Chapter 37

Inside the infinite library, mountains of books could be seen, with a single figure laying on top of them.

The figure had long, jet-black hair and bright blue eyes. His pupils were white, and the Ansuz rune shone brightly on his forehead. If one were to comment on his overall appearance, they could only describe it as handsome and beautiful.

He wore martial arts robes that seemed to be perpetually clean, as if his image couldn't be tarnished by mortal things.

However, this majestic image was ruined once one heard him shout to himself.


The figure was, of course, Rui, who was currently going through a series of ups and downs.

"Rai, why the hell is it taking so long for my bloodline to be purified? I've studied hundreds of thousands of books at this point and practiced for a long time, but I still haven't been able to go above this five percent difference."

╓ Like I said before, your understanding of your bloodline is only surface-level. If we were to compare the amount of knowledge you've gained to the amount of knowledge you actually need to fully awaken it, it would be like comparing a god with an ant. ╖

R.A.I.'s response silenced Rui, as he already knew how little he had actually progressed in this field in the past two years.

Compared to the first few months to a year, his understanding of the celestial tongue and bloodline had actually gotten worse as time went on.

The only truly positive outcome was his new technique and the partially purified bloodline.

Thinking of this, Rui couldn't help but glance above him, where Sunny could be seen flying all over the place.

After a whole year of hibernation, Sunny awoke and had completely transformed. His feathers had now turned a bright golden color, shining with iridescence. His body structure had also changed, but not much; the only significant thing was his size, which increased to double what it previously was.

Rui was sure that he could ride on his back with how big he had gotten. If he kept going at this pace, Sunny would reach his true potential as a divine, three-legged golden crow.

Remembering the small chick that he was, he couldn't help but smile.

Sadly, the transformation, although powerful, didn't trigger the completion of the system mission, so Rui still had to find a way to upgrade Sunny to reap the rewards.

Rui's mind soon drifted back to his own struggles. He wasn't sure what was happening with his progress or why it had stagnated despite his increasing understanding of the Celestial tongue and his bloodline purification.

As he sat on top of the biggest mountain of books, he extended his hand forward and summoned [Sun Cutter] from his inventory, grasping it tightly in his hand.

The still-untransformed [Sun Cutter] began shining brightly; its small and adorned blade began expanding, its hilt widening and elongating along with it.

Soon after, its true form lay bare in front of Rui.

Gripping the sword tightly, Rui leaped down from the mountain of books and landed gracefully on the library floor.

After the landing, he fixed his posture and positioned his body according to the moves of [Beginning Sword].

Clenching his teeth, Rui performed the first form.

His movement was graceful, as if he had performed this action with affection and care, like a mother cares for her baby.

The name of the first form was [Birth].

After Rui finished the movements of the first form, he soon began executing the second form.

His movements were explosive and random, moving with curiosity and vigor, just like a child exploring the world for the first time, creating bonds and finding themselves.

The name of the second form was youth.

This time, Rui didn't continue with the third form as soon as he finished with the second, since he was covered in sweat from head to toe, his body barely being kept standing by his willpower.

Although from an outsider's perspective Rui seemed to only be performing, in reality, if anyone were to stand in his path in the moment, they would experience inexplicable horror.

The [Birth] form alone was enough to deal with any opponent in the Rune Sea stage, also known as the second rank of runic masters, which was the rank Rui was currently at.

Although he had made significant advancements in the trial, he was still only at the middle half of the stage, just barely reaching the middle sea stage.

This meant that even though he was still far from the peak of the stage, he could beat anyone on it with his first form alone.

On the other hand, the [Youth] form was a mystery, even to Rui, since with the use of the system, he was able to determine that it was as powerful as a middle-rank rune core cultivator.

The Rune Core rank was the third rank of runic masters, which meant that Rui could deal with those at the early stage of the rune core stage with ease if he used the [Youth] form.

As for what form came after [Youth], Rui didn't know, nor would he be able to perform it with his current strength.

[Youth] was already far too taxing on him, not only mentally and physically but also in terms of runic energy consumption.

Panting heavily, Rui began absorbing runic energy to replenish his reserves while trying to get a more in-depth understanding of the technique.

Thanks to his [Parallel Thinking] skill, he was able to think of many things at the same time, so he also tried incorporating his new technique into the forms.

[Rune Celestia] used "Celestial" energy, a different form of energy similar to mental energy.

The results weren't great, however, since the sword technique wasn't compatible with his new technique.

"Rai, do you know why the merger failed?"

Although Rui had his suspicions, he still asked R.A.I.

╓ Insignificant understanding in both techniques. Your [Rune Celestia] isn't even categorized as a true technique due to its many flaws, while [Beginning Sword] is an ancestral-tier technique. You're simply too ignorant to try to merge these two techniques. ╖

Rui felt like he was stabbed in the heart when he heard those words, but he wasn't surprised, having come to the same conclusion.

Not wanting to make his mood worse, he picked a random book from a nearby shelf he had yet to empty and sat down cross-legged on the floor, flipping through it in silence.

If his understanding was insufficient, it could only mean that he had to try harder.

