Chapter 38

Rui stared dazedly at his surroundings. He couldn't comprehend how and why he was seeing this place, at least at the start. Thankfully, it didn't take him long to realize the reason he was seeing this place.

"Just like the guardian said, this is a test of the spirit. I don't know how they recreated this place, but it probably has to do with my own insecurities and nightmares."

Rui mumbled to himself, having come to his own conclusion.

Scanning his surroundings, he watched the people walk by him, occasionally staring at him with bizarre looks, but their gazes didn't linger for long.

Rui had already noticed their looks but didn't find them weird. After all, even though they were fake in his eyes, it wouldn't be strange for people to stare at someone who wore traditional martial arts robes in a modern-day scenario, especially in the United States.

Shaking his head, he decided to take a look at his own house to understand the situation he was placed in.

The place where he had appeared wasn't far from his home, just a few houses down. After flashing, he soon reappeared in front of his house.

Rui frowned as soon as he noticed the state it was in.

The grass had overgrown, the walls were moldy, and graffiti was painted on his windows and door. He didn't know how such a thing would happen, especially if this was a recreation of his past.

Approaching the door, he used his runic energy to gently unlock the door and push it with a bit of force to open it fully.

The door soon opened, and the interior of the house became visible. Rui's frown deepened, not understanding the situation.

Anything resembling furniture was gone, and the house was demolished and empty. Paper, rubble, and trash were everywhere on the floor.

Rui coated himself in runic energy so as not to get covered in dust and debris and began inspecting the whole house.

After a few minutes, he returned to the entrance with an angry expression, not satisfied with what he had found in the slightest. The house was ruined, and all his valuables were gone. Not even a single piece of paperwork or device was left behind.

Thankfully, he had hidden a smart phone for emergency situations inside a secret pocket. However, since the device had run out of power, he didn't know the time or what had transpired. The smart phone was assigned a number that would be called in case of emergencies, so he was sure it held some important data.

Exiting the now-abandoned house, he looked at the neighboring houses. Although he didn't really interact with his neighbors much in his previous life, he still lacked vital information.

Thinking of this, he decided to go and ask about what transpired and also ask for a charger for his phone.

As Rui walked towards his neighbor's house, he noticed that the whole neighborhood seemed deserted and in a state of disarray. The once lively and friendly community appeared to have been abandoned for quite some time.

He approached his neighbor's house cautiously, unsure of what to expect. As he knocked on the door, the sound echoed through the quiet streets, emphasizing the eerie emptiness around him.

After a few moments, the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled and hesitant woman who seemed taken aback by Rui's presence.

"Um, excuse me, I used to live in the house down the street, and I've returned after some time. I'm not sure what happened, but my house is in a terrible state. Could you tell me what's been going on here?"

Rui started politely, not wanting to startle the lady.

The lady stared at him in shock for a moment before shaking her head.

"From what I know, the man that used to live in that house died when the apocalypse began, apparently from a drive-by shooting. I remember his appearance distinctly. He was tall with short dark hair and deep-set blue eyes—nothing like your appearance. I don't know where you came from, but please leave; the place here isn't in a great state, especially since the portals began appearing close by."

As soon as the lady stopped speaking, she hesitantly began closing the door, not wanting to interact much longer.

Rui felt a knot form in his stomach as he listened to the lady's words. His heart sank as he realized what had transpired in this recreated world.

"I... I understand. Thank you for telling me. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused."

Rui replied, his voice tinged with sorrow.

The lady nodded with a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

"It's a difficult time for all of us. The portals have brought chaos and destruction. People are gone, and homes are ruined. We do our best to survive, but it's not easy. At least we have the awakened ones who still hold our world together."

Rui nodded in understanding, his mind racing with questions. The apocalypse, portals, and the awakened—none of this made sense. He was sure this wasn't the world he had lived in before, yet everything felt strangely real.

Rui had heard from R.A.I. that the earth had evolved and monsters had begun invading, but that was not something he had experienced, as he had died as soon as it began.

As the lady closed the door, Rui stood there for a moment, contemplating his next move. He needed to find answers and uncover the truth behind this strange world. But first, he needed to charge his phone and see if it held any valuable information.

Making his way to a nearby convenience store, Rui managed to find a charger. The employee working inside the store was scared of Rui as soon as he saw him "teleporting" around the store, trying to find a charger.

Rui, who had just opened the packaging for the charger, casually made his way in front of the desk and asked if there was a power outlet for him to charge the phone.

The employee was not paid nearly enough to say anything to him, so he just patiently plugged in the charger and began charging the phone.

Noticing the stressed man, Rui smiled bitterly, forgetting that these re-creations were extremely realistic.

The man was silent, observing Rui with caution.

'I've never seen an awakener before, but from what I know, only S-rank awakaners are able to use teleportation, and only a few times. This young man doesn't even seem fazed after doing it so many times. Not only that, but what the hell is up with his appearance? I would've mistaken him for a pretty lady if it weren't for that deep voice and chiseled muscles.'

The man thought to himself, lost on what to do.

