Helena of the Ocean

After Helena was taken by the merman, she was introduced to their tribe and spent several years with them before finally taking on the courage to go back to her father and confidently pursue her dream. Her father who had let all hell loose because of his daughter was happy to see her again after five years but then she came with news that she wanted to become the captain of a ship. He feared that if he didn't let her, she was going to run away and this time he might not be able to find her, but he was not going to let her go totally. However he supported her with his everything on the condition that she was going to take this young man who was stunning and dashing with her. Unknown to Helena, the young man was the man who she was betrothed to and had swore to her father that he will go through any lengths to protect her.

He followed Helena, throughout her journey of the sea, saw how might she was as she rode the waves, how she won sea wars and also won loyal subjects who were willing to give her their life. But what shocked him was the sudden arrival of a new man, a blue haired man. From the first time he arrived, it gave him a weird feeling in his gut. However he knew that there was something much more bigger, something the merman and Helena was trying to get to. He eventually caught them with while they were having their lovers time and reported back to Helena's father, claiming that the merfolk is the reason for Helena's sudden change. Her father rose in anger and waged a war against them. Which was a great loss to both sides and ended with Helena's father losing his life in battle. By the time Helena came back and heard of her father's death. They had already cooked up a story for her, telling her that the merman was supposed to be the diversion so that the merfolk could invade her father's territory and take all they have. With a burdened heart, Helena chased her lover away and married the man that followed her on her voyage by her father's last will.

However, upon marriage he wasn't the same man that he was anymore. He knew he could never have Helena's heart and was in disarray because of that. Moreso, he sought to find the thing that Helena and the merman was talking about but Helena wouldn't tell him. As time passed his patience began to wear thin, he made a disgrace of Helena time and time again, but she still decided to stay with him, chained down by a her father's dying wish that was faked. As her husband continued to loose his patience, he also began to lose his composure, his thoughts, forgetting the person Helena was made of. And one day, he said it with his mouth that he instigated the war between the merfolk and her father and also killed her father so he could enlarge his territory.

Helena was driven mad by the news, she couldn't keep her consciousness and also couldn't bring herself to kill her husband, who was the father to her three kids. So ran away from the territory once more and was embraced by the merfolks. The legend of her heritage began to unfold before her eyes, her mother's legend, and those before her. Helena was healed of her state and once again regain the courage to become a pirate once again. However this time, it was different, she had power to control the waves of the sea. A slash of her sword poured out a fountain of waterfall. She was extraordinary and her Heroic tales began to spread all through the continent, she earned her place amidst kingdoms and territories and was known amidst other great heroes of her time.

Her news in no time reached her husband. He was not going to let her have a life without him. He called her two sons and told them false stories about a man that drove their mother mad and is still deceiving her.

Helena's two sons at that time have also grown to be young men, a growing hero of that era, one as strong as a mountain, the other was called arrow god, folktales told a tale of him shooting the gods down from the heaven with his arrow. Whether or not it was exaggerated, we know not. After feeding both of them with spiteful information about Helena's lover, they sought to kill him. Traced Helena as he was together with her. After many years him for three years, they finally found him in an unclaimed territory. Though they were curious as to what Helena and him were doing there but they've been too blinded to give more time to care. Knowing after a little while of engaging them in a fight, that they were Helena's son, he stopped resisting and didn't want to kill them even though he could. Which eventually led to his death, blinded by rage upon arriving the moment of his death Helena went berserk, killing both his sons and only finding out after she had done deed, that they were hers, she recognised with the necklace on their neck, which she had given them when they were at a much younger age.

She was greatly sorrowful and having nearing her sixties, she had no desire to continue her life, but there was something that must be done. A merfolk blood can never dry, it was said to be a magical ink that has been used to transport different scriptures through ages of time.

She wasn't happy doing it but there was a cause, which she told no one about. She tore the body of her lover and began to use his blood as ink, she drew copied down the blue print of the entire continent which she had drew over the years and burnt the old one, dying aside a lover who fought for her till the end.

The Merfolks found them and built Helena a Crypt to be buried, her lover was buried separately and according to their traditions.

"...touching..." Leon said as he came back to reality after experiencing the story.

"Ho? you are crying?" Tessa said.

"What?!" He was shocked and belatedly wiped away the tears that has escaped. "What was I doing before now?" he asked.

"You were so focused on what you were reading, that we thought you shouldn't be disturbed" Gretas replied.

"I see...while my consciousness drifted into her diary, I was till here" Leon said and stood up. "I can't help but think the story is for something more" he said, handing Gretas the diary.

Gretas opened it, "Huh?"

Leon looked at Gretas who made a surprised face. "What?"

"It's blank...what were you reading all that time" Gretas said, giving Leon a sad look, '...is he more of a psychopath than I thought he was'

"Don't look at me like that, there was something there!" Leon collected the diary and flipped through the pages but nothing was there.

"Whatever let's end this, I'm sure whatever this dungeon has to offer ends with that coffin" Tessa said.

"Hmm, I guess so, but isn't this dungeon a little simple for a tier five." Gretas said with a soft chuckle.

Leon scratched his ear, "What? what? did you just say simple? do you think we would have survived from the entrance where we were drowning or you think there was any chance of survival with the giant Germtalon if I hadn't prepare for the unknown?!" Leon growled at him.

"...you don't have to tell the entire world you saved us" Tessa said and walked away, towards the coffin. All of three of them looked down on the coffin.

[You have awakened the vestige of Helena]