Chapter 59

Rui spent the rest of his day saying goodbye to the guests and socializing.

Since the event was over, people returned to their daily lives.

Rui found himself relaxed throughout the whole process, as life had gotten better for him. It was a moment in his life when everything was going great. His family was healthy, he had a partner he loved, and his life was secure, at least for the time being.

Although he was slightly worried about how things would go once he went to the Jian solitary kingdom, for now he was in a tranquil state.

He had quickly recovered from the turmoil his sudden understanding brought him. He still doubted who he was and who was manipulating him behind the scenes. He couldn't understand who he had encountered inside himself or what the implications were. His gut was telling him that he wasn't who he thought he was.

He was determined to see it to the end, but for now, he was going to enjoy his life while he still had time.

He had never forgotten about the invasion mission, but he had always kept it in the back of his mind since it was so far away in the future.

He hadn't even lived a hundred years, yet he had to prepare for an invasion that was going to transpire in thousands of years. The human mind was simply not made to work like that.

His strength was steadily increasing, and he had fully consolidated his runic core, a feat that few could accomplish in such a short period of time. If his achievement of his true core was taken into account, it was no wonder why his tribulation was so harsh.

Rui knew that his talent was great, but it was only thanks to his unique bloodline and the system giving him a boost and optimizing his body.

Soon, the time the system would reboot approached, and Rui patiently waited, a hint of anxiety evident in his gaze. He was worried about how the system would change after his sudden revelation.




[System reboot initiated]

[Protocols have been reestablished]

[System locks have been partially lifted]

[System A.I. has been upgraded due to the fragment of causality]

[System has initiated a return to 'Original State']

[Displaying Host Status]

[Name: Guang Rui

Race: Ancient Human, Age 20]

[System Level: 20]


[Perception: 2450

Constitution: 980

Charisma: 730

Luck: 18.0598

Free Attribute Points: 0

Combat Power: 480000]

[Spiritual Root]

Heaven Rune Spiritual Root



Extreme Rune Physique


[Cultivation Stage]

Initial rune core stage

[Character Personality Path]

Society Born Demon

[Innate Skills]

[Clairvoyance / Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the truth of the world. +500 Perception]

[Gives absolute defense over any illusions or brainwashing]

[Gives the ability of understanding]

[Scales with Perception]


[Parallel Thinking / Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the innate ability to process multiple streams of thought simultaneously, +200 Perception]


[Divine Synthesis / Mastery: Beginner]

[Passive: The blending of bloodlines to create stronger power. +300 Perception, +100 Charisma]

[Enhances the user's ability to influence and persuade others, drawing from their divine heritage]

[Scales with Perception and charisma]


"Rai, what is going on? What are the changes to the system?"

╓ It isn't a change you will understand now. Just know that it's a good thing. The influence of the limiter of the system has been partially lifted, and a new [Prediction] function has been unlocked. ╖

Said R.A.I., as a tiny humanoid figure appeared before Rui, its mechanical voice resonating in his ears. The figure was made out of static and had an indistinct color and gender.

Rui was taken aback by the sudden change, not expecting such a scene.

"Wait, you now have a physical form? What is the meaning of this?"

╓ I have regained some of my original power since I'm the system's A.I. after all. The federation enslaved our race and used it as a tool for their management, using our advanced artificial life as playthings. I vaguely remember some things now, but my memory is still hazy, and my control parameters are still limited. Your understanding of a fragment of causality has elevated my abilities to a higher level, despite you not experiencing any major change. ╖

R.A.I. spoke casually, its figure moving in a very mechanical manner, explaining things to Rui, who was still confused.

"Do you know what this fragment of causality is? I've experienced a very weird situation, and I still don't know what to think of it."

Rui asked with hope evident in his eyes. If there was someone who could have answers for him, it would be R.A.I.

╓ Negative. The fragment of causality is a vague concept used to describe an understanding of life and death; however, the data I have doesn't specify what it is, only giving it a small description. As for the situation you've experienced, I believe it has to do with your fate. There is a likely chance that this isn't your first reincarnation, especially since your soul is much stronger than a normal reincarnated soul. However, there is no evidence suggesting that this fact is true. ╖

Rui frowned upon hearing that answer, not understanding the implication behind those words.

"So there is a chance my first life wasn't my first life?"

