Chapter 36

As the assembly outside the gate of the realm of fortitude continued, the anticipation among the participating sects grew with each passing day. They eagerly awaited the emergence of the participants, eager to see the badges they would carry, which would serve as a testament to their achievements within the realm.

People with badges would be offered positions in renowned sects no matter the badge color, since even obtaining one was incredibly hard. Some participants who had failed had already exited the realm a few days ago, their faces gloomy.

As it had already been a week, one by one, participants started to exit the realm as they reached their testing limits. They emerged with badges of different colors, showcasing their accomplishments. The sects gathered around, observing the badges and whispering among themselves in hushed tones.

First, a participant appeared with a white badge, signifying the completion of the initial stages. The sects applauded politely, recognizing the effort put forth to overcome the challenges of the realm. Then, a few participants emerged with green badges, indicating further progress and improvement.

As time passed, participants with yellow, red, and blue badges began to emerge, their achievements impressing the onlookers. Speculation and excitement buzzed through the crowd as they wondered about the significance of the different colors and what awaited the participants inside the realm.

Meanwhile, Rui remained deep within the realm, completely isolated from the outside world. He had no knowledge of the other participants or their progress. For him, the realm of fortitude was a solitary journey of self-discovery and growth. He focused solely on overcoming the tests presented to him, unaware of the anticipation building outside the gate.

Inside the library, Rui and Sunny ventured further into the depths of knowledge. The shelves stretched endlessly in every direction, filled with books and scrolls waiting to be explored. Rui's eyes sparkled with excitement as he considered the vast wealth of information that lay before him.

He reached out and selected a book from the nearest shelf. The cover was weathered, bearing the marks of countless hands that had touched it over the ages. Opening it carefully, he tried reading the book, but the text was in a language he had no knowledge of.

Realizing this, he put the book down next to him and picked out another one, finding the same type of writing inside.

Frowning, he began flipping through a few dozen books, but with no luck. They were all written in this unique language, which meant that it was unreadable to the current him.

Rui, knowing that he couldn't read the text at the moment, did the next best thing.

"[Identify], [Understanding]"

As Rui activated his skills, the system window materialized before him, displaying the book's information. The text glowed with an ethereal light as the system's analysis unfolded.

[Ancient Script of Celestial Knowledge]

[A script pertaining to lost knowledge of the celestials.

The script is written in the Celestial Tongue, the language of the celestials.]

The information wasn't much, but it at least gave him solace in the language he had to understand before he could read these books. Rui had no knowledge of the Celestial Tongue since there were no records about it even inside his clan's library.

There was, however, one connection that came to mind just by its name.

His bloodline analysis results showed that it had already been a long time since then, but for Rui, it was like yesterday since those were the days of hope for him. Thinking of this, he told R.A.I. to open the bloodline window.

[Bloodline analysis.

Ancient human bloodline, 0.5% diluted

Runic human bloodline, 5% diluted

Unique ancestral bloodline: determined to be of 9th rank rune master lineage, 50% pure

Celestial bloodline, 25% clear

Ancient god bloodline, 15% pure

Uncertain bloodlines, 4.5%...]

Glancing at the bloodlines, the Celestial bloodline stood out like a sore thumb now that he had found something related to it.

Rui's heart raced with excitement as he discovered the connection between the Celestial Tongue and his own bloodline. The revelation opened up a world of possibilities and potential understanding. If his bloodline contained traces of celestial heritage, perhaps he possessed an innate affinity for the Celestial Tongue.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Rui focused his attention on the book once more. He traced his fingers along the ancient script, feeling a faint resonance between the text and his own celestial bloodline.

Drawing upon one's bloodline required you to possess an understanding of bloodline methods; thankfully, Rui already had a method like that and had further improved upon it.

Drawing upon his bloodline's latent power, Rui channeled a surge of energy into his mind, enhancing his perception and mental faculties using [Understanding] and [Parallel Thinking]. The Celestial Tongue, once incomprehensible, now seemed to dance before his eyes, the symbols coming alive with profound meaning.

