Chapter 56

Rui stared blankly in front of him, taken aback by the sudden appearance of an uninvited guest. He didn't overreact and processed the words the young man had just said.


Quickly, he realized that the man in front of him wasn't a nobody, the rune on his forehead being a clear indication of that.


He didn't look like the image of his ancestor, Guang Ren, but more like a more mature version of his younger brother, Jian.


If he wasn't his ancestor, then only one more figure was left who could decide on the outcome of the marriage. and that was the sword immortal.


Rui quickly felt shivers run down his spine as soon as he reached that thought, the hand holding Jane's tightening slightly.


The entire hall was silent, as if frozen in time.


"I greet the Sword Immortal."


Said Rui, breaking the eerie silence and bringing everyone back to reality.


"Nice, you were able to figure out my identity with such subtle clues; I'm impressed."


The young man—the Rune Sword Immortal, Guang Fu Wen Jian—said while clapping, a small chuckle escaping his lips.


As soon as his words fell, everyone inside the room, except Rui and Jane, suddenly experienced an otherworldly pressure, prompting them to kneel on the ground.


Sage Liliang was also affected by the sudden pressure; his knees touched the floor without much effort. However, oddly enough, he didn't try to retaliate at all but rather took the pressure in stride and even bowed lower on his own, almost worshiping the figure standing tall on the altar.


The sage wasn't the only one who bowed on their own. All of the Guang Clan members also prostrated themselves.




All the elders shouted in unison, prompting the young man to grin widely.


"Now that is how you greet your ancestor!"


Saying so, the pressure completely disappeared, making all of the guests heave a sigh of relief.


Rui's acquaintances stared in horror at the young man, not expecting a situation like this. Especially Silas and Maverick.


Ever since they arrived here, their worldviews have shattered from moment to moment. Compared to what they had experienced in the "Ruins," the world here was far more horrifying. A single human had the power to cause planetary destruction with a single attack.


Mind you, this was the case for not even the strongest individuals here. The grand elder, Guang Zhe, was easily able to destroy multiple planets with a single strike. Of course, that only applied to earth-sized planets and not the 27 cultivation planets. The rules applied here were different, after all.


Suddenly, as the hall was about to fall silent once again, the silhouette of a beautiful woman manifested above the altar, her eyes staring daggers at the Rune Sword Immortal.


"Guang Fu Wen Jian! How many times do I have to tell you to act your age?! Look at our little Ren's descendants. They are all terrified of you now!"


Scolded the woman, pinching the Sword Immortal's cheeks like he was scolding a child.


Everyone inside the hall stared blankly at the scene, unsure as to how to react.


Rui also stared expressionlessly, cold sweat covering his entire back.


"Darling, please stop; you are embarrassing me in front of our descendants!"


The sword immortal pleaded with tear-filled eyes.


"Embarrass your head! You shameless geezer!"


She clapped back, karate-chopping his head, prompting him to fall to the ground, seemingly unconscious.


"Hmph, as if that strike were strong enough to knock you unconscious. Get up before I bring out the heaven-punishing stick."


Looking at his fallen figure, she furiously said, prompting the Sword Immortal to get up in a fluster, his face turning serious.


"My descendants, I'm the Rune Sword Immortal. Recently, we discovered that one of our sons, who had disappeared for a long time, had a bloodline connection to thisplace."


Guang Fu Wen Jian shamelessly continued with his story, returning to his serious persona. Lianhua didn't say anything this time and just sighed, glancing at the weirded-out crowd.


'Maybe I went too far this time'


She thought to herself, feeling slightly embarrassed.



"Please stop asking me for the acceptance of your marriage! Just how old are you people?!"


The Rune Sword Immortal screamed, horrified by the crowd gathered in front of him.


Despite their sudden appearance in the ceremony, things progressed smoothly, with Rui and Jane getting officially married.


The ancestor sat on the highest seat along with his wife and watched the proceedings. However, as soon as the event was over and everything settled down for the most part, a crowd of people rushed towards him.


Obviously, they were the wives of the Guang Clan, most of them being from outside the clan. They were all asking for the acceptance of their marriage, since the ancestor was now here.