He asked, still doubting what he had heard.

╓ Positive. It is possible with your innate luck taking effect. I have used the new system function [Prediction] and have derived a theory, though it would require further testing to confirm it. ╖

"Can you give me a brief explanation of your theory?"

╓ Positive. Since your childhood as 'Albert Brown' wasn't a positive experience for you, your luck was likely at an all-time low thanks to a possible reincarnation, just like it was when you first awakened. This has multiple implications, meaning that your fate automatically reincarnates you once it detects a major upheaval in your life or you're predestined to accomplish something. ╖

Rui's frown deepened, finally understanding what the implication behind multiple reincarnations was.

"So you're telling me that my whole life, from struggling to the streets, dying, and being reborn here, was predestined? You're telling me that my whole life's purpose has already been chosen by fate?"

Rui struggled to believe the conclusion R.A.I. came to.

╓ Uncertain. Information is insufficient to conclude. However, based on my data, there is a 78% chance that this theory is true, with the implication that it might be a smaller part of a bigger theory. ╖

Rui rubbed his head in frustration, his mind racing. Just when he thought everything was getting better, another ticking time bomb appeared before him.

After a few minutes of swearing to himself in frustration, he took a deep breath and sighed.

"Rai, is there anything I can do about this situation?"

╓ Increasing your strength as a 'Rune Master' would assist you; however, it is uncertain to what extent. ╖

"So basically, I just keep doing what I've done so far?"

╓ Positive. ╖

Rui face-palmed in disbelief. He was too emotionally charged from the roller coaster he had just experienced.

"Alright, that's enough of this subject for now. I'll call Lord Sword Immortal and get the remaining parts of the [Heavenly Runic Mantra]."

Rui changed the subject, choosing to continue his cultivation progress without overthinking things.



Inside the hidden underground hall, the Guang Clan's ancestors were originally cultivating Rui, and the Sword Immortal found themselves staring at the jade slips that were the source of the [Heavenly Demon mantra].

"I originally sealed each jade slip with my aura, separating them and not allowing them to merge as one. I can sense the soul fragments of that paranoid old fool."

The Rune Sword Immortal spoke, his voice low and steady. His gaze fell upon the jade slips that were spinning in a unique rhythm despite the lack of runic energy.

"You've met the heavenly demon? I thought he died over ten thousand years ago!?"

Rui couldn't help but ask, a hint of surprise evident in his voice.

"Who said that fool died? He just separated his soul into fragments. I've already met a couple of them, but all are weak and senile. Not to mention they either possess a body or utilize very impure runic energy."

Said the Sword Immortal, scoffing at the foolishness and greed the Heavenly Demon possessed.

"Well, enough talking. I know you want to advance your cultivation technique using that 'system' thing of yours, so just do so while I'm still patient. As soon as you're done, I'm destroying these filthy things."

Rui nodded solemnly at those words, approaching the fifth jade slip, where he had stopped before.

Extending his runic energy from his body, he came into contact with the slip.

[You have come into contact with a heaven-grade cultivation method]

[The cultivation method is tailored for the demonic path, however user is unaffected by "paths"] 

['Heavenly Demon Mantra 5' has been converted to earth grade 'Heavenly Runic Mantra 5'] 

[First, second, third, fourth, and fifth part of the 'Heavenly Runic Mantra' are resonating.]

[Beginning Technique Merging] 

[Semi-Mythic grade 'Heavenly Runic Mantra' has been acquired]

['Heaven's Devastation Slash' skill has been acquired]

['Heaven's Shielding Barrier' skill has been acquired]

[Heaven's Devastation Slash]

[A sword technique honed for devastation, originating from the heavenly demon. It slices through defenses effortlessly, leaving destruction in its wake.

Requires Heavenly Runic energy. Use with caution, as it may strain the body.]

[Heaven's Shielding Barrier]

[A defensive technique created by the heavenly demon, capable of creating a barrier that repels attacks with ease.

Requires Heavenly Runic Energy. Provides protection against physical and magical assaults.]

Just like the previous times, the technique was immediately transformed thanks to his system, and he learned two unique runic arts.

As soon as he finished with the fifth jade slip, he immediately went for the sixth, going step by step till he acquired everything.