As Rui immersed himself in the language, he began to decipher the Celestial script. The words flowed through his mind, each syllable resonating with a profound energy. He discovered that the Celestial Tongue carried not only literal meaning but also conveyed deeper insights and spiritual concepts.

The Ansuz rune on his forehead shone brighter than ever before, as if his interaction with the Celestial Tongue brought about a change.

Sunny, on the other hand, also tried to flip through some books, finding a totally different result from Rui. Surprisingly, inside the books he flipped through, there was no text, just visual diagrams of a runic beast similar to the three-legged golden crow.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Rui and Sunny dedicated themselves to the study of the Celestial Tongue and the weird diagrams.

They absorbed the wisdom contained within the books, gleaning profound insights into the nature of energy, the cosmos, and the cultivation arts.

With each passing day, Rui's understanding of the celestial language grew, and so did his power. He could feel the Celestial Bloodline within him resonating with the ancient knowledge he was acquiring. It was as if the Celestial Tongue served as a key, unlocking dormant potentials within his bloodline.

After finishing another book, he stopped to take a breather. Unlike before, he had taken better care of his body by using fasting pills and absorbing energy regularly. His complexion was healthy, and his long hair was styled properly.

Glancing around him, a mountain of books surrounded him, being the books he had read so far, but Rui had the feeling that even if he spent hundreds of years inside this library, he still wouldn't be able to read all the books inside it.

Sighing, he once again opened the bloodline analysis window, finding some changes.

[Bloodline analysis.

Ancient human bloodline, 0.5% diluted

Runic human bloodline, 5% diluted

Unique ancestral bloodline: determined to be of 9th rank rune master lineage, 50% pure

Celestial bloodline, 20% clear - 5% pure

Ancient god bloodline, 15% pure

Uncertain bloodlines, 4.5%...]

The change wasn't big, but even this small amount of change signified that the books actually had an effect not only on his mentality but also his bloodline. The things he had learned were theoretical and could not be applied to every-day activities, as if they were abstract rules of the world and he was learning their truth.

For now, he decided to purify his Celestial Bloodline to its fullest, turning it all pure.

Sunny, on the other hand, was undergoing a mysterious change. After going through hundreds of books, he experienced some sort of enlightenment and fell into a state of hibernation.


As Rui delved deeper into the knowledge of the Celestial Tongue, he discovered that it held a profound connection to the runic energy he had been cultivating for years. The intricate symbols and patterns of the Celestial script seemed to resonate with the runic energy coursing through his veins.

With this newfound understanding, Rui began to experiment with combining the power of the Celestial Tongue with runic energy. He devised a unique fighting technique that merged the precision and elegance of the Celestial language with the raw power of runic energy.

Rui named his technique "Rune Celestia."

Rune Celestia was a martial art that allowed Rui to channel his runic energy through the precise movements and gestures of the Celestial Tongue. By infusing his runic energy into the symbols and patterns formed by his hands and body, Rui could unleash devastating attacks with extraordinary precision.

A new technique bearing this name also appeared in the system, but it was vague, as if not yet fully created or understood.

The Sects outside the gate remained oblivious to Rui's progress and the unique path he was forging within the realm. They continued to speculate about the badges and the participants' achievements, unaware of the extraordinary potential that Rui possessed.

Back in the library, Rui spent countless hours perfecting his mastery of Rune Celestia. He trained relentlessly, refining his movements and pushing the limits of his runic energy. Every strike, every defensive maneuver, was executed with a harmonious blend of the Celestial Tongue and runic energy, showcasing the true power of his celestial bloodline.

As Rui delved further into the Celestial knowledge, he discovered that the Celestial Tongue contained not only martial techniques but also profound insights into the nature of existence. He uncovered ancient theories about the origins of the universe, the balance of energy, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Driven by his insatiable thirst for knowledge, Rui ventured beyond the realm of martial arts and explored the philosophical and metaphysical aspects of the Celestial Tongue. He sought to understand the deeper truths that lay hidden within the ancient script.

Through his studies, Rui began to comprehend the fundamental principles of the universe and the interplay of energies that governed it. He learned how to manipulate the flow of runic energy, harmonizing it with the cosmic forces described in the Celestial Tongue.

