Chapter 60

The Sword Immortal had quickly arranged everything needed for their travel, already knowing of this matter.


The local lord respectfully gave them multiple high-class ships for them to sail in, along with a dedicated crew. It didn't take a genius to understand the true might of a 9th-rank rune master after all. Just by displaying his status, people would flock over and grovel at his feet, seeking guidance and wealth.


Throughout their travel, the group hadn't experienced a hard time, making their migration seem like a small trip, rather than a life-changing event.


Rui sat on top of the ship's mast, the wind blowing the sails towards their destination. The advancement of technology in this world wasn't as advanced as Earth's, to begin with. Comparing them to modern-day ships would be unfair. After all, even if mortals or low-ranking cultivators were the majority, they mostly functioned and relied on higher-ranking rune masters.


This stagnated the technological prowess of the world drastically since rather than relying on themselves, mortals utilized any means necessary to acquire the power of rune masters, be it merchants utilizing the strength of rune masters in their trades or even medical production relying on runic alchemists.


This of course didn't mean that there was no technological advancement whatsoever, but rather that the progress was very slow, as few would attempt something. The drive for technological advancement was scarce, reserved for the rare individuals endowed with both intellect and necessity.


Necessity was always the greatest driving factor when it came to any advancements, just like the original rune masters of the past.


Rui observed the sea, enjoying the scenery, along with the wind blowing on his face.


He had never traveled much, so this was a situation he enjoyed wholeheartedly. Rui saw that the waters near the ship were crowded by countless fishes.


Rui noticed that most of the fish were big, big enough to destroy a portion of the ships if they attacked, but they stayed just far enough not to affect them.


Above him, flying in the sky, Guang Fu Wen Jian stared at the sea, his eyes making contact with a still invisible figure that only he could see.


Just as Rui and the rest were minding their own business, awaiting their arrival at the kingdom's border, a giant figure, large enough to swallow all the ships in one bite, emerged from the bottom of the



The sudden appearance of the colossal sea creature sent shockwaves through the crew and passengers aboard the ships. Rui's heart raced as he watched the massive creature breach the surface, its immense form casting a shadow over the water.


The creature's form was slowly revealed, as the water covering its body subsided. It looked like an Orca, with the major difference being the countless snake-like scales covering its entire body. Two giant feathered wings replaced its fins, giving it an intimidating appearance.


While the people cowered, the sword immortal couldn't help but smile.


"It has been a while, my old friend."


The Sword Immortal spoke, his voice carrying across the water with a sense of warmth and familiarity.


The creature responded to his words with a deep, rumbling sound that seemed to reverberate through the air like thunder. As the rumbling sound echoed through the air, the colossal sea creature inclined its head in acknowledgment of the Sword Immortal's greeting.


Its eyes, deep and ancient, met the Sword Immortal's gaze with a sense of understanding that transcended language.


"This brings back memories… I left without saying anything after all."


The Sword Immortal muttered to himself. The creature growled sadly after hearing those words, its eyes showcasing emotions that would've normally been impossible for such a beast.


Looking at the creature's eyes, the Sword Immortal sighed and extended his hand, releasing a vast amount of runic energy. What he did next shocked Rui and the passengers, as he formed a massive hand, which he used to pet the large creature.


The creature released a pleased cry at this action, its eyes showcasing the innocence it possessed.


Rui, now standing next to Jane and holding her in his embrace couldn't help but stare in disbelief, his jaw hanging loosely for a few seconds.


After a few moments of petting the creature, the Sword Immortal turned towards the ships that now seemed to be in a mess.


"This is a Kun-Peng and an old friend of mine. I'll guide him to move out of the way, so the rest of you continue towards the kingdom. A clone of mine is already waiting for you there."


The Sword Immortal spoke, his voice reaching everyone's ears as if he were standing directly next to them.


Understanding him, the crews manning the ships instantly took action, preparing the ships once again.


Rui and his companions could only follow their ancestor's orders, so they tried ignoring the giant creatures.


Meanwhile, the Sword Immortal continued to communicate with the Kun-Peng, guiding it to move away from the ships and clear a safe path for their journey.


Lianhua stayed silent throughout the whole matter, her presence almost undetectable. A warm smile appeared on her face when she saw her husband interacting with an old friend.


She knew of the Kun-Peng since the two of them were together even back then. When they first encountered the runic beast, it was nothing more than a small fish out of water, searching for its mother.


Looking at its current size, she couldn't help but sigh in amazement. If it began flying, it would cause a large amount of damage to the neighboring empires, so she had to make sure to keep it in check, along with her husband.


Sometimes she felt more like a caretaker rather than his wife, but that was their dynamic from the start. She knew what she was getting into from the moment she fell in love with him.


If only her kids were a bit smarter, she wouldn't have to suffer like this. They had already lost one after all.


The Sword Immortal smiled happily, chatting with his old friend and treating it like it was a small creature despite their drastic size difference.