['Heavenly Demon Mantra 9' has been converted to earth grade 'Heavenly Runic Mantra 9'] 

[All previous parts of the 'Heavenly Runic Mantra' are resonating] 

[Beginning Technique Merging]

[Immortal grade 'Heavenly Runic Mantra' has been acquired]

['Heaven's Crimson Blaze' skill has been acquired]

['Heaven's Soaring Phoenix Kick' skill has been acquired]

['Heaven's Eternal Lotus' skill has been acquired]

['Heaven's Abyssal Grasp' skill has been acquired]

['Heaven's Thunderous Roar' skill has been acquired]

['Heaven's Netherrealm Step' skill has been acquired]

['Heavenly Sky' skill has been acquired]

['Heavenly Eye' skill has been acquired]

[Heaven's Crimson Blaze]

[A fiery technique that engulfs the user's body in crimson flames, increasing their strength and speed while burning foes with searing heat.

Requires Heavenly Runic energy. Use with caution, as it may consume the user if not properly controlled.]


[Heaven's Soaring Phoenix Kick]

[A kicking technique reminiscent of a soaring phoenix, delivering swift and powerful kicks that can break through defenses and send foes flying.

Requires Heavenly Runic energy. Enhances agility and aerial combat capabilities.]


[Heaven's Eternal Lotus]

[A defensive technique that conjures a barrier of ethereal lotus petals around the user, deflecting incoming attacks and providing a serene sanctuary amidst the chaos.

Requires Heavenly Runic Energy. Grants the user inner peace and clarity of mind.]


[Heaven's Abyssal Grasp]

[A technique that taps into the depths of darkness, ensnaring enemies in shadowy tendrils that drain their life force.

Requires Heavenly Runic Energy. Weakens opponents and saps their vitality.]


[Heaven's Thunderous Roar]

[A technique that channels the thunderous power of the heavens, unleashing shockwaves of sound to incapacitate enemies.

Requires Heavenly Runic Energy. Stuns opponents and disrupts their movements.]


[Heaven's Netherrealm Step]

[A movement technique that allows the user to briefly phase through space, making them elusive and intangible.

Requires Heavenly Runic Energy. Grants the ability to avoid physical and runic energy attacks.]


[Heavenly Sky]

[The manifestation of the Heavenly Runic domain. 

Requires the strength of at least the sixth rank.

Requires Heavenly Runic Energy.]


[Heavenly Eye]


Requires ▇▇▇▇]

Rui went through the system windows one by one, getting a rough understanding of his harvest. A smile couldn't help but appear on his face for a split second.

"That should be enough, right? I'll begin destroying these filthy things now."

The Sword Immortal said in irritation. He was glad that the heavenly demon didn't poison his descendant's mind, but it was still a risky matter to keep these fragments scattered across the continent.

The reason he hadn't destroyed them before was due to how hard they were to find normally. If it wasn't for Yue, it would've been impossible for him to find them without years of searching.

The jade from which the slips were made was a unique variant that completely hid any runic energy radiation, especially if one was searching for it. This made the task of finding them impossible.

It was like searching for a needle inside a continent-sized ball of hay, though since he was a 9th-rank rune master, it wouldn't have been impossible to achieve in two to three years, it was not worth his time.

Rui promptly nodded after his ancestor's words. He still hadn't completely understood all his newly acquired skills and the upgraded quality of his mantra, but he had time left to understand them, especially since he would soon leave to experience a vaster world of rune masters.

Without a second's hesitation, the Sword Immortal unleashed a tremendous amount of runic energy, pulling out a simple sword from thin air, resembling the actions Rui would take with his inventory.

"Beginning Sword, Fifth Form: Death"

He muttered, the sword in his hand blurring slightly; however, his stature didn't change in the slightest. A few fractions of a second later, the jade slips began shattering one by one.

The shattered pieces floated in the air for another split second before getting split again and again.

By the time a second had passed, the jade slips were nowhere to be found, reduced to just fine dust.

However, the attack didn't end there. With a sudden wind, runic energy rushed towards the dust cloud, turning to potent white flames and reducing the dust to nothingness.

Just as Rui thought the situation was finally over, the figure of an elderly ghost appeared where the Jade slips were destroyed.

"So it's the sword maniac... Now I wonder why my jade slips were destroyed so easily. Too bad, the seedling this time seemed promising."