The combination of his celestial bloodline, runic energy, and knowledge of the Celestial Tongue gave Rui a unique advantage. He possessed a depth of understanding and a level of power that surpassed the conventional cultivation methods practiced by the sects outside the gate.

During this time, Sunny's appearance underwent a profound transformation. His once vibrant black feathers took on a shimmering iridescent hue, reflecting a spectrum of colors as if he embodied the essence of the celestial realm itself. His body seemed to emanate an ethereal energy, and his aura pulsated with an otherworldly glow.

As the months passed, Rui occasionally checked on Sunny, observing his companion's state of hibernation. Although curious, Rui respected Sunny's journey and allowed him to continue undisturbed, knowing that his friend was undergoing a profound transformation.

In the depths of his slumber, Sunny's consciousness expanded beyond the physical realm. He entered a realm of pure energy where the boundaries between time and space blurred. Celestial beings and ethereal landscapes unfolded before him, each more awe-inspiring than the last.

Guided by his instinct and the newfound understanding he gained from the runic diagrams, Sunny embarked on a journey of spiritual awakening. He traversed celestial planes, encountering ancient guardians and wise sages who imparted their wisdom upon him.

As Sunny's understanding deepened, he discovered a connection between the runic diagrams and his own innate abilities. The diagrams seemed to represent the fundamental forces of the universe, the intricate patterns that governed the flow of energy, and existence itself.

Unbeknownst to Rui and Sunny, the sects had been closely monitoring the participants' progress. They eagerly awaited the emergence of those who would prove themselves worthy of joining their ranks. However, as the days outside turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, no participant with a purple badge had yet to appear.

The purple badge was the highest achievement in the realm of fortitude, a testament to unparalleled strength and insight. Those who possessed it were destined for greatness, and sects would vie for their allegiance.

Little did they know that Rui, hidden away within the library, was steadily progressing towards the completion of the fourth test—the test that would earn him the coveted purple badge.

As Rui continued his solitary journey of self-discovery and growth, the anticipation outside the gate reached a fever pitch. The sects wondered who would be the first to emerge with a purple badge, unaware that Rui was on the cusp of achieving this remarkable feat and even going further than anyone before him.


After entering the Peasant's sect, Han Feng began giving to the people.

He went from a high and mighty individual with a big ego, a member of the Royal family with a diamond spoon, to a beggar begging on the streets on his own volition.

Although his appearance didn't change much, just by wearing tattered and dirty clothes, his whole vibe changed.

Especially when you added his long, disheveled white hair and bright blue eyes, he looked like an insane person.

Han Feng, like many other young members of the Peasant's Sect, also joined the assembly at the Eastern Mountains and entered the trial.

After finishing his eighth-body refinement, he began his advancement to the second stage, reaching it not too long after. He took things slow, not worried about his pace since all he had left was himself.

He knew that with a solid foundation, he could compare to other geniuses of his generation, and with eight body refinements, he could be considered to be at the peak of those geniuses, only lagging behind others with greater cultivation speed.

It was rare to see such a flip in personality in someone, but for Han Feng, a single mental breakdown was enough to completely change him. He became his own person, uncaring about anyone else. He was going down a demonic path, ready to claw at the world.

His rune, Laguz, the rune of water, gave him the versatility he needed. He was flexible, versatile, and ready to adapt to any situation, just like water.

His first test inside the realm was an underwater level that prompted him to find jade slips. After he acquired eight of them, he luckily realized that there were more by sheer chance and managed to find them all before accepting the stage's completion.

On his second stage, he experienced the same stairs as the academy, clearly showing his trauma, but he didn't waver in the slightest, even reaching the hundredth step despite the damage he had to endure.

The third stage was an attribute test, just like Rui's. His attributes were water and morph, an exclusive attribute that allowed him to transform his body. His test was done through a weird-looking sphere made out of elements, unlike Rui's wall of attacks.

And the fourth test was a giant empty hall with nothing in sight. Completely indestructible, completely silent, and completely devoid of anything except breathable air.

Han Feng could hear everything inside his body, from his blood gushing to even the smallest ticks he had.