Hours turned into days as Rui immersed himself in the knowledge within the books. He absorbed every word, every concept, and allowed them to merge with his understanding of the celestial tongue and his own experiences. It was a process of constant refinement and deep contemplation, as he sought to bridge the gap between his current understanding and the profound wisdom contained within the ancient texts.

Days turned into weeks, and still, Rui remained engrossed in his studies. His determination was unwavering, fueled by his desire to push the boundaries of his own potential. The library became his sanctuary, a place where he could unravel the mysteries of his bloodline and cultivate his martial prowess.

During his studies, Rui discovered hidden connections and insights that he had previously overlooked. He began to see patterns and synergies between the celestial energy and the techniques he had mastered. The flaws in his technique, [Rune Celestia], became apparent to him, and he realized that he had been approaching its creation from the wrong angle.

With newfound clarity, Rui began to refine his technique. He embraced the knowledge he had gained from the books and applied it to his own understanding. Bit by bit, he stripped away the imperfections and restructured the foundation of [Rune Celestia].

After an unknown period of time, Rui, who had created multiple mountains of books, found himself staring dazedly at a system window.

[Rune Celestia

Tier: Heavenly

Combat grade: Yet to be determined.

Forms: Cloak, Buff, Shred

Mastery: Creator

A technique created by Guang Rui after his understanding of celestial energy reached a certain point.

Description: An energy manipulation method that merges runic and celestial energy to enhance attacks and all techniques, able to be paired with any method in existence.]

[User has created their first technique.]

He had finally done it.

Not only had he successfully created the technique, he had even perfected it to the best of his abilities.

The knowledge and understanding he had gained over the years had finally paid off. With [Rune Celestia], he had merged runic and celestial energy, unlocking a new realm of power and possibilities. It was a testament to his perseverance, determination, and unyielding spirit.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Rui couldn't wait to put his newly created technique to the test. He stood up from the pile of books, feeling a surge of energy coursing through his body. The ansuz rune on his forehead glowed with intensity, as if resonating with the power of [Rune Celestia].

Rui gripped the still-untransformed [Sun Cutter] tightly in his hand. With a single wave of his hand, the blade expanded, and [Sun Cutter] revealed its true form.

With another wave of his hand, he activated one of [Sun Cutter]'s abilities, [Dimensional Slash]. In an instant, a small rift was formed from the slash, as if space itself had been cut in half.

However, the cut didn't last long, disappearing not even a fraction of a second later. Next, Rui covered the blade in runic energy and began performing the first form of the [Beginning Sword], [Birth].

With each slash he performed, [Dimensional Slash] was unleashed, creating thousands of rifts in the surroundings.

The attacks were so powerful that even those at the peak of the third stage would be careful of them, as they were lethal to them.

Rui had realized how powerful [Dimensional Slash] was, especially since it absorbed an absurd amount of runic energy.

After finishing with the first form, Rui collapsed on the floor, barely keeping himself conscious. He had overestimated his energy capacity.

Even though he had triple the amount of runic energy compared to those of the same stage, it was still nowhere near enough to foolishly spend it like he did. Rui remembered how he passed out by just activating it once when he was still in the first light stage.

Compared to back then, he had truly advanced by leaps and bounds.

After a few minutes of rest, he had almost recovered to full capacity, so he got up to continue his testing.

This time, he used the first technique of the [Rune Celestia], [Cloak].

In an instant, a unique energy rushed towards the blade, coating it in a light blue hue. The Ansuz rune on Rui's forehead shone brighter than ever before, as if it were the true source of the celestial energy.

Rui waved his hand, performing a simple slash.

To his astonishment, the slash was at least two times stronger than before. Wanting to confirm his thoughts, he once again slashed, activating [Dimensional Slash].

A rift was formed as soon as he finished the slash, causing a rift to appear for almost a second. The decay period of the skill had gotten longer, and its strength had also multiplied.

Thinking of this, he began performing [Birth].

Bizarrely, he found himself moving far more smoothly than ever before, his sword as light as a feather.

As he continued the routine, he also activated the other two skills of [Rune Celestia], [Buff] and [Shred].

[Buff], as its name implied, bestowed a temporary enhancement on his physical and spiritual attributes. The celestial energy flowing through his body surged, invigorating his muscles and sharpening his senses.

Rui could feel his strength, speed, and agility amplified to levels previously unimaginable. With each movement, he became more attuned to his surroundings, his connection with the energy around him growing stronger.

With the activation of [Shred], Rui tapped into the destructive force contained within the celestial energy. His strikes became imbued with a terrifying power that tore through obstacles with ease.

After finishing his routine, Rui collapsed on the floor, this time losing all his strength in the process and passing out.

When Rui awoke, he found himself in a strange room. The room was constructed from ivory wood, with many miscellaneous objects sprawled around. It seemed weird no matter how he thought about it, as if it was not made with the aesthetic sense of a human.

Sunny, who was waiting patiently next to him, let out a cry, happy to see that he was alright. Rui sat up, rubbing his temples as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

"Where... where am I?"

Rui muttered to himself, his voice echoing in the peculiar room.

At that moment, a voice was heard in his ears, shocking him to the core.