They couldn't allow Jane, who was a new outsider, to take a higher position than theirs inside the clan as soon as she joined.


"Ancestor, please give us an answer!"


"Ancestor, we beseech your acceptance!"


"Ancestor, I request for your approval!"


The more voices he heard, the more annoyed he became. Just looking at the crowd of women—wait.


'What the fuck?!'


He thought inwardly, glancing at some of the men in the back, asking for his approval.


'I guess they were the men who married into the clan. People have their own preferences after all...'


"Enough! I accept all your marriages!"


He announced, having had enough. However, his words didn't stop there.


"Except for one, that is, the blond lady on the far right, I don't agree with your marriage. I don't accept cheaters into my family."


As soon as his words fell, the crowd went on an uproar while the blond woman began crying.


"Isn't that Guang Qian's wife? She was cheating on him the whole time. Holy shit!!!"



The once-full hall was now almost empty, only being occupied by the sword immortal, his wife, and the Guang Clan's esteemed elders and young geniuses.


Guang Zhe stood closest to their ancestors, her back covered in cold sweat.


"The other seedlings should be here in a few minutes... I can feel they finally broke through the small test I gave them."


Said the Rune Sword Immortal, a small chuckle escaping his lips. His eyes seemed to be shining with mischief.


Everyone began sweating when they heard his laughter, with Lianhua throwing him a scornful glare.


'This ancestor of mine is like a god with the personality of an imp.'


Rui thought to himself, feeling conflicted. Too many things happened to him in a short period of time, and he was slowly losing track of his goal.


He had to become stronger, strong enough to fight back the inter-dimensional federation. However, he knew that was a feat that was almost impossible to do on his own.


His brain was working overtime ever since he realized a fragment of 'causation'. He still didn't know what it was or how it had affected his mental state after transmigration, but one thing was certain: someone, or something, was messing with his head.


Although he wasn't sure yet, he had suspicions that the system itself played a part in it. Sadly, the system was rebooting, and he would have to wait until the next day to access it.


'Well, enough of that. I'm sure this ancestor of mine knows something about my condition as well. If he really is the ancestor of this clan, then his rune master rank is probably extremely high.'


He continued thinking, his eyes inspecting The Sword Immortal. Although [Identify] was inactive due to the system reboot, he could still sense something if he focused hard enough.


Noticing his stare, The Rune Sword Immortal smiled and released a bit of his pressure towards Rui.


In an instant, Rui's sight blurred, and his breathing became harder. In front of him, the figure of his ancestor had turned massive, and the image of a giant sword ready to cut his throat floated above him.


Sweat covered Rui's entire body as he panted heavily, prompting Jian, who was standing next to him, to ask in concern.


"Big brother?! Are you alright?"


Rui could clearly hear his brothers words, but he couldn't see or feel anything. Slowly, he closed his eyes and focused on his core, trying to use it to counter the fear he was experiencing.


The Ansuz rune on his forehead glowed brightly for a second, prompting Jian and the others to cover their eyes.


Soon, Rui was freed from his feared state; however, he was far too exhausted and lay on the ground panting.


"Impressive! The more I look at you, the more I want to test you! After I'm done with the announcement, you stay behind; I want to talk to you."


Guang Fu Wen Jian's words resounded across the hall, followed by a hearty laugh.


"Yes.. Ancestor…"


Rui gritted his teeth and spoke those words with difficulty.


Looking at his sorry figure, Lianhua sighed deeply and waved her hand, creating a dazzling blue lotus that floated towards Rui's forehead.


As soon as the lotus touched his forehead, Rui's fatigue vanished, and he returned to his peak condition.


Rui couldn't help but open his eyes wide. Not only had he recovered in an instant, his runic energy had also increased.


"Thank you, ancestor."


He said this, bowing with respect. He didn't know how she had done it, but with this single action of hers, she was obviously extremely powerful.


Rui didn't know this, but this was the reason why Guang Qin Lianhua's dao name was Lotus of Life. She was someone who cherished life, while the Sword Immortal was someone who slaughtered.


Although they sounded like the exact opposite, the two of them had a unique dynamic, just like yin and yang. They were each other's weaknesses, holding their powers at bay.


