Chapter 57

"Um, so what do we do now? Do we just go home?"

"No, there is a banquet that will be held at night, so don't leave without informing the hosts; it's disrespectful."

"Honestly, I'm kind of overwhelmed with what happened earlier. We should just wait for Rui to come out and then ask him about the situation."

The voices belonged to a group of young men and women, mainly Rui's acquaintances from the academy.

They were all pretty confused with how things had transpired, especially Han Dong, who was more in the know than the others.

"I feel like I witnessed something that I shouldn't have."

Huo Liang was conflicted with the situation.

"We are here to celebrate our friend's marriage, so you guys should just relax. It's disrespectful to ruin such an occasion due to curiosity."

Interjected Hua Dao, being the most relaxed out of all of them. He had already switched his outfit into something more fitting for the occasion, wearing an ornate robe with gilded flower patterns. His long pink hair was tied up in a bun, and his weapons were stored in the carriage.

"I'm just waiting for the food... You know I haven't eaten in a few hours."

Said Song Liwu, a radiant smile plastered on his face.

Hearing his words, everyone burst out laughing, and the atmosphere turned a bit more joyful.

"Man, I missed you and your appetite. You know you can just absorb runic energy, right? From what I know, you're close enough to forming your core. I bet those monks were starving you to death with discipline."

Commented Xiao Mofa, giggling like a little girl.

The other's strangely looked at her, with her cousin, Xiao Long, bearing the most weirded-out expression.

"Hey, since when did Xiao Mofa make comments like that? Did anyone spend time with her after the academy?"

Cong Mizaru couldn't help but ask, his gaze falling on Xiao Long.

"I don't know anything... You can ask her directly. Anyway, has anyone seen little Liliang?"

Xiao Long said, dodging the question and asking a question of his own.

"He should be here any moment now. From what I know, he was so anxious about the appearance of Rui's ancestor that he went to ask for his approval about his own marriage."

Han Dong answered the question with a hint of mischief.

"What is this? Little Liliang is about to get married as well. I expected us girls to be married first."

Once again, Xiao Mofa responded, excitement evident in her eyes.

Ning Yinin couldn't help but sigh at the sight, awkwardly holding hands with Huo Liang.

Huo Mei, Huo Liang's elder sister, stood by the side, watching the scene unfold while smiling to herself.

She was worried about her little brother's 'friends', since she knew that Liang was very naive. Thankfully, after meeting them, her worries lessened drastically.




After a few more minutes of waiting, a figure finally came out of the building.

As Rui emerged from the building, the events that had transpired inside continued to swirl in his mind, leaving him in a dazed state. He blinked several times, trying to clear his thoughts and focus on the present moment. His friends noticed his demeanor as he approached them, concern evident on their faces.

"Rui, are you okay?"

Han Dong asked, his voice laced with worry as he observed his friend's distant expression.

Rui shook his head slightly, trying to gather his thoughts.

"I'm not sure; a lot happened in there—more than I ever anticipated."

He admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Hua Dao stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Rui's shoulder.

"Take your time, Rui. We're here for you."

He said it softly, offering his support to his friend.

"Yeah, we're not going anywhere until you're ready to talk about it. Plus, I'm sure the banquet will help take your mind off things."

Said Song Liwu, flashing Rui a warm smile, trying to lighten the mood.

Xiao Mofa, with a hint of mischief in her eyes, couldn't resist probing further.

"What exactly happened in there, Rui? You looked like you saw a ghost."

Hearing her voice, Rui moved a bit further away, his face turning expressionless, while inside he was reminded of Xiao Mofa's personality, which sent shivers down his spine.

He coughed and changed the subject with a sincere smile.

"Now that I'm talking to you guys, my worries have eased a lot. Truth be told, I've been informed that I'll be leaving in a few days. As to where, I don't really know. My ancestors just said it was a state where they ruled. Something along the lines of Jian Solitary— "

"Jian Solitary Kingdom?"

At that moment, Han Dong intervened, his eyes opening wide in surprise. It was truly a sight to see the usually slit-eyed Han Dong open his eyes that wide.