"It seems you have awoken... Congratulations, Guang Rui, for being one of the ten people to successfully finish the fourth test of the realm of fortitude, and congratulations for being the first in your plane to enter the fifth test."

Rui's eyes widened in disbelief as he heard the voice. He tried to locate the source of the sound but found no one in the room with him. The voice seemed to echo from all directions, as if it came from the very air itself.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

Rui asked, his voice laced with curiosity and caution.

The voice chuckled softly before replying.

"I am the guardian of the realm of fortitude, the one who oversees the trials and challenges within. You are currently in the space between tests, a realm that exists beyond the confines of the physical realm. You previously met one of my servants, so I guess it's not that surprising."

Rui's mind raced. He had met the guardian of the sacred oasis before, but it seemed like this guardian was in a higher position.

"You have demonstrated exceptional fortitude and growth within the realm; your understanding of the Celestial Tongue and the creation of your technique, [Rune Celestia], have impressed us. It is for this reason that you have been chosen to enter the fifth test, a trial that only a select few have ever reached."

The guardian continued with a kind voice.

Rui's heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and determination. He had come so far, overcome countless challenges, and honed his skills to the best of his ability. The opportunity to face the fifth test filled him with a sense of purpose and the desire to push himself even further.

"What awaits me in the fifth test?"

Rui asked, his voice steady despite the excitement bubbling within him.

The guardian's voice took on a solemn tone.

"The fifth test is a test of the spirit. It is a trial that will push you to your limits, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. It will challenge your deepest fears, your strongest convictions, and your unwavering resolve. It is a journey that will force you to confront your true self and discover the depths of your fortitude."

Rui took a deep breath, steeling himself for the upcoming trial. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was determined to face whatever awaited him. His experiences within the realm of fortitude had already transformed him in unimaginable ways, and he was ready to embrace the next stage of his journey.

"I am ready; lead me to the fifth test, and I will face it with all that I am."

Rui declared, his voice resolute.

A sense of satisfaction emanated from the guardian's voice as it responded.

"Very well, Guang Rui. Your determination and resolve are admirable. Prepare yourself, for the path ahead will not be easy. But know that within the challenges lies the opportunity for growth and the realization of your true potential. Embrace the fortitude within you and face the fifth test with unwavering courage."

As the guardian's voice faded, the room around Rui began to dissolve. The ivory wood melted away, replaced by a swirling vortex of energy. Rui braced himself, his heart filled with anticipation and a newfound sense of purpose.

With a final surge of energy, Rui was engulfed by the vortex and transported to the realm of the fifth test, with Sunny's cries echoing in the background.

As Rui emerged from the swirling vortex, he found himself in a vast, desolate landscape. The sky above was shrouded in dark, ominous clouds, and the air carried a heavy sense of foreboding. The terrain stretched as far as the eye could see, with jagged mountains, treacherous ravines, and dense forests that seemed to whisper secrets.

Rui took a moment to survey his surroundings, his gaze sharp and focused. He could sense a palpable energy in the air, an energy that seemed to test his every step. The fifth test had begun, and he knew that he had to remain vigilant and prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

His time inside the trials was much longer than he had anticipated, which meant that multiple months had passed outside. He knew his family was probably worried sick, but with the heart talisman still intact, they were sure he was still alive.

The heart talisman was a unique talisman that utilized a small part of someone's soul to confirm their vital status. Its function was simple: if the talisman was still there, not damaged in the slightest, then the individual was fine, but if the opposite was the case, then the talisman would react accordingly. If someone died, the talisman would burn up completely, informing the clan.

All clans had a similar method to identify the safety of their members, so it wasn't strange that the clan responsible for the dirty work of the royal family possessed such talismans.

Since the guardian informed Rui what sort of things the trial tested, he had already prepared some things.

Pulling out a few items from his inventory, he equipped them. They were all gear that dealt with mental and spiritual attacks, since those were things that Rui didn't have a lot of knowledge of. Although he had resistance to illusions, charms, and brainwashing, that didn't mean he was completely immune.

It was better to be cautious than regret things if anything went wrong. Being prepared for the worst-case scenario was the norm in a survival of the fittest scenario.

After he was finally done with preparations, he began walking.

﴾The Fifth test will now begin.﴿

﴾"Shadows of the past and future" have manifested.﴿

﴾There is no specific requirement for this test.﴿

As soon as the words stopped echoing in the surroundings, Rui felt his sight blur before returning to normal. Looking around, Rui found himself standing alone in the middle of an empty street, with Sunny completely gone.

Looking closely at his surroundings, Rui felt a strange sense of deja vu, as if he had seen this street somewhere before.

"Wait, this is literally an asphalt street; why am I even having a hard time understanding where I've seen it before?"

Rui face-palmed at his own stupidity. Indeed, it was a normal road normally seen on earth, but what bothered him the most was the fact that he was very familiar with it, as if he had seen it countless times.

Suddenly, his vision blurred once more before returning to clarity.

The place changed once more, but not the floor. Now there wasn't just a simple empty street; rather, it was a place with houses, lush lawns, and people going by.

Rui finally recognized the street; it was the road just outside his home before his death.