Lonely Leader

The WhiteOrl guild prepares for their dungeon raid.

"Weapons?" Loret called.

"Check" Aurora answered.

"Potions?" She called again.

"Check" Aurora answered.

"What else do we need to Check? Emergency items for when we come across a monster we have low chances of defeating."

"Three unique grade weapons with high dps. Check, ten corrosive poison Check, ten attack speed boost Check, ten ripper poison Check."

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

"It's sad, that the one who made this rule is not here with us today," Rutaba said. Aurora immediately threw him an angry face, "Do you have to talk and ruin the mood?"

"What? isn't that why we are having one minute silence?"

"He's not dead!" Tara yelled.

"He might as well be to us since he's not with us" Rutaba replied angrily. "I have no idea why you all are holding so tight unto him when he does not gives two f**ks about us," Rutaba said and stormed out.

"He's right guild master, after Tara is done with her search, we should start recruiting guild members. With his absence, things are not the way they used to be any more" Flux said and also headed out.

Tara tightened her fist and was teary, "You are going to give up huh?" She yelled to Loret's face and stormed out.

The others too slowly left, except Hakita, who touched Loret's shoulder.

"They don't know...you are the most one in pain, right now"

Her shoulders trembled as she spoke, "I don't think I can lead this team as he did... I remember his face when he sees a threat we cannot handle, when everyone trembles with fear, he rises with a backup plan he told no one about and saves everyone alone. He always shouldered it alone, being here I can't help but wonder how heavy it must have been leading others."

"I think you can do it," Hakita said to her, brushing her hair. "After all there was something he saw in you that made him decide to make you the assistant guild master on every game we played. I trust you and I will follow you. But Flux is right, WhiteOrl never trusted people, which is why he didn't want more guild members, even though you knew how much it took to build trust with him. But we are different, we need people..."

"I understand, let's decide Tara's search," She said and let out a sigh. "Shall we go and raid?"

"Yes guild master"

... ... ...

[You have equipped Orambus longsword]

> Weapon Name: Orambus longsword

> Weapon grade: Unique

> Attack power: 4,300 dps

> Durability: 5,000

A silver long sword from a long and forgotten histology is now sold for a heavily expensive price.

He brought out a bottle of potion.

[Ripper's poison(Rare): A poison extracted from a ripper snake, it causes paralysis for 30 seconds]

He poured the poison on the sword, and instantly the shining silver colour of the sword darkened.

[You have drunk attack speed boost potion]

[Your attack speed has been boosted by 30% for 60 seconds]

"Stand back...I'll end this" Leon said to them and swung his sword cyclonically after the second swing he dashed into the darkness.

"Multiple slashes!"

~Slash slash slash slash slash slash slash ...~

[You have dealt 745 damages]

[You have dealt 788 damages]

[You have dealt 789 damages]

[You have dealt 766 damages]

[You have dealt 758 damages]



The last slash ended with him in mid-air above the giant Germtalon, without wasting a second, "Eighth form: Moon run"



[You have dealt 1,034 damages]

He sliced downwards, landing sturdily but before he could turn the beast's talons smacked his chest which sent him flying and crashing into the wall still within the darkness.

[You have received 1,780 damages]

Leon rushed away from where he had fallen, rolling over beneath the monster's coming large talons, he stabbed his sword into the chest of the beast he had rolled into, he pulled his sword out forcefully but was still blasted away by the impact of the monster smashing its head on the ground to get him.

The monster growled at him even though its purple blood poured down from beside the joints of its forelimb towards its chest. zit aggressive dashed forward but was pulled back by a tremendous force with a loud clanging sound.

"...no wonder...it's chained, I was wondering why its movement was so restricted, I bet I wouldn't be able to have a chance if its movement were not limited" He jumped into the air and swung his sword left-sided to the right side, sending an arcing slash towards the monster's head, which it easily weaved but sustained a large wind on its back.

[You have dealt 987 damages]

Leon landed back on the floor and sheathed his sword and swept a foot forward and leaned towards it.


He let out a steamy breath.

[You are using Fire breathing]

[Your proficiency with passive skill: fire breathing has increased]

[Passive skill: Fire breathing has gained a level]

'I must do it the way he did it!' Leon thought to himself, while he was preparing himself the giant Germtalon raised its talon high up, gnarling at Leon.

'Mask everything in aura...'

[You have used 70 aura points]


The air around thickens.

As the talons of the giant Germtalon came down, Leon breathe softly once again.


His eyes widened as he had just miscalculated, the beast's talon was closer than he thought, and his head would be slashed before he got the chance to move land the feet which he had already moved.



Someone suddenly appeared in the middle of him and talon, receiving the hit. Leon immediately put more force on his leg as he felt the liberation of it in that split moment.


[Your Aura has temporarily taken the attribute of fire]




Flames gushed out of his sword as he swept past the giant Germtalon linearly. The flames immediately consumed the Germtalon in whole, with the impact of the force of the attack skill shattering the walls of the cave and causing a tremendous tremor.