Perplexed by his sudden outburst, everyone turned his way and gave him weird looks.

Embarrassed, Han Dong waved his fan and spoke as if nothing had happened.

"From what I know, the Jian Solitary Kingdom is one of the most powerful and feared countries. Sadly, it's a completely isolated country, with only one merchant company allowed to make visits inside. I'm sure Xiao Long knows more about this, though. Anyway, from what I know, the ruler of that kingdom is a 9th rank Rune master, called the Rune Sword Immortal. Don't tell me your ancestor is..."

As soon as his words reached there, everyone, Rui included, turned pale.

The air instantly stilled, and Rui began sweating profusely.

'Shit… to think I was talking to such an entity...

Rui had realized how close he was to death in that moment and had finally understood how lucky he had been to keep his life. He knew that his ancestor's father, the sword immortal, was powerful, but he didn't know the true extent of his power.

He thought that someone so powerful would at most be an 8th rank rune master; since 9th rank rune masters were so rare, it was impossible for a common 5th or even 6th rank rune master to even encounter one in their lifetimes.

Most, if not all, rulers of the well-known empires were 8th-rank rune masters. The difference between an 8th rank and a 9th rank was insurmountable.

It was like comparing an ant to a god. The difference was so big that there was no point in comparing one to the other.

"Did you just say rank 9 rune master? What is a god doing here?!"

The one to break the silence was Huo Liang's older sister, Huo Mei.

She was currently sitting on the ground, as her legs had given out due to shock and fear, and she didn't have the strength to get up on her own.



As soon as Rui left the hall, Xiong Liliang and Guang Mei entered, the two of them determined to get the sword immortal's approval.

Inside the hall, the sword immortal expressionlessly sat on the grand elder's chair, expecting the two of them to come.

"I know why the two of you have come here, and honestly, I must say you are worrying about nothing. The [War God Physique], paired with heavenly-grade spiritual roots and a thinned-out bloodline of the beast deity, it's no wonder you awakened the Hagalaz rune. Even if you had a perfect childhood, you would still have awakened the Hagalaz rune, as that is your true potential."

Following Rui's example, Liliang stared blankly, unable to understand how the ancestor already knew everything.

"You have a mind that is unbreakable, no matter the circumstances. A bloodline that increases your strength and mental capacity and gives you a physique that gives you an almost immortal body while in combat. The Hagalaz's attributes are just the cherry on top. I don't see a reason to reject your marriage."

Guang Mei and Liliang smiled joyously at those words, but their smiles soon disappeared the next second.

"However, I must say, you have quite an odd taste. This descendant of mine could only be considered mediocre at best. She doesn't have a great bloodline purity, or any unique physique. How come you picked her instead of someone else?"

The happy atmosphere instantly turned heated as soon as those words were spoken. Liliang's eyes turned slightly red, and his rune began glowing. A sizzling energy came out of his body, while he seemed to be ready to pounce at the sword immortal at any moment.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, he opened his mouth to speak his mind.

"With all due respect, Ancestor, my choice of partner is based on more than just bloodline purity or a unique physique. Guang Mei possesses qualities that are far more valuable to me than any of those attributes. She is kind, compassionate, intelligent, and fiercely loyal. She has stood by my side through thick and thin, supporting me in every endeavor and accepting me for who I am. Her love and devotion mean more to me than any superficial traits."

Liliang's voice was steady, his gaze unwavering as he spoke with conviction. Guang Mei, beside him, squeezed his hand in support, her eyes reflecting her admiration and love for him.

The Rune Sword Immortal observed the exchange with a hint of amusement in his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Well said, young man. Love knows no bounds, and true strength lies in the bonds we forge with those we hold dear. Your determination and loyalty are commendable qualities, and I see no reason to object to your union. May your love endure through the trials and tribulations that lie ahead."

"As for you, my descendant, What I said earlier is purely bogus. I don't know how the elders of this branch weren't able to notice your unique physique, but it's never too late to awaken it now."