"Oh, it seems they are finally here!"


Said the Rune Sword Immortal, his eyes becoming sharper and more serious.


Soon, five figures appeared in front of him, as if they were just ghosts that were always there.


The Guang family members that were attending the meeting were astounded when they saw their appearance, Rui included.


"Aren't they the previous grand elders? What is going on? Didn't they die?"


One of the elders questioned him, disbelief written all over his face. They all recognized their figures since they had previously visited them, and they paid respect to their graves. Who would have thought that the clan had hidden the fact that they were not dead but rather entered seclusion underground, acting as the last defense of the clan?


"Guang Wei greets the sword immortal."


"Guang Ling greets the sword immortal."


"Guang Hong greets the sword immortal."


"Guang Ming greets the sword immortal."


"Guang Chen greets the sword immortal."


One after the other, the clan's long-thought-dead ancestors greeted the Sword Immortal.


Looking at this sight, Guang Fu Wen Jian laughed hysterically.


"That's it! That's exactly the type of greeting those brats back home should give to the great me! Man, I love how funny these brats are. Lianhua, this is why I said I should execute those cockroach like elders! Look at this branch's respect for us; I didn't even have to kill a hundred thousand soldiers!"


Lianhua rolled her eyes at her husband's boastful remarks, accustomed to his eccentric behavior over the years. On the other hand, the five ancestors looked exhausted.


After their first encounter with the Rune Sword Immortal, they were given a test from him. Although the test was nothing for Fu Wen Jian, for the five of them, it was almost impossible to do in the designated period of time.


The test consisted of an array of swords, and they had to somehow find the core of the array and destroy it. That was easier said than done, since the formation was of the peak 8th rank.


"Well, since everyone is here now, it's time for an important announcement."


Proclaimed Guang Fu Wen Jian, his expression turning solemn. The playful demeanor he exhibited earlier gave way to a more serious tone, capturing the attention of everyone in the hall.


The temperature inside the hall lowered drastically, and a chill permeated the air.


"I plan on taking you back to your ancestral home; however, before I can do that, I need to confirm some things. You see, your ancestor, Guang Ren, or, in other words, my second son, died here without my knowledge. Although I did spend some time digging through your libraries and minds, I didn't find any vital information. Since I plan to bring you back with me, your life is a liability to me. I'm certain that the one who caused Ren's death will also become involved as soon as you guys appear."


He spoke slowly and made sure that everyone understood his words. His red eyes were clear, while his face was expressionless. His body naturally radiated an intimidating aura, causing those around him to shiver in fright.


"In other words, you guys will become bait for me to discover my son's killer."


He continued, his face grimacing with wrath. Just the thought of his son's death made him agitated, causing his runic energy to rush out of his body like a relentless torrent.


Lianhua gently held his hand, promptly returning his mind to a clear state.


"Now, before you all start panicking, I assure you, your safety is a priority. We won't throw you into the lion's den without preparation. Though I would understand if some of you wish to stay behind and live your lives in this small branch, I won't stop you."


He continued, his tone softer but still carrying an air of authority. Although he was someone who took family seriously, these descendants of his were far from direct lineage, except for a few.


However, even those few would first have to earn his trust before you would act favorably toward them. He was a man with clear favoritism. This often caused disputes within the clan.


The atmosphere in the hall remained tense as the Sword Immortal laid out his plans. The announcement of being used as bait for uncovering the truth about Guang Ren's death was met with mixed reactions among the Guang Clan members.


Rui, though initially overwhelmed by the revelation, felt a sense of determination growing within him. He understood the gravity of the situation and the responsibility that came with his newfound connection to the Rune Sword Immortal. This journey to the ancestral home wasn't just about unraveling the mystery of Guang Ren's death; it was an opportunity to prove himself and, perhaps, find the answers he sought regarding his own existence and the interference with his mind.


The hall, though initially tense, reflected a mix of emotions among the Guang Clan members. Some were apprehensive about the risks involved, while others saw the opportunity to connect with their roots and the powerful lineage of the Rune Sword Immortal. The Sword Immortal's assurance of prioritizing their safety eased some concerns, but the decision to stay or embark on this perilous journey lay in the hands of each descendant.


