, forming a seemingly infinite pathway.

The air within the library carried a distinct scent of old parchment and knowledge, evoking a sense of awe and wonder. The soft glow of ambient lighting bathed the library, casting a warm and inviting ambiance. It was a realm of knowledge and exploration, beckoning Rui to delve into its depths.

Rui and Sunny stood at the entrance of the library, gazing into the vast expanse before them. The sheer magnitude of the transformation left them momentarily speechless.