Main Quest?

[Are you sure you want to add 40 stat points to Agility?]

"Yes..." Leon muttered beneath his lips.

[Agility has increased by 40 points]

"Keep watch, he's key to whatever is going on" Myong Yu shouted as he leapt away from the walls.


The craters from the ground slapped Leon's face.

'Now or never'

He swiftly ran and jumped as the soldiers were about to touch him.

"Bye bye m*therf**k*rs!!" He shouted as he flew down and crashed into a roof.

[You have received 477 damages.]

He fell down into the bathroom where a lady was about to enter, the lady ran out in shock. Leon quickly got up.

"Why the hell did I fall on a roof... that direction was supposed to be out of the city. Back to where I came from..." He said and went out of the house.

"...what on earth just happened, did I just mistakenly fall into the city instead of outside the city." Leon looked up the walls and could see the soldiers rushing. He could tell they were coming for him, he sharply jumped off the building and began to run forward.

'...damn, I don't know where to run to but at least I have a chance of survival I run towards the castle where my shifu seems to be at.' He doubled his speed, jumping over stalls and disrupting the markets. The soldiers pursued him desperately, even though some were caught in the stuffs he threw at them, they didn't stop pursuing.


>> Alert! Alert!! Alert!!!

>> Alert! Alert!! Alert!!!

The chairman walked into his office. "What is it Morkgol?"

>> Alert!! The percentage of USCR000 obtaining HiPEX001U has risen tremendously.

The chairman was shocked, "Numbers?"


"That's absurd! what happened? what changed?!"

>> He was supposed to leave Ordeta after Quest LIA001.


>> He's in pursuit, there's a higher percentage that he might run into LIA or Knight BARRISTER, If that happens he will automatically gain Quest LIA-UX.

"Morkgol can we keep this between us for now..."

>> Yes.

"Thank you" The chairman said as he fell on his seat and wiped his face with both his palm. He tapped the wristwatch on his hand, immediately the wall switched on and he saw the scene of Leon running towards the castle. His eyeball twitched and his composure showed that he was in great distress.


[Your Vitality has increased by 5]

[Your Vitality has increased by 5]


Leon flew over the cart that was on the way and continued to make a run for it, he didn't have a chance toto stop. He was barely fifty meters away from the large castle gate when he suddenly stopped. He threw his gaze to the left and saw the longsword hanging on a shop, he brought the claymore out of his Inventory and hung it there and took the long sword as he ran away the shop owner came out and began to shout at him but he did not, he just ran towards the Palace large door. The door slowly closed as he ran closer. He was not going to make it if he continued at the pace he was running.

"Oh no you don't..." He leapt above the floor and into the air.

"Moonlit: Eighth form: ...Moon run!!"


From the air he grazed through the soldiers, smashing thick wooden door that they were closing. His colourless aura sipped out of his sword like smoke. The soldiers had been caught in the impact and were unconscious..He was ready to receive more soldier but the path ahead of him was filled with blood, as though someone had gone on a killing rampage.

With the marks of the sword slash on their bodies, he could tell it was the Moonlit technique. He began to wonder the length of what he might have gotten himself into.

'I didn't want to get involved...I knew it was something like this... but I just had to go and fall in the city instead of outside.' Leon said as squeezing his face as he proceeded.

He traced the bloods and continued down the path. He reached castle prison, he was disgusted as the guards were roughly killed.

He ran through the prisons and finally saw someone. Who was laying on the floor.

He entered and helped the person up, immediately recognising who it was.

"Knight Barrister...Knight Barrister!!" He said as he lifted him up to his thighs, shaking his body in order to wake him. He looked around, 'Think about it, this might be the safest place for me right now...yes, I don't need to get caught up in all this fight...'He said and laid Knight Barrister gently on the ground. 'Let me to sleep a bit and regain my some Vitality.' He thought to himself and also laid.


He slowly opened his eyes, sat up and stretched, 'Mehn, even sleeping in this game give the same sensation as real life... I feel more relieved now'

"First of all, whya are you doing with my light armour."

The thick voice shocked him, that was when he remembered that Knight Barrister was there before he slept and also remembered he was wearing Knight Barrister's black leather armour.

"I took it from your place..."

"You stole it..."

"...I've been so worried about you Knight Barrister. Ah I've learnt-"

"I see you have met her highness"

"Pardon? High-ness?"

"The lady that taught you fire breathing... I can't miss it when I see it, that pattern of breathe. To think she actually taught for you to actually be able to learn it. You are indeed special."

Leon felt a sense of acceptance as Knight Barrister said the word "special".

'He called me special?...this is the first time I'm hearing such...' Leon's eyes were almost watery.

"I hate to say this but I must beg you to save the princess"

Leon came back to the scene, "Wait, I don't understand how she's the princess, isn't she the rebel, the one you've been harbouring?"

"All lies, I wasn't even harbouring the princess, but we kept in touch through letters." Knight Barrister responded.

"If she's the princess, I don't understand why she's being pursued." Leon expressed his confusion.

"It's a long story, but to cut it short, the princess is the only child of her father and ever since her young age she has been trained and schooled to be a king until the present king, the younger brother of the late King came and was never going to allow the crowning of the princess to take place...he killed the princess father and robed her for it. Now the whole city believes the princess is someone that killed her father because she couldn't wait for her turn."

"Wow...that's a long story..." Leon said

"It's a summary" Knight Barrister responded.

"Ah, then I'll just stick with the summary"

"Sir BlindSage, I need you to help me protect the princess." Knight Barrister said to Leon gently holding his hand.

Leon scoffed, "You want me to protect someone that is stronger than me, in what part of a book did you ever see that happen before?"

"Please, I know you have the potential, I know you have the tenacity, I know you have what it takes to keep her highness alive to please. Help me, Help this Kingdom!" Knight Barrister begged him strongly tightening his grip on his hand.

[You have received a new quest]

[Quest Information]

> Lia is the Princess of Temper and the true heir to the throne, but after her father was murdered, she has been forced to walk and unknown path and has lost herself. Help Princess Liabella find herself and protect her with every thing you have within and beyond you.

> Quest type: Main

> Quest rank: Platinum

> Quest reward: Nobility status, Affinity with Knight Barrister reaches maximum, Affinity with Princess Liabella upgrades to BOND, Profession(the profession you will receive is based on your choices in this quest).

>Quest failure: Death of Princess Liabella, The damnation of Temper Kingdom, Affinity with Knight Barrister increases by 100.

"Please I beg you, I will give you everything, my riches, every thing."

[Additional reward added]

> All of Knight Barrister's riches(however MAX Affinity with Knight Barrister will decrease by 50)