
[You can choose a profession]

[List of Professions available]

> Fighter (Common rank) (Male locked)

> Barbarian (Common rank) (Male locked)

> Mercenary (Common rank)

> Archer (Common rank)

> Rogue (Common rank)

> Priest (Common rank)

> Mage (Common rank)

So typical of VR games, giving out the trashy professions at the beginning, only noobs could be deceived by it. Leon knew there would be opportunities to get much better professions as he progressed in the game so he swiped the list of Professions away.

[You did not choose a profession]

[Do you want to enter the World of Aron?]

"Yes please"

[The world of Aron is a world with four continents. Of all these four continents, only one is currently accessible due to game progression]

[You can choose your starting location]

[Ar'Daxia Continent: A continent with three kingdoms and one empire which stands as a powerhouse of the continent. Ar'Daxia is a continent that excels in trading, which makes it the centre of finance. Humans are the dominant race]

[You can choose to start at - ]

> Ballivile in the Glasgow Kingdom

> Kont'el in the Temper Kingdom

> Truce in Romel Empire

Leon was filled with awe as he saw a photograph of the places that were listed. Ballivile was an old town, with the picture alone Leon could tell this was a place that had been neglected by the government of the kingdom. Kont'el wasn't that perfect either but it didn't have high players' start point rate it was the lowest.

"Some news must have been spread online by the folks that tried coming here first. If they ran away because it's hard, that means all the good stuff here has never been touched" Leon looked at the last picture. This place was the place with the highest player start point rate, and it was very beautiful which would naturally make any new player fall for it.

"...Kont'el it is," Leon said as he clicked on Kont'el. His body began to break into blocks, he expressed a smile of satisfaction as he completely disappeared from the sea of skies.

[Welcome to the World of Aron]

[You are in Kont'el town]

[You can view your character profile]

Beyond the notifications that appeared in front of him, Leon was amazed by the sight of people walking here and there. Of course, playing virtual reality games had given him a glimpse of how humans look generally, but seeing them like this, just hit him differently. Seeing people doing different activities, stalls shopkeepers and a busy street. He was joyful. So much that his heart was making loud thumps through his chest.

He slowly took the first step with tears, "Oh, my God, I've cried so much than I've done in the last seventeen years of my life." He wiped his tears as he muttered to himself, slowly moving forward and smiling at the spirit of the environment.

"I can swear I've never seen someone cry, I've seen someone leap with joy mostly, or be overwhelmed with fear; introvert most cases. But cry? this is rare" A tall, blonde-haired guy said.

Leon was a little shocked but showed no signs of it, he gently turned to his side to catch a sight of the person talking. He looked with a questionable expression.

"I am Gretas, nice to meet you," he said belatedly noticing Leon's eyes. "Oh my God! Where did you get that? Was it in the character customization option?" Gretas said with a wild expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, no. I didn't customise my character"

"Then are you telling me this is how you look in real?"


Leon had no idea why the weird guy was making a big deal over his deep brown eyes only that right now his eyes weren't deep brown and he didn't know that.

"You must be handsome in real" Gretas said with excitement.

"You are new right? I can tell, you need help? Oh, you do, because when you get into Aron, you don't receive anything like an automatic or starting quest, you have to move interacting with NPCs. A Quest can come from absolutely anything, from even trees. Alright I'm might be exaggerating but I'm serious, nothing is impossible in Aron"

Leon smiled, "Cool"

"But the most important thing always remains to level up, so you have to go and meet Knight Barrister, he's the Knight in charge of new trainees. You know like actual soldier trainees, NPCs but he takes his time to train new players too and even gives them Quest, but you have to know your way around them. The key to receiving Quests from these NPCs is communication."

'This world might be a lot more than I envisioned' Leon said in his head.

"I can help you to Knight Barrister. However, I'd like to add you as a friend"


"Your username?"


"Weird name for such beautiful eyes"


Gretas sent a friend request to Leon, who immediately received it and accepted. They both walked to the Barrack training ground. Where they met Knight Barrister.

The Knight, in a silver plate mail armour and a longsword in his hand. He had black, long wavy hair, rough beards and black eyeballs that sank in his sclera. Which made his personality predictable for anyone except Leon.

"It's you Gretas" The Knight greeted Gretas warmly.

"Yes Knight Barrister and I have a friend year with me," He said.

"You come with a friend every time you come to see me. I hope your community of players see the good you do for them." Knight Barrister said as he stared down at Leon.

Even though Leon was quite tall, last recorded at 189cm, still having to look up at the wide and broad Knight was weird for him looking up at anything was weird because it was the first time in his entire life.

"So you are a new one. Hmm, it's been years since I got surprised by a new one. By your look, you don't seem to have a profession. What's your weapon of choice? Whatever! You can go to the weapon board and pick anything, swing at the scarecrows let's see what you've got"

Leon walked towards the weapon board and picked a longsword.

[You have equipped a weapon]

[Weapon name: Simple longsword]

> A low-quality sword crafted by a blacksmith that is just trying to keep the smithy running.

> Weapon grade: Basic

> Attack power: +10

> Durability: 10

'It feels great holding a sword, I'm quite familiar with the feel from numerous VRs but seeing it like this just hits different.' Leon said as he swung the sword swiftly in circles.

"Hoh..." Knight Barrister expressed surprise as he watched Leon. "He might be interesting" he whispered to himself.

Leon approached the scarecrow and tightened his right hand on the sword handle.

"...or cocky..." the Knight muttered again. His eyes were fixated on Leon even though several other players were training.



Leon's hand movement was like the wind, very swift, simple and void of extravagant movement. What more was the hit itself.

"Sharp and accurate!" Knight Barrister's eyes were filled with glow and a burst of excitement.

[You have passively activated Deblis: Eye of Truth]

[You can see the weakness of every creature]

A rush of adrenaline flowed into Leon as his honey eyeball glowed glow as he fixed his eyes on the scarecrow.