Some decided to stay, as they believed they didn't have what it took to fight for resources in the ancestral clan.


After her husband's serious words, Lianhua explained the situation of the ancestral clan.


"Our clan consists of the main lineage, followed by the subsidiary and the branches. Since your clan is located far away from the island and you have been functioning separately for such a long time, you are categorized as a branch within our system."


She spoke slowly and coherently, making sure everyone understood her words.


"The main lineage consists of our direct bloodline, meaning our children. Guang Ren, your ancestor, was our second son. This originally qualifies your branch as a direct lineage branch, but since you have been separated for so long, the subsidiary and branch clans will object. There are currently more than a hundred branch clans and ten subsidiary clans. As for the main lineage clans, there are three. Mo, Yuan, and Ya are the names of my three surviving children."


The mention of the three main lineage clans and the status of the Guang Clan as a branch resonated deeply within the hall. The complex structure of the Rune Sword Immortal's family became clearer, and the significance of the Guang Clan's return to the ancestral home became more apparent.


Lianhua continued, addressing the concerns and questions that lingered in the minds of the Guang Clan members. She assured them that preparations would be made to ensure their safety during the journey. The Sword Immortal added that those who chose to stay would not be forced into a decision they weren't comfortable with.


As the discussions unfolded, Rui took a moment to reflect on the situation. The revelation of being part of a larger, more powerful lineage brought both opportunities and challenges.


The reactions within the hall varied, with some expressing excitement at the prospect of reconnecting with the ancestral clan, while others grappled with the uncertainty of the journey ahead. The diversity of perspectives highlighted the individuality of each Guang Clan member, each with their own aspirations, fears, and dreams.



The hall gradually emptied as the Guang Clan members dispersed to contemplate their choices.


Rui, just like his ancestor had ordered, stayed behind and waited patiently for everyone to leave.


Soon, the only ones left inside the hall were The Rune Sword Immortal, The Lotus of Life, and Rui.


"Truthfully, at first, I didn't know how to deal with you... You are a parasite who descended on the body of one of my kin, so I usually just kill them. After all, you are not the first and won't be the last transmigrated soul I've seen. However, I must say that for someone who transmigrated over, you surely are an anomaly. Your talent is astounding, though that's mostly thanks to my lineage, but I'd have you know that no one in my clan has ever awakened the Ansuz rune. Your foundation is beyond immaculate, despite you not trying the most optimal path or having the correct guidance."


The Rune Sword Immortal spoke with a stoic tone, his face expressionless.


However, Rui couldn't say the same. His heart was beating rapidly, and fear gripped his entire being. He understood that his life was nothing more than a small flame that could be extinguished at any moment if the man in front of him so desired.


"You don't need to hide anything from me, since I already skimmed through your mind. The place you came from, 'earth', is quite unique. This 'Technology' could really help out with management in the clan; I can probably create some runic techniques imitating those things you call 'computers'; they seem quite useful."


The Rune Sword Immortal continued, his tone now filled with a sense of intrigue.


"However, the 'holes' in your mind are too many. It's as if your mind is still fragmented despite your transmigration being seamless. I can tell that someone has tampered with your mental capabilities and memories, but I can also tell that your soul itself has a parasite. It was not surprising, since all the other transmigrators I encountered also had one. You call it a 'System', right? Thankfully, yours is a unique case, and it seems to be functioning as a support rather than the main control. Usually it's the other way around."


"I remember one of those parasites who encountered me screaming in horror, saying things like, 'The plot isn't supposed to go like this', or 'System, do something'. Foolish bastards, do you guys know how long I've lived? You are all children to me. Anyway, I should get to the main point."


Taking a deep breath, the Sword Immortal released an immense amount of energy from his body.


"I already know your goal, little guy. I will of course help you, and I trust in the character I saw in you. I will also help you control that 'System', since I can still feel some interference from that 'federation' thing you keep mentioning."


The more the sword immortal spoke, the more dazed Rui became. There was too much information for him to digest in a single moment. He needed to think before he could understand.


"And finally, Albert Brown—or rather, my descendant, Guang Rui—I wish to take you as my disciple."