A kidnapper

"This is unacceptable Chairman, we can't let this go on, it has become a bug!"

"At this rate, Director Charles will kill me before the surprises of Blind Sage does"

"Look at that. You too know that has become a bug. Number one aura was not supposed to be learnt when there is no profession, however because of his race he was able to learn it. Then another bug, he learnt fire breathing after learning aura, if he had learnt it before at least his aura would have permanently been the fire form by the time his aura form gets unlocked but that happened bug number two. Bug number three he again got a class that permitted him to have five different Elemental attributes. Now bug conclusion by the time his aura form unlocks what exactly do you think it will look like" Director Charles shouted.

"We didn't calculate it does not mean its a bug, right Morkgol"

>> Everything is progressing as the Aron pleases, even if it's a bug its a part of Aron.

"See! Morkgol isn't denying!"

"Director Charles, aren't you shameless, we actually decided we won't have this conversation and that you will go do everything in the game yourself."

"It's hard! because you didn't let me take the character I want"

"Tsk tsk, look at you. Whining like child, I doubt if you'll be able to reach Blind Sage at this point. Better get to work and stop complaining."

The Director shyly stormed out of his office. Frankenstein leaned back on his chair. "Now exactly what do I call this" He said, looking at the screen with Leon's notification: [Your aura as temporarily taken the attribute of fire] on it.

... ... ...

[You have dealt 3,490 damages]

[You have dealt 3,789 damages]

[You have dealt a critical damaged]

[Target has entered paralytic state]

[Target has entered burned state]

[Target will lose 20hp per seconds]

Leon ran over to Gretas who had gotten saved his ass earlier. The Germtalon laid helplessly as it continuously burned.

"What have you done?!" He said, lifting Gretas head.



"I used the fame store...to g..et a dark vision skill. And I just happened to see...you about... to get eat... and I just happened...to *cough*cough* ...have a teleportation skill...your back looked so lonely..."

"Aish, so cringe, do you guys think you are acting a movie or something" Tessa said and broke a potion bottle into his mouth.

"Ah!" Leon belated realized he was in a game and that Gretas was not dying, he dropped him on the floor and threw two potions on him.

"Thank you" he said as he walked deeper into the dungeon.

Gretas stood up with a smile on his face, "You know what, I think he cares. Maybe he cares too much that he's too scared to admit it"

"Ye ye, whatever"

The burning of the beast finally stopped with it's body dissipating, the dark area began to brighten up, just in a corner of where the giant Germtalon formerly laid, was a white egg. Leon ran ahead and grabbed it. He hugged it, "Don't even think about having it, this is mine"

'...cares my ass, all he care about is himself' Tessa said in her head and ignored him.

[You have obtained an unknown egg]

> Egg name: ???

> Grade: ???

> Information: ???

'Suspicious, but I'm definitely keeping it' he said as he put it in his inventory.

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have killed a monster 10 level higher than you]

[You have achieved a feat]

[You have gained a title: I'm not limited; *You gain +2 stats points everytime you level up from killing a monster ten levels higher than yours]

[Title can be upgraded by killing a monster 20 levels higher than you]

'...cool, I've gained eight levels so far' Leon smiled.

"You must have hit a Jackpot seeing as you are smiling like a fool" Tessa said as she went ahead and opened the wooden door in front of them.


[You have entered Helena's tomb]

They proceeded inside, it was a wide room with a silver coffin, laced with blue materials in the middle of it.

"I guess, that's her body" Tessa said.

Leon walked around the room and found an old table, with a book on it, he took the book.

[You have picked Helena's diary]

[You will enter Helena's memory]

At once the scenery around him changed to a large castle, then a room filled with the colour of blue, from the giant bed, to the tables and the curtains.

"Is she a blue obsessed freak?" Leon spoke aloud and belatedly closed his mouth with his hands. But the lady who was staring out the window made no reaction. Her blue hair fluttered as the cool ocean breeze blew past. A black cat climbed to her where she sat and meowed as it rubbed its body against hers, she patted the cat.

"Isn't the ocean beautiful Corley. I feel like it's calling me...there's something in me, that wants to ride the waves. But then I am just the young lady of a rich noble, a young lady barely eighteen" she said as she looked into the ocean with passion.

The scenery changed again, to a night and this time around the ocean.

Helena stood in front of the ocean with her dress lifted up.

"She's beautiful..." Even Leon admitted as he saw her beautiful face long for the sea, "...but sad"

She stood there and continued to stare towards the ocean. Suddenly there was a large turbulence in the waves but she did not run, as the waves rose up against her. Her face was filled with smile and delight.

"She's crazy for water"

Suddenly Leon saw a man come out of the wave, Helena was just as surprised as him. The man, was in a white robe, that revealed half of his chest, his ear was webbed but his skin complexion was as of a human. His eyes were blue and so was his hair, he was strikingly handsome.

"Merfolk, I guess...but there aren't always so stunning" Leon said as he watched the two of them.

"I'm sorry lady, I was trying to tame the waves" the merman said.

"Tame...?" Helena asked.

"Yes, I'm a merman, a creature of water, we have the power to communicate with the ocean" he replied.


"Yes. And it seems like our blood runs deep inside your veins"

"I don't understand, how that is possible, my father is human, though my mother died after giving birth to me but she must have been human too"

"Well, it doesn't matter..." the merman stretched his hand forth towards Helena.

At this point, the guards were already screaming her name and looking for her.

She grabbed his hand, immediately both of them was consumed by the waves. Leon's mouth fell open, "This guy is a kidnapper!!"