The Crypt Of Helena

The water had reached their shoulders and lifting their legs above the ground which made it harder to move. Leon went under the water which was dark, he swam towards the wall and ran his hands on the wall as he slowly swam forward, he went back up to breathe.

Tessa just floated there and it annoyed Leon.

"Do you intend to do nothing" Leon said to her.

"You caused this, you might as well save us from it...oh useless duke." She said and ignored him afterwards.

"Duke?" Arthur was quite surprised, even Gretas was as surprised as he was but just observed.

No one replied their suspicions.

"Alright, I think what we need to first work on before finding out way to save ourselves is the air around here. We are a team, I don't know what you guys got between you both before now but for the sake of making it out before we die...make out"

Leon and Tessa sent their gazes towards Arthur, "Make out?"

"Sorry make up, is what I meant."

Leon dived into the water again.

"Why does he keep diving inside?" Arthur asked while observing around, the water was already reaching their jawline.

Leon came back up panting, "...*pants* pants*...I think there's a door on the floor"

"..." They all looked at him.

"Show me" Arthur said as he dived into the water too, Leon followed and as they swam down he took Arthur's hand, which caught Arthur by surprise, but what surprised him more was that Leon was closing his eyes. He began to run Arthur's hand on the floor. Arthur immediately felt the little space that was long and the edges which signified a curve. They went back up.

"It's blueugh...upleugh..." the water got into his mouth as he wanted to talk.

But they already understood, they all dived into the waters and were shown the door by Leon. Afterwards they began to figure out a way to open the door by running their hands on it.

'...The hole is not the place where water is coming from...wherever the water is coming from has to be a very tiny hole otherwise it would have been visible...but if its a tiny hole, then there would be a lot of tiny holes might help us figure out a way to open it' Leon thought to himself as he looked around.

'How did he figure it out without seeing it. I suspected below the waters were made darker deliberately to hide our escape route but to think he would be able to find out.' Arthur admired Leon's observation skills in his mind.

Leon focused his eyes and began to slowly look around, his eyes was reddening as they were wide opened inside water but he still kept at it.

[You have lost 10 health points]

'...why is it not activating...' Leon was in frustration but he didn't stop looking around with his eyes opened.

[You have lost 10 health points]

[You have lost 10 health points]

[Your proficiency with passive skill: Acute sight synthesis has increased]

[Your proficiency with passive skill: Acute sight synthesis has increased]

[Skill has gained two levels]

[A sub skill has been unlocked]

[Dark vision(C)lv.1: You can see in the dark]

Leon's sight lit up and he could immediately see as though it was daylight. He immediately saw the holes in between the bricks and immediately swam towards it even though he was beginning to get really uncomfortable with his breathe.

[You have lost 20 health points]

[You have lost 30 health points]

He touched the hole and touched the bricks around it, the last one he touched pushed in, but nothing happened. 'I guess I have to reach all of it, but before I reach all of it I would have died'

The brick he pushed in came back out as he was about to leave. He sighed in frustration, 'I hate dungeons' he went ahead to Arthur and brought him over to the hole he found, then pushed the brick below the hole. Then he raised four fingers, and took Arthur to where the other hole was, he also did the same to the others, instructing them to push the brick below, and he also went in position and together they pushed the brick.


The large door beneath them slowly opened and fell, the water gushed out of the opening and they with it. They fell into the opening and on a stony ground. Leon coughed out water as he panted.

[You are using Fire breathing]

[Fire breathing is vaporising all wetness in your lungs]

"A cave?" Gretas said as he looked around.

[You have entered CRYPT OF HELENA]

They all saw the notification.

"Looks like we just entered the dungeon, and it seemed like an underground." Arthur said.

"Then all that up there was just the entrance?" Leon said with a wild frustration.


"Shush" Arthur made a gesture of his fingers on his lips as he equipped his sword.

Leon also equipped his sword.

[Acute Sight Synthesis has been activated]

[Deblis: Eye of Truth has been activated]

[You can see enemy's weak point]

Leon held the hilt of his sword tightly and...

"Lightsword: outburst"


[You have dealt 217 damages to target]

[You have dealt 116 damages to target]

[You have dealt 287 damages to target]

[You have dealt a critical damage to target]

Arthur was amazed by the sight of Leon sweeping past the monsters that were still beneath the darkness in the in of an instance.

"...isn't that..." Tessa could vaguely recognize the skill but she pocketed her doubts and focused on what they had at hand.

Gretas equipped a double dagger and got in an attacking stance, crossing both his arms over his face and getting ready to apply speed to his legs.

[Monster information]

> Name: Germtalon

> HP: 2,340/3,110

> Lv. 30(AAA)

> A type of mammal, has four legs and a long, strong and agile tail.

They have a thin, rough skin covered in thin, soft hairs which is usually either white, dark grey, gold or dark bronze or a combination of these colors. They live in darker areas and are extremely common.

They got a better view of them as the four legged monsters slowly walked out of the darkness, several others too after the first one which had received hit from Leon.

Their growling revealed their dirty and large saber teeth that dangerously sat within their mouth. They're diurnal and rely on their sight and extra sense to get around and their ability to see in the dark is beyond excellent. They do have long noses, but their sense of smell is a bit poor. They have small, beady eyes and small, hanging ears. Their heads are fairly small in comparison to their bodies. The lower limb of their foreign was as the leg of an Eagle and was taloned instead of clawed while the handlimb was clawed. Their gaze got fiery as they growled louder and dashed at all of them leaving forgetting Leon who was behind them.