They exchanged adventures and stories with one another, with the Sword Immortal speaking the most.


The Kun-Peng had decided to separate from being his companion thousands of years ago, going on its journey of cultivation.



"So, do any of you know what a 'Kun-Peng' is?"


Gui Xue asked, his question stumping his companions.


"Honestly, no idea. I tried asking the people of this world and didn't find anything."


Maverick answered, frowning at his lack of understanding. Even on earth and in the ruins, they didn't encounter such a massive creature. He thought he had seen most of the world, but this encounter made him realize that he was just a frog at the bottom of a well.


"Well, we can just ask Rui. I bet he knows."


Silas said nonchalantly, a few glass fragments floating around his body.


He was trying his best to advance his strength. Since he possessed a spiritual root, he needed to figure out how to use it.


Oddly enough, when he used runic stones that were carved out and polished into a mirror surface, he was able to absorb the energy inside it.


This changed his entire perspective, as he used different mirror surfaces and glass fragments to absorb the energy of the environment passively.


Although the improvement wasn't much, he was still making progress, unlike Maverick who was completely clueless. Gui Xue had already figured out a way for him to increase his strength.


Silas had to admit that the group they had formed was odd, as they were all outsiders with no support in this world.


"I'm gonna go ask Rui, that's a good idea."


Gui Xue responded, excitement gleaming in his eyes, his figure vanishing, only to return a few minutes later with shining eyes.


"So, did you find out?"


Maverick asked, curiosity evident on his face.


"Yes! It turns out a Kun-Peng is a mythical creature that is rarely seen due to its solitary nature. From what Rui told me, its strength is probably near the peak of this planet, which means that it is as powerful or even more powerful than lord Sword Immortal!"


Both Silas and Maverick opened their eyes wide at those words, not expecting a random encounter like this to be so important.


Their fate had truly changed ever since they had arrived here.




The ships traveled for roughly ten hours, making the ride extremely uncomfortable for normal passengers. Rui's mother, Guang Ya was also one of the passengers, however thanks to his father's assistance she was able to hold on without much issue.


Wuya San used his spiritual energy to assist the rest as much as he could.


The elders made sure to hold out against any sea monster that approached since the Sword Immortal had left along with his wife.


They had yet to meet the clone their ancestor had mentioned, so they were blind for the time being.




The cry of "LAND!" echoed across the ship, instantly snapping everyone out of their weariness and discomfort. Passengers and crew members alike rushed to the sides of the ship, eager to catch their first glimpse of solid ground after hours of sailing on the open sea.


No one knew who shouted first, but they couldn't care less.


Since most of the family members were rune masters, they were quickly able to spot the land in question, a smile forming on their lips.


"We are preparing for landing! All clan members assemble!"


Guang Zhe shouted, prompting all of the clan members to gather. Since there were more than five ships, a corresponding elder was stationed in each one, guiding the rest of the clan members.


Since the Sword Immortal had brought over more than fifty percent of the clan members, the count exceeded two hundred.


"After landing, we will wait for the ancestor's clone, so none of you make a move. The Jian Solitary kingdom belongs to our Guang Family, but that doesn't mean we have the power to do whatever we want. We have yet to be officially declared a main lineage clan, so we are in danger as soon as we arrive if our identities are revealed."


This time, the first ancestor, Guang Chen spoke, silencing the excited crowds.


The seriousness in Guang Chen's voice immediately sobered the atmosphere on the ships. His words served as a stark reminder of the precarious situation they faced in this unfamiliar territory.


They still didn't know who the enemy of their ancestor, Guang Ren, was.


Rui and the other clan members nodded solemnly, understanding the importance of maintaining a low profile upon their arrival. The prospect of being in a new kingdom, where their status was not yet solidified, filled them with a sense of caution.


As the ships approached the coastline, the anticipation among the passengers reached its peak. Eyes were glued to the horizon, eagerly awaiting the sight of their new home.


Finally, the ships docked at the harbor, and the clan members disembarked, stepping onto the solid ground of the Jian Solitary kingdom. The sensation of stability beneath their feet after hours of sailing was a welcome relief.


The clan members gathered in formation, their expressions a mix of excitement and apprehension as they awaited further instructions from their elders.


Rui couldn't help but examine the port city, admiring the architecture. The houses were very similar to those of the eastern continent, but there was a clear distinction, being the higher build quality.


The buildings looked to be made with strengthened materials and even radiated a hint of runic energy.


Vehicles different from the carriages he had been used to roamed the streets, resembling an odd mix of a carriage and a boat.


It was exciting to experience a new environment like this and Rui was sure that his strength would advance by leaps and bounds while under the guidance of the Sword Immortal.


The group waited patiently for the arrival of the clone and thankfully in just a few minutes, the figure of the Sword Immortal appeared before them, his expression cold.


"Follow me. The original has already relaid everything so I've prepared accordingly."