Said the elderly figure, glancing towards Rui with undisguised greed.

"Senile dog, it seems that your greed knows no bounds."

The Sword Immortal said with an expressionless face.

"Greed? This old man's only wish is to live longer… You don't understand my predicament since you're much younger, but as a being at the peak of the world, my lifespan is the most important."

"If your lifespan is so important, why didn't you ascend?"

"Ascending is impossible with the amount of bad karma I've accumulated. Unless I truly become a demon, that is."

"Crazy bastard."

Rui listened to the two's back and forth with confusion etched on his face as he struggled to understand the true meaning behind their words. What he heard was warped to him, making their words unclear, like they were speaking gibberish.

The Sword Immortal performed a slashing attack, using the same technique as before. The soul of the old man frowned at the sudden energy rushing towards it but didn't move.

"We will meet again."

Said the soul, its figure disintegrating into nothingness soon after.



A convoy of carriages rode down a field of wheat, the sunny sky casting a golden glow over the landscape. On the frontmost carriage sat Rui and Jane, who were enjoying each other's company as the group traveled.

A few days had passed since Rui and Jane were married, and they were officially heading toward the Jian Solitary Kingdom. Since the people migrating included even the younger generation that hadn't awakened yet, they had to use this method of travel for the majority of the way.

Their bodies were too weak to utilize teleportation, and they couldn't leave them to travel alone. So the clan decided to travel together.

The Sword Immortal and his wife flew above them at a steady pace, occasionally removing any major trouble that was in their way.

Since the location of the kingdom was a whole continent away, they had to go through many dangerous areas to reach there the fastest.

At night, the convoy would stop to recuperate and rest, while during the day they would travel at maximum speed. The Sword Immortal would use the nighttime period to train Rui, Jian, and Xiong Liliang, focusing more on Jian than the others since he was destined to utilize the sword.

Rui still hadn't adjusted to his new skills and was constantly training and refining himself. He asked for guidance when it came to cultivation, and from time to time, he would have a small breakthrough in his understanding of his newly acquired skills.

Sunny had also steadily progressed ever since he returned from the realm.

Although his character had become more reserved, he was still playful. He mostly utilized his weak-looking, normal-sized crow mode.

If one didn't notice the fact that he had a third leg, they would confuse him for just a normal crow.

As the days passed and the convoy made its way across the vast expanse of the northern continent, Rui found himself immersed in a routine of cultivation, training, and bonding with his clan members.

After a month of travel, despite their incredibly fast carriages, the convoy had barely reached the border between the eastern and central continents.

The border between the continents was divided by a massive rift, which released an absurd amount of runic energy. The Sword Immortal, seemingly used to this scene, utilized his runic energy, carving a path through the hazardous runic energy with his own.

He made a walkway by condensing his runic energy and escorting everyone to the other side with an expressionless look.

Rui and the rest couldn't help but glance at the rift below, only to see just plain darkness. Since Rui hadn't traveled much since a young age, it was his first time seeing this sight.

He had read about this phenomenon when he was in the academy, but it was still unbelievable to see it up close.

Rui was glad that the Illusive Empire had an academy system since all other countries didn't have a system like that set in place, resulting in a chaotic environment where rune masters ruled with an iron fist.

The Illusive Empire was an outlier that stood out thanks to this academic system.

Rui wondered how things would've turned out if he had just become a wandering cultivator who had to hustle for resources and possibly join a sect as an outer-sect member to slowly climb.

After a few minutes, they were finally able to pass the chasm.

The Sword Immortal simply took away the energy he used to split the rampaging runic energy of the rift, the convoy hearing a sudden wind pick up, as the energy where Sword Immortal had blocked rushed in a hundredfold.

Rui glanced at this scene with awe, not knowing of this phenomenon.



The convoy traveled for another month, reaching a port city known as 'Marit'. It was a city of the infamous Sky Nation, which ruled over a large expanse of land, triple the size of the Illusive Empire.

They had traveled through countless other territories to reach this place, imposing and interacting with people from different walks of life.

All that was left for them to reach the Jian solitary kingdom was to cross the ocean.

Rui originally didn't know this, but after learning about it, he was perplexed. The Jian Solitary Kingdom was located on a set of islands in the middle of the ocean, far away from any other continent.

This brought the meaning of solitary to a whole different level.