The Cautious

[Passive skill: Deblis: Eye of Truth has been activated]

[Skill name: Deblis: Eye of Truth]

> Skill type: Passive

> Skill rank: B

> Skill level: 1

> Skill info: The user can see the weak point of any enemy that is within the range of 10 levels higher from the user's level.

> Skill cooldown: 400 secs.


The scarecrow shattered and fell to the ground as Leon hit it.

'Weird, I thought I was going to be lacking plenty bit, but I seem good enough even from the start' Leon's thought as he was surprised by his skill.

"Oh good Galvander, did you just break my scarecrow?!" Knight Barrister hollered from where he stood. Afterwards, he hurriedly marched towards Leon.

Leon bowed, his shoulders shivered a bit, "I'm so sorry, I have no idea it was going to break so easily" he shouted.

"It's okay, boy. You are worthy, aha, it's been years since someone broke this scarecrow. What's your name?"

"Blind Sage" Leon responded without remorse.

"Weird name for such beautiful eyes," Knight Barrister said and continued, "You show skills of a good swordsman, though the simplicity shows that you are just used to the basics and didn't particular train. Would you like to learn Swordsmanship the right way?"


[You have received a quest]

'So fast?'

[Quest information]

> Learn Swordsmanship the right way from Knight Barrister, he's enthusiastic about teaching since he thinks you have the talent for it.

> Quest type: Normal

> Quest rank: Ruby

> Quest reward: Moonlit Swordsmanship(AAA); All nine forms, Affinity with Knight Barrister will increase

> Quest Failure: Affinity with Knight Barrister will decrease.

"I'll be in your care" Leon kowtowed in an instant.


"Wow, I didn't think Knight Barrister would give you that Quest, it's one of the reasons why I've been hanging around. Will you teach me if he's done teaching you?"

"Is it possible to teach skills?" Leon asked.

"I told you nothing is impossible in Aron, if you pay good enough attention, you can teach, you can even decide to open a dojo and teach both players and NPCs, for a nice amount of money which you can convert to real money. A lot of players use Age Of Aron to earn money for living you see..."

"I see" Leon paused, 'I'll have to refuse him if he's serious about it...I can't trust anyone, I don't want rarity getting common to people'

"Cool down, I was just joking, your Affinity with Knight Barrister will drop to rock bottom if he finds out you taught someone," Gretas said as he walked forward. he suddenly stopped as Leon's sudden sharp gaze was practically piercing him.

"Is something wrong?" he cautiously asked.

"Why have you been here? By the looks of it, you've spent a lot of time here? This place is like the least favoured of all starting points. Why did you decide to settle here? Give me reasons I should not be suspicious of your actions from before till now?"

Gretas was very confused, the sudden, uncalled change in Leon's demeanour scared him, so much that his hand shook.

Leon walked closer to him, "If you stab me? or take advantage of me? I will make sure you are not able to play this game again for the rest of your life" Leon said in a calm yet thunderous tone. His warning sank into the deepest part of Gretas head.

A wide smile spread across his face instantly. "I heard the taste of the food here is also the same as reality, I'm really hungry. Come to think of it, I've been swinging swords for the past six hours." Leon said excitedly, looking around.

'Forget about his handsome face, this guy is not a pushover but a f**king psychopath' Gretas head was facing down and sweat poured profusely as he strongly avoided Leon's gaze even though he was smiling and sounding excited.

...The Kingdom of Temper... Egurthã city...WhiteOrl guild Manor...

"Do you think he'll play this too?" A skinny, blue-haired girl named Tara asked.

"Who knows? WhiteOrl has always been full of surprises. But it's been three months since Age Of Aron started, his late period is always three months. I don't think he's planning on joining if after three months he's not here." A strict-looking lady responded, she was seated opposite the blue-haired girl and was writing on paper.

"Or he could have used another name?" The blue girl said again.

"Really?" She paused from her writing and looked at Tara. "This is WhiteOrl's heritage, we and this guild, right from the first game we met seven years ago, we've built a name for ourselves and that name is WhiteOrl, you seriously think at this moment that finally matters, WhiteOrl will abandon his name?"

"I mean, haven't you said it many times, he's unpredictable even though we've been with him for so long, like how he never agrees to meet in real life?"

"I know, he's full of mysteries, but let's focus on what we have at hand and leave that matter, WhiteOrl started with other guilds and we are hardly maintaining the tenth rank, our name will be lost before we know it."

"It would have been easy to dominate the ranking board if WhiteOrl was here" she grumbled.


She slammed her hands on the wooden table.

"..." She calmed as she was about to raise her voice, "You know what, I've had enough, when Asher and the rest of the pioneers get online, let's discuss on a search party that you'll lead to go and find WhiteOrl? Happy?!"

"Yay!!" Tara jumped in joy, "Thank you so much Hakita! You are so kind" She danced around the room and danced outside.

"That sly b*tch, using sly means to get what she wants" she gritted at her and continued her paperwork.

.....Kont'el Town....

[Welcome to Aron]

'Yesterday was beautiful, I ended up playing for eighteen hours in real-time(which is three days in-game time) straight causing the system to force log me out, I wish there was no restriction but hay, I'm back after a long six hours of rest. Ah, I should go meet Knight Barrister'

As he attempted to move, a sharp and hazy figure swept past him.

His vision blurred.

[You have died]