As Han Feng stood in the vast, empty hall, he felt a sense of unease creep over him. The silence was deafening, and the absence of any visible challenge or obstacle made him question the purpose of this test. He knew that the realm of fortitude was designed to push participants to their limits, to test their resilience and determination, but this emptiness seemed to defy that purpose.

Gathering his thoughts, Han Feng recalled the teachings of the Peasant's Sect. They believed in the power of introspection and reflection. They emphasized the importance of understanding oneself—both strengths and weaknesses—and finding inner peace. Han Feng realized that this test might be more about inner growth and self-awareness than a physical challenge.

Taking a deep breath, Han Feng closed his eyes and focused his senses inward. He tuned in to the subtle movements of his own body, the rhythm of his heartbeat, and the flow of his breath. With each breath, he felt a calmness wash over him, as if he were merging with the stillness of the empty hall.

As he continued to delve deeper into his own being, he discovered a newfound clarity. He became acutely aware of his own emotions, fears, and doubts. The emptiness around him mirrored the void within himself, a place where insecurities and uncertainties resided.

Han Feng realized that true fortitude required not only physical strength but also mental and emotional resilience. To overcome the challenges of life, he needed to confront and conquer his inner demons. This empty hall symbolized the void he needed to fill with self-understanding, acceptance, and ultimately, strength.

In this moment of self-realization, Han Feng made a choice. He chose to embrace his past traumas and fears, confront them head-on, and emerge stronger. With his rune, Laguz, as his guide, he tapped into the power of water, the element of change and adaptation.

Visualizing a calm, serene lake within himself, Han Feng allowed his emotions and doubts to flow into the metaphorical water. He watched as ripples formed and faded, carrying away the negative energies. He realized that water was not only fluid and adaptable but also capable of eroding even the strongest of obstacles with persistence and patience.

As Han Feng embraced the power of water and connected with his inner strength, a profound transformation began to occur. His body shimmered with a faint blue aura as he underwent a physical change, his features becoming sharper and more defined. He had tapped into his Morph attribute, enhancing his body's adaptability and potential.

The water within his body resonated with his emotions, transforming them into a source of strength. The emptiness of the hall began to fill with a soothing presence, as if the water within him was connecting with the surrounding space.

In this moment of connection, Han Feng understood that the emptiness he felt was not a void to be feared but an opportunity for growth. It was a blank canvas on which he could paint his own destiny. With his newfound clarity and inner strength, he vowed to fill this emptiness with his determination, resilience, and unwavering spirit.

As he opened his eyes, a radiant light filled the hall. Han Feng's body emanated a serene aura, symbolizing his transformation and his acceptance of himself. The emptiness was no longer a source of unease but a reminder of his own potential.

With his newfound clarity, inner peace, and enhanced physical abilities, Han Feng opened his eyes to find the empty hall no longer empty. A figure stood before him, radiating an aura of wisdom and tranquility. It was a projection of the realm's guardian, the embodiment of fortitude.

The guardian's voice resonated within Han Feng's mind, conveying a message without words. It acknowledged his growth, his resilience, and his willingness to confront his inner self. In that moment, Han Feng understood that the true test of fortitude was not about conquering external challenges but about conquering oneself.

The guardian's projection gestured for Han Feng to step forward, indicating that he had passed the test of fortitude. As Han Feng approached, the guardian's ethereal form began to dissipate, leaving behind a small, glowing object.

As he reached out to touch it, the object transformed into a purple badge—the emblem of ultimate fortitude. Han Feng's eyes widened with astonishment and joy. He had achieved what seemed impossible, surpassing his own expectations and proving his inner strength to the realm and himself.

His figure soon disappeared, exiting the realm and appearing outside the realm's entrance.

The sects gathered outside the gate erupted in applause and awe as they witnessed the emergence of the first participant with a purple badge.

Representatives from various sects approached Han Feng, offering him their invitations and expressing their desire to recruit him. They recognized his exceptional talent and the transformation he had undergone within the realm.

However, Han Feng remained true to his path as a member of the Peasant's sect. He had found his own identity and purpose within the realm of fortitude.