Emotional Pushover

[You have slayed target]

[You have leveled up]

After cutting down the last of the Germtalon Leon looked around for more.

"You must have gotten an impressive profession. Those sword moves were cool" Gretas complimented Leon.

"Yours too were not bad, seems like the assassin style game play" Leon replied.

Arthur looked at Leon, 'His character may seem worse but his skills speak better of him' "We should proceed forward." Arthur said, calling everyone's attention, including Tessa who was busy picking the drop items.

"The drop item of an AAA tier monster is impressive. It's the first time I'm getting a random skillbook since I started this game" Tessa said.

Immediately Leon's ear twitched like that of a sensitive cat. "The drops are not yours" He immediately spoke up.

"Ye ye, you don't need to kill yourself before you let that known unto me. We will share everything equal after we've completed the dungeon" Tessa replied him.

"We should proceed forward" Arthur repeated himself the second time, '...no matter what, this party is not meant for me, I can't be here again, not with this two'

"You just keep saying it, shouldn't you be the first one proceeding, then we'll follow your lead" Leon said, crossing his arms above his chest.

'He's right...I don't even know the way'

"I think we should follow the trails left behind by the monsters we just defeated." Gretas said.

"Wouldn't that most likely lead us to more monsters?" Leon asked.

"Yes, that is what we need, that we can be sure we are getting closer to the boss room" Arthur said with an acknowledgement nod towards Gretas. He proceeded forth towards the dark area the monsters had come out.


They all suddenly heard a loud feminine, childish scream which Arthur recognised instantly. But it was coming from an opposite direction. He quickly turned back, "You all proceed without me, that is definitely Trisha" He said and immediately ran off.

"Is this guy serious right now?" Tessa was annoyed at Arthur's behaviour but Leon's unchanged express showed that he didn't care. They proceeded into the dark areas on their own.


A little while into the dark cave they were already facing large numbers of Germtalons.

"Multiple slash"

~slash slash slash slash slash...~

Leon poured a vortex of sword slashed as he ran through them, but it was not enough.

[You have dealt 322 damages]

[You have dealt 321 damages]

[You have dealt 330 damages]

[You have dealt 338 damages]


Leon was pushed back jumped back several steps as the wounded monsters turned towards him and gnarled with a drooling mouth.

"Ultimate skill..."

A large circle appeared above Tessa's head.

"Summon: Arachnid!"



A large breeze swept the atmosphere, as a purple huge spider descended from within the circle. Tessa mounted it and began to bulldoze the monsters.

Leon and Gretas followed her from behind.

'Don't underestimate a pretty girl, who knew she had such a deadly skill' he thought to himself as he followed behind closely. He glanced over at Gretas who was picking the drops.

'Sure, sure, go ahead and pick me my spoils' he said in his mind.

"The skill time is not forever, so you better prepare yourself for another wave!!" Tessa shouted followed by a stone throw on Leon's head.

Leon suppressed his anger as he wondered, 'Why does she always have to annoy...well let's not get on her bad side, who knows what other dangerous skill she might be keeping' 'Deblis eye isn't activating, so I'm guessing I need a skillbook to learn this time of skill'

[Or a contract with a familiar ]

'I see, isn't that too big for a familiar though?'

The system didn't not respond to Leon. 'So it won't divulge other's information, that's good. I can trust the system'




With two hits from Tessa's familiar, the large door ahead of them shattered. The familiar began to disappear afterwards.

"I don't get, if it's a familiar, why do you summon it.. isn't it supposed to be more like with you all time"

"I also don't get...when did you start being in my business"

"My bad, I just wanted to repair our damage relationship" Leon said and walked away.

"....It's not the real thing, I have a unique profession: Arachnomancer and I have a lot of profession quest, and one if it is where I will meet Arak... my profession specific familiar and the Queen of spiders, so this skill is her astral projection skill. You?What's your profession...? you copy skills don't you?"

"...I never said you should tell me and I never said I was going to tell you" Leon said and walked ahead and into the room.

Tessa bowed her head on embarrassment, "That bastard! I will kill him! I will destroy him!! I will make him pay for this embarrassment" Her mana which took on a color of purple poured out of her and stiffened the atmosphere.

[Passive skill: Intimidation has been triggered]

Gretas ran away from her side and towards Leon. He saw Leon has someone who was very suspicious of others but he has been paying more attention to Leon during their time in the dungeon. '...he's insecure...did he get betrayed multiple times' he thought as he watched Leon's back go further into the room they crashed into.