Saying so, he waved his hand, unleashing a bright light from his palm. The energy rushed in like a beam towards Guang Mei's body, prompting her to guard against it with fear.

"Relax; I only injected some energy into you. You should now be awakening your physique."

As soon as he spoke, the image of crackling thunder could be heard, prompting both Liliang and Guang Mei to glance behind them.

On Guang Mei's back, her physique's unique image appeared. It was a giant blue sparrow clad in lightning, its glowing white eyes staring with domineering might.

"The physique's name is [Hypersonic Sparrow Physique]. It's a physique on the same level as the [War God Physique] the boy possesses. Make sure to train, since I'll be taking you both with me as well."

Pausing slightly, he sighed and shook his head.

"You may leave now."

He said this, his eyes gently staring at the pair.



After the sword immortal was left alone inside the hall, he frowned deeply.

"She reminds you of our little Ren, isn't that right?"

His wife's figure suddenly manifested next to him, hugging him gently.

"For the little girl to have the same physique as him, it really brought back some memories."

The Rune Sword Immortal sighed deeply, the memories of the past flooding his thoughts. He shook his head, dispelling the nostalgia, and turned his attention to the present.

"Enough of the past. We have matters to discuss about the situation back home."

His wife, still holding him gently, nodded in agreement.

"You're right. Our children are waiting for us to address the issues."

The sword immortal stood up, his eyes focused and determined.

"Those parasites have become more aggressive lately. Their attempts to infiltrate our realms are increasing, and it seems they're getting desperate."

He clenched his fist, the residual energy in the air crackling around him.

"Should I go look for my father?"

Asked Lianhua in worry, her hands squeezing slightly. She was clearly forcing herself to say those words.

"That old bastard probably won't care unless our realm itself collapses. Although I've somewhat caught up to him in strength, I'm still no match for him. However, I should be able to defeat him in a few thousand years; by then, I would be strong enough to stop the invasion."

The sword immortal spoke slowly, clearly portraying his current state of mind.

If Rui were here, he would realize that the 'parasites' his ancestor was referring to were none other than the inter-dimensional federation.

"Then, how long do you think until they begin the invasion?"

I asked Lianhua, still worried. She knew that her father wasn't trustworthy, but he was strong enough to protect the entire realm.

"Originally, I estimated it to be in roughly 25000 years, which is more than enough time for me to grow stronger, but their actions escalated drastically over the past 5 years. Now the estimated time should be around 15000 years, which is still enough time for me to get strong enough, but I'm worried that the time will decrease again."





Soon night arrived, and the estate was once again engulfed in a cheerful mood as the banquet was held.

Guests didn't leave the area after the ceremony but rather were guided to a relaxing stay in one of the estate's guest rooms.

Rui didn't spend time with his wife, however, since he was not allowed to until the day was officially over. Knowing this, he decided to catch up with friends as well as his relatives.

He didn't go into much depth about his experiences and didn't reveal his unique experience in the trial. He decided to keep Jane's and his background secret from the world due to their unique circumstances.

As for Silas and Maverick, the two of them awkwardly sat together, spectating the whole situation, feeling utterly insignificant.

"Man, at this point, I'm just happy I got to escape earth. I'm happy, but... what is this feeling of inferiority I'm experiencing?"

Maverick murmured to himself, tears almost falling from his eyes from his exaggerated gestures.

"At least you still have your regression ability, right? You haven't died yet, right? Also, don't forget that you are no longer a system user, so you have to get used to your skills properly."

Silas commented, throwing him a side glance. Silas was someone who valued his life after all.

His blank, black eyes scanned the crowd gathered for the banquet, looking for opportunities.

'[Overgod] is useless here... At least my [Fragment] skill is still useful. I need to find a way to cultivate the energy in this place, though. Rui did tell me that I have a unique physique and spiritual roots that should allow me to cultivate the energy, but I don't know how.'

This wasn't the first time he thought of it. He was stuck and was unable to make any progress, going through a trial-and-error period.