Suddenly remembering something, Rui opened his inventory in front of the man and pulled out a gold coin from it, shocking the man even further.

"This is a gift for the help you've given me. Although it's not much, it should be worth quite a bit here."

The man took hold of the golden coin in awe, unsure of how to react to the situation.

Seeing that the phone now had a bit of battery left, Rui attempted to open it, waiting patiently for the slow boot. It was, after all, a low-end product, and he had only bought it for emergencies to begin with.

As Rui waited for his phone to boot up, he couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. The world he found himself in felt real, and the people he encountered seemed authentic, yet he had been told by the guardian that he was inside the fifth trial—a test of the spirit. Nothing could be taken at face value.

As the phone finally powered on, Rui navigated through the apps and files, trying to find any useful information.

Finally, after a minute or two of waiting, some messages appeared. Some were from old friends, wondering where he had disappeared, while others were governmental reports of the situation around the globe and the impending crisis.

As Rui scrolled through the messages, his heart ached with each word he read. The messages from his old friends were filled with concern and worry, wondering where he had disappeared without a trace. They shared fond memories and expressed their hope that he was safe and would return soon.

However, the most significant message was the one from his previous life's partner. Although they had separated during the time period of his death due to some disputes, they were still talking on a day-to-day basis back then. The words were filled with pain, grief, and anger, revealing the deep emotional impact of his sudden disappearance. She poured her heart out, recounting their time together and how she had searched for him endlessly after the world plunged into chaos.

Rui's hands trembled as he read the heartfelt message, realizing the immense pain he had unknowingly caused her by vanishing without a trace. He wished he could reach out to her and assure her that he was alright, but he knew it was impossible in this recreated world.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to focus on the governmental reports that he had found. They spoke of apocalyptic events and the appearance of mysterious portals that allowed monsters to invade the world. The awakened individuals, known as awakeners, were humanity's last hope against the darkness that had enveloped the world.

"Apocalypse, monsters, awakened individuals... This is the world I was meant to face, but I died before it all began."

Rui mused to himself.

He felt a mixture of emotions: guilt for leaving his loved ones behind, regret for missing out on the chance to protect the world, and determination to find a way to make things right.

With newfound resolve, Rui decided to delve deeper into the situation. He sought information about the portals, the awakened, and the current state of the world. He looked for any hints or clues that might lead him to understand the true nature of this trial.

Hours passed as he gathered as much information as possible. The more he learned, the more he felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He may not have lived through the apocalypse in his previous life, but now he had a chance to make a difference.

With his phone fully charged, Rui thanked the bewildered employee and left the convenience store. As he walked through the desolate streets, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The emptiness around him mirrored the void he felt in his heart. He longed to see his friends and previous life partner again, but he knew that this world was not the reality he once knew.

"I need to focus on the trial. This world might feel real, but it's still a test of my spirit."

Rui reminded himself.

[Clarity has been activated]

Rui activated a skill he hadn't used in a while just so he could calm down his nerves. Serenity soon returned to his face as he calmly thought of everything and how to deal with the situation.

The trial's requirements were vague, just like the previous test. This meant it could even take five years or more for him to complete the trial.

Suddenly, Rui remembered something crucial.

"Rai, is this a reality or an illusion?"

That's right, R.A.I. could even distinguish time dilation. He was a powerful Artificial intelligence that could alter reality.

At that moment, a voice along with a text box appeared in front of Rui, responding to his question.

╓This is reality.╖

Rui's hands trembled as soon as he read the message, his mind going blank despite having used [Clarity] just moments before.

After staying quiet for a while, he asked in a barely audible whisper.

"So, you are telling me I have returned to earth?"

╓ Positive. Not only have you returned to planet 2341430, but you have also reconnected to the inter-dimensional federations database, though it's still in disconnected mode due to the guardian's intervention. This means I'm able to upload your data to the federation, but they are unable to affect us. ╖

Rui stared blankly at the air, not knowing what to think.

"So, does that mean that the federation knows we are here?"

He asked, his voice dry.

╓ Negative. Like I said, the guardian is intercepting any breach from them. I have arrived at the conclusion that the guardian is aiming to understand the outside world through you since your soul possesses a connection with this planet's wheel of samsara. ╖

Rui absorbed the information, his mind swirling with thoughts. He had returned to his home planet, Earth, and the inter-dimensional federation wasn't aware of his presence, being kept at bay by the guardian overseeing the trial.

The fact that he had a connection with this planet's wheel of samsara—the cycle of reincarnation—added another layer of complexity to the situation.

"So, the guardian wants to understand the outside world through me... Does that mean they're observing my experiences in this trial and using them to gain insights into the inter-dimensional federation?"

Rui asked, trying to piece everything together. He currently felt like he was being used like a pawn and nothing more.

╓ Affirmative. The guardian's primary function is to observe and ensure the integrity of the trials. However, its curiosity about the external world has led it to actively seek information through you. It's monitoring your reactions, emotions, and decisions to better understand human behavior. ╖

R.A.I. replied with his emotionless voice.

Rui sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

"I guess I'm both a participant in this trial and a subject of study for the guardian. It's a strange role to play."

