Hidden Prince

Leon grabbed his longsword and heroically rose to his feet. "Don't worry Knight Barrister..."

"Who's there!"

A voice echoed from the prison passage.

"I'll create a diversion" Said Knight Barrister. You go ahead, once you get out run left and keep going, the path to the throne hall will be obvious to you by the time you reach the end of that road."

"Alright sir" Leon responded. Knight Barrister went on ahead, after a short while Leon held several screams. He ran out and nodded at Knight Barrister who also nodded in return. He curved left and ran hard not glancing at his back.

He sharply stopped as he arrived in a wide open space with wide and large stairs and at the upward end of the stairs stood four columns that carried the structure on the frontal look. Leon dashed towards the stairs.


Another figure was throne outside by an explosive force, Leon who was running towards the throne hall glanced quickly and realising it was Lia, the next step he took served as a balance for him to propagate another step which gave him a leap towards Lia who was in mid air.




After catching he landed heavily on the floor and tumbled away finally crashing into a wooden fence.

Lia's forehead was drenched in blood but she was shocked to see Leon.

"Blind boy...what are you doing ?"

"It's BlindSage...And what do you mean what am I doing here. I am here to save you"

"Ha, Cheesy, I hope you can keep up" She said as she jumped to her feet(From within his arms). Her face blushed for a brief moment.


Someone flew out of the throne hall and towards them but Leon got in front.

"...third form: Dark moon"


Myong Yu's visuals went black and white for a brief moment as Leon's horizontal strike went past him. Leon and swiftly lunged his strike horizontally. The strike was a long range attack that gave him an edge of speed.

[You have dealt 993 damages]

Plus it was masked with aura.

Leon appeared in mid air behind his opponent. He swiftly made a turn in air as he was about falling.

"Moonlit: third form: Dark moon"

The same thing happened again and landed Leon on the ground where he had initially took off.

[You have dealt 759 damages]

Lia immediately, using Leon's arriving shoulder(before he landed) as a stepping point, projected herself into the air, higher than the falling Myong Yu.

"Moonlit: Fourth form: Lonely moon"

A barrage of crescent slashes descended upon Myong Yu but simultaneously a large barrage slashes wrapped in an equally colored maroon aura lunged at her.


She sharply swirled her sword, sucking in a the strikes but she was supersonically thrown to the ground by the impact.


The she landed on depleted to miniature craters, her body bounced by the force of her landing and fell back on the floor. She coughed up blood but still stood up.

Leon ran backward to her.

"We should get out of here" 'What the hell, someone who can use Moonlit...is it who I'm thinking it is"

The King slowly stepped out of the hall.

"Do you think you are the only one that was trained."

"That's impossible..." Lia said with a Shaky voice as she got up to her feet, with Leon's voluntary help. "Moonlit is supposed to be thought to only the heir to the throne? How on earth did you know it"

"Look at this wrench. You are so clueless. You think the world runs like the way it those in your measly imagination. This is not a fairytale Liabelle my niece, wake up! You think the people will accept a female leader. It has never happened before in the history of Temper and it will never happen!"

"This buffon..." Leon spoke out.

"...?" The King paused and glanced towards him, "Who is this insignificant cockroach."

The King's cuss stabbed Leon's chest, 'That bastard called me insignificant cockroach'

The King arrived at Myong Yu, who stood up and bowed.

"What is this? I placed high expectations on you and look at the ruined state you are in. You can't even handle a pr–


Leon arrived behind the King. His eyes widened in disbelief.

'I just started the game...I've not experienced much but how on earth can he dodge like that...it was brief...he literally slide to the side, making me cut through empty space.

Leon stood upright and faced the King. He squinted his face and smiled. He dashed at the the King and began lunging an mutli directional strike which the King blocked easily.






Myong Yu, sought to interrupt by leaping into the air, with his great sword high up, one could tell he wanted to tear Leon's back as he landed. But the force of his sword was rebounded by an equal force of Lia's jian sword.

He staggered backwards which surprised him.

"You are strong...but my business is not with you" He said as he slide to the left but his face was greeted by Lia's semi-circle kick that made him stagger backwards, to the position he initially was. Lia lunged her sword at him without a second of hesitation, but he stroke it down with his great sword pinning her sword with his.

"You'll have to pass me to get to him" She said, the already clotting blood on her face gave her, the appearance of the bravest of female warriors. She left the sword and flipped, landing a kick on Myong Yu. Which he likewise blocked by crossing his hand above his head, he reached to grab her leg but was slower, she had flipped opposite direction and grabbed her sword as she landed, pacing several steps backwards.

Equally, Leon and King Bath'erion exchanged sword slash.




Leon sword strikes were atypical, a summary of his gaming memory. Leon was quick to catch on the fact that against someone who is uses the same sword style as him and might even have higher mastery of it than him. What he should do is force an opening by making him drop his guard.

"What is this clumsy sword style? I definitely thought I saw you use Dark moon right now..." he said as he easily parried Leon's attack and kicked his belly.

Leon staggered backwards but maintained his breathe pattern.


He let out a steamy breathe as he added his left hand to the long sword he was holding and took a close stance.

The king paused. "Impossible...where did you come from?"

"Plot twist, I am the hidden Prince that you never got to know about" he grinned "Moonlit sword: Ultimate form..."