The Clone spoke its posture and manner of speech different from the Sword Immortal they were used to. This clone acted like a ruler and gave off an incredibly potent aura.


The clan members exchanged glances, noting the difference in demeanor between the original Sword Immortal and his clone. There was an undeniable air of authority emanating from the clone, making it clear that he was not to be trifled with.


The clone turned around and waved its hand, manifesting multiple vehicles out of thin air.


Rui, Jane, Maverick, and Silas opened their wide when he saw the vehicles.


"Aren't those buses? What the?"


Rui screamed in shock, not understanding how modern transportation appeared all of a sudden.


The clone of the Sword Immortal grinned when he heard his words.


"The original found 'Earth's' inventions very convenient, so he relayed this information to me. I used a lot of resources for this, so be glad that your memories were useful."


The revelation left Rui and his companions speechless, their minds struggling to comprehend the sudden appearance of modern vehicles in this ancient world.


They exchanged bewildered glances, trying to process the implications of what they had just witnessed.


What Rui and the others didn't know was the fact that the Sword Immortal had never left his country unattended, but rather left a clone of himself and his wife behind to monitor it.


The Sword Immortal had found the innovation of earthlings quite useful, so he decided to combine modern technology with runic energy. He already had plans to create similar devices to televisions and different sports for entertainment purposes.


Having lived for so many years, he was bored out of his mind, having already witnessed almost anything the world had to offer, especially since he was so powerful.


The clan members split into different groups and entered the modern buses in confusion, not knowing how to sit or handle themselves due to it being their first time.


After finally getting settled, the buses began to move on their own, without a bus driver. Rui worriedly looked at this scene, not knowing if things were going to be alright.


Thankfully he had nothing to worry about, since the clone, who had hidden itself, was remotely controlling the vehicles.


The path the buses took was already cleared and the roads were paved, making the ride smooth.


Traveling through the city, they admired the scenery. However, since the port city wasn't their final destination, they soon left it.


Traveling for roughly half an hour, the group finally reached the capital city.


The capital city was a sight to behold, with towering buildings reaching towards the sky and bustling streets filled with people from all walks of life.


As the buses entered the heart of the city, Rui couldn't help but marvel at the sights around him. The streets were lined with shops selling a variety of goods, from exotic foods to rare artifacts. People bustled about, going about their daily lives in the vibrant city.


The buses stood out like sore thumbs in the traditional-looking city. Despite the buses' modern appearance, they smoothly navigated through the crowded streets, drawing curious glances from the city's inhabitants. Rui and his companions peered out of the windows, taking in the sights with wide eyes.


Paved roads, with enough space for multiple carriages to pass, and sidewalks for pedestrians to work. Traffic control officers and patrolling guards ensure the protection of the civilians.


Soon, they reached the centermost area of the city, where the buildings thinned out drastically. A giant plaza surrounding a castle lay in the middle of the bustling city, the location where the royal family of the kingdom, the Guang Family, resided.




Inside the palace two men sat on an ornate wooden table, enjoying some tea.


"Father has gone out again. What do you think he is doing now, Mo?"


Said one of the two, breaking the silence. The man was tall and handsome with short brown hair and sharp red eyes. His smile was big and bright, while the atmosphere surrounding him was colorful and cheerful.


"I see… Well, father has always done whatever he wanted, so I don't care. He wouldn't ruin the esteem of our family in his territory after all. Isn't that right, Yuan."


The man named Mo spoke slowly, placing down the cup of tea he was about to enjoy with an annoyed expression. He had specifically his younger brother by name, to showcase his annoyance.


Just like the other man, he was tall and handsome, but his hair was pitch black along with his eyes, which were contoured by his large black circles.


Unlike other rune masters, the runes on their forehead were unique. The man named Yuan possessed a rune in the shape of a circle, while Mo's rune resembled a skull.


Yuan chuckled softly, taking a sip of his tea before responding to his brother's question.


"Knowing father, he's probably off on another one of his adventures. You know how he is, always seeking excitement and new experiences."


He set his cup down on the table, regarding his brother with a playful glint in his eyes.


"But you're right, Mo. Father wouldn't do anything to tarnish the reputation of our family, especially not in his territory. We can trust him to handle whatever he's up to."


Mo nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips.


Although what they had spoken wasn't anything meaningful, both of them were currently having a battle of wit. Since both of them strove for political power, they were fighting with their words, hiding their true intentions behind a bright smile.


At that moment a maid walked in, bowing with respect.


Noticing her, the two nodded in acknowledgment, awaiting her reason for coming in at this time.


"My lords, his majesty has ordered for you to come to the central hall."


The maid hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice quivering slightly.


Mo and Yuan exchanged glances, a shared understanding passing between them. The sudden summoning to the central hall by their father, was not a routine occurrence, something major must be going on and they had no knowledge of it.


"Thank you for relaying the message, you may leave."


Mo said with a nod, dismissing the maid.


As the door closed behind her, the brothers stood up and vanished from their spots like they were never there.