He said this, smiling bitterly. He was literally being treated like a guinea pig.

After using [Clarity] a few times, Rui finally calmed his nerves, returning to an optimal state.

Since he had truly returned to earth, he decided to make the best of the situation. After all, he was a runic master and not an "awakener".

No matter how he looked at the highest-ranking warriors on earth, they were barely at the peak of the first rank.

However, to proceed with his plans, he first needed a place to stay, and his old house wasn't going to cut it. Who knew how long he would stay here? Not having taken a shower for many years now, he felt like he needed a good rest.

Of course, he didn't smell in the slightest because he possessed the [Extreme Rune Physique], which removed any impurities from his body. He basically smelled like nothing—pure and scentless.

Since the earth he was currently experiencing was, in fact, the earth he knew, he decided to look for his partner.

Although Rui's current body was already in its mid-twenties if one counted the time dilation he had experienced, only five years had passed on earth after Albert Brown's death.

Opening up his phone, he began writing a message to his partner, hoping that she was still using the same number. He had bought the number with emergencies in mind, so it could send messages at any time due to the credit inside it.

The message was short and simple:

Hey Jane, it's me. I'm alive. I'm safe now, but I need to figure some things out. Can we meet?

With a sense of hope and trepidation, Rui hit the send button. He waited anxiously, his heart beating faster with each passing moment. The seconds felt like an eternity as he stared at the screen, waiting for a response.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a notification popped up. His previous life partner had responded. The words on the screen were hesitant yet filled with emotion:

Who is this? How do you get Albert's number?

Just as Rui was about to respond to the text, a call notification appeared on his screen. It was Jane.

Sighing, Rui answered the call. In an instant, a belting voice could be heard from the other side, enraged and sad.

"Who are you, and how dare you pull this prank on an S-rank awakener? I'll immediately find your location and execute you myself!"

Rui was stunned into silence, unable to process the information he had just heard. Stuttering, he answered, unsure of the situation.

"Jane, it's me, Albert. It is really me."

Jane's voice wavered on the other end of the call; uncertainty mingled with anger.

"Albert? Don't play games with me. Albert died years ago. How can you claim to be him?"

Rui's heart sank, realizing the depth of pain he must have caused Jane with his sudden death. He tried to steady his voice as he replied.

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I don't understand everything that's happening, but somehow, I've returned. I'm back in our world, Jane."

There was a long pause before Jane spoke again, her tone softer this time and laced with a tinge of hope.

"If this is some cruel joke, I swear I'll make you regret it. But if it's really you, Albert, then tell me something only he would know."

Rui took a deep breath, memories of their time together flooding back. He spoke gently, recounting a cherished memory from their past, one that only they had shared. It was something that no one except the two of them knew—something that connected them on a deeper level.

As he finished, Jane fell silent, and Rui could almost hear the gears turning in her mind. Then, with a tremor in her voice, she said.

"Albert, it really is you."

Tears welled up in Rui's eyes as relief washed over him.

"Yes, Jane, it's me. I don't know how, but I've returned. I'm currently waiting at my house—I mean, what used to be my house. If you are free, come pick me up; I'm kind of lost and don't know how to deal with the changes. Also, please don't be too shocked by my appearance since I've changed too much. You can say that Albert Brown has already died."

Rui's heart was pounding as he waited for Jane's response. He knew that his appearance had changed drastically, and he feared her reaction. But he couldn't keep the truth hidden from her any longer.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, Jane's voice came through the phone, filled with a mix of emotions.

"I'll come to you, Albert. Just stay there."

Rui nodded, even though Jane couldn't see him.

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

He hung up the phone and found a nearby bench to sit on, his mind racing with thoughts. He was nervous about facing Jane after all these years, but he knew he had to do it. He needed to apologize, explain what had happened to him, and try to make amends for the pain he had caused her.

As he sat there, he noticed the people passing by, going about their daily lives. Despite everything that had happened, life was continuing for them. They still had to work to survive another day, especially now that monsters could appear anywhere with the appearance of portals. It was a strange feeling to be home yet feel so disconnected from everything.

After what felt like an eternity, a black sedan stopped outside his house, and a tall, beautiful lady stepped out of it, escorted by two large bodyguards.

Rui, who was standing not too far away from the house, recognized the lady. It was his partner, Jane Owen.

Jane scanned the surroundings outside the abandoned home and frowned, not feeling Albert's presence in the slightest.

After the apocalypse began, she became one of the few people to awaken to powers and also became a second-wave system user.

Suddenly, she felt a chill on her back, making her hair stand on end.

Turning around, her purple eyes came into contact with a pair of piercing blue eyes.

Dazed, she stared at the man in front of her, her body freezing in tension. The two bodyguards were also unable to move as fear gripped their hearts.

The man was tall, above 190cm, with a well-built physique. His face was also out of this world, being so refined and perfect. His long, jet-black hair was glistening in the sun with a light blue hue. A golden crescent moon earing on his ear was moving freely as he walked.

"Jane, it's me, Albert."

Said the man, stunning Jane to the core.