He felt a drastic decrease in power as soon as he stepped foot in this place. It was a natural rejection of the impure energy he had absorbed so far, which meant that his potential was far greater than what it would have been on earth.

"Honestly, I'm worried my regression won't work in this place, so I haven't tried anything. Especially since I saw that ancestor, I've felt a tingling down my spine, as if he were my natural enemy. Thankfully, my other skills work just fine; it's just that my mana capacity has increased a bit, though at the start it was considerably lower."

Maverick said, sighing in worry.

"We took a major gamble coming here and making that deal. In all honesty, at this point, we went from slaves of the federation to slaves of this obscure superpower in a different world. I mean, look, is this place even in the same dimension as earth?"

Maverick ranted, stressed out by his current lifestyle.

"At least it's better than the ruins. Honestly, we are lucky to even be here, alive. Not only that, we are also getting progressively stronger. I think in a few decades we would be able to claim back earth, if we somehow are able to return that is."

Silas responded in a calm manner, his figure relaxed.

"What are you two talking about?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind the two of them, giving them a big embrace.

"Gui Xue, don't scare us like that."

Maverick exclaimed annoyance; however, his expression suggested otherwise.

"Hey Gui Xue, did you finally have a breakthrough?"

Asked Silas, a smile playing on his lips.

"Sharp as always! Yes, I've finally found a stable way to increase my strength. I'll explain my method to you guys later, but I don't recommend you recreate it since it requires my unique body to pull off."

Gui Xue smiled brightly, his mismatched eyes shining with a hint of wisdom. Although he was incredibly unlucky, thanks to his past, he had decided not to stop. Thanks to his connections here, his bad luck had basically been countered by all the good luck around him.

"By the way, I heard something about a person named the Rune Sword Immortal appearing by the rest; who is that?"

Gui Xue asked in curiosity, clueless about the situation.

Silas and Maverick immediately paled at the mention of the Sword Immortal, quickly trying to cover Gui Xue's mouth.

"You fool! Don't speak his title so carelessly! That's the father of the ancestor of the Guang Clan!"

Maverick berated him in a whisper, looking around to make sure no one had heard him.

Gui Xue's eyes widened in surprise, realizing the gravity of his mistake. He quickly nodded in understanding, his expression turning serious.

"Sorry, I didn't realize. Thanks for warning me."

He whispered back, making sure to keep his voice low. Despite his carelessness, Gui Xue was quick to adapt and understand the situation.

Maverick and Silas exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging Gui Xue's understanding. They knew that, despite his occasional slip-ups, Gui Xue was a valuable ally and friend. They trusted him to be discreet and cautious moving forward.




As the night wore on, the atmosphere at the banquet remained lively, with guests mingling and enjoying the festivities. Meanwhile, Rui continued to engage with his friends and relatives, keeping his own thoughts and concerns hidden beneath a calm facade.

Soon, midnight approached, with witch Jane entering the banquet, followed by the clan's elders and higher-ups.

Rui quickly approached her and held her hand, making his way to the center of the hall.

Looking around, he noticed that everyone had gathered their attention towards the two of them.

The air was filled with anticipation as Rui prepared to share his thoughts on this joyous occasion.

"My friends, family, and esteemed guests, thank you for joining us tonight. It's truly a special moment for Jane and me. Today, we embarked on a new journey, and I am grateful to have each and every one of you here to celebrate this union."

Rui's voice resonated in the hall, and he began expressing his gratitude, recounting the adventures and challenges that led to this point. His words were filled with sincerity and warmth, reflecting the depth of his emotions.

Oddly enough, the clan had already created a story to spread around about Jane's background, so Rui didn't have to spend much time thinking about how to lie about their meeting.

Although the story was fake, the clan made sure to create enough breadcrumbs for those interested in checking her true background.

However, just as Rui was about to deliver the climax of his speech, a sudden voice interrupted the moment.

"Enough with the cheesiness; how about we bring out the main course instead?"

The Sword Immortal's voice resounded inside the hall, bringing the joyous atmosphere to a sudden halt.