Battle With The Orc Chief

"Even if it's WhiteOrl, I still think this is cruel," Tara whispered.

"He isn't even batting an eye... the sight is ruthless for me, I forget every second that this is a game. I don't WhiteOrl is this wicked, I'm beginning to doubt our suspicions." Rutaba replied. Both of their eyes were glued to the scenery of the orc slashing through Darq in just one sweep.

Roiner's morale was lost, he unequipped his weapon as the orc ran towards him and logged out. The orc suddenly stopped at the surprise of Roiner disappearing. But it wasn't for long, he immediately turned to Leon who stretched the strings of the bow, pulling the arrow backwards and aiming into the air, as the orc was far away.


He released the arrow into the air, the orc not caring about one single arrow continually pushed forward with speed. The arrow pierced his shoulder causing him to stagger leftwards a bit but he had already picked up himself in a matter of seconds and was already running towards Leon.


The orc suddenly slowed down and stopped walking after a few steps. He looked towards the arrow and pulled it out, immediately letting out a loud groan.

Leon grinned.

Daryon was shocked, and so was Knight Finduilas.

"What did you do, your grace?" Daryon asked.

Leon threw the empty bottle that was in his hand away. "Holy water..." He said and started to explain himself, "...since the orc had received a god's blessing which meant he had holy power. So I decided to injure him using an arrow laced with holy water, blessed by another god. It was just speculation, but it seems that both hold powers meeting together in one body was not a good thing. I don't know the analogy behind it though, at least one thing I'm sure of is: that the Vita Convent and whosoever gave that orc blessing don't like each other." He concluded and got off his orc.

"I shall end this." He said and equipped the long sword Orombus. Leon began to slowly walk forward, while the orc was still struggling with the throbbing pain in his shoulders.

[Deblis: Eye of Truth has activated]

[Due to Deblis: Eye of Truth you can see more information about monsters]

[Monster information]

> Name: Red Orc(Mul)

> HP: 101,890/120,560

> Lvl: 100(S)

> Attack Power: 8,950 dps

> Attack Speed: 34.5 m/s

> Skills:..▼(Skill level too low)

> A red orc that has received the blessings of a god and has come to be the ruler of the Ungar green orcs. A sad story is hidden behind his massive strength and his soft nature is waiting behind his facade to be unveiled.

"Sad story my foot, I will pulverize him."

Leon said as he picked his pace and ran forward, with his sword behind him. The orc also ran towards him, grinning.

"This bastard..." Leon said, plunging into the air. "Moonlit: eighth form: moon run."


From the point he was in the air, he was accompanied and projected by crescent slashes, colliding with the orc and causing a loud tremors explosion that propelled both of them, Leon, after a few stumbles thrust his sword into the ground and stopped the propelling force. The orc had recovered before him and was already running towards him.

"Lightsword: Outburst!"


Like a gale riding a linear wind, he went past the orc.

[You have dealt 1,231 damages]

The orc paused as he began to bleed on his right side waist. He looked at his hands and looked around, sighted both axes in different places and forthwith leapt to retrieve them. Leon swung his hand from where he stood, Daryon seeing that immediately raised his hand as a signal. A box of holy water was placed in front of the archers by the soldiers, they removed it and laced their arrows with holy water and aimed into the air. The orc was already heading towards the other axes when they released their arrows into the air. A rain of arrows descended upon him. Of course, because of his arrogance, he didn't think to dodge.

"You think these toothpicks can..."


The orc staggered forward as he felt the sharp pain again. He regained his stance and looked toward Leon, "What did you do?"

"I'll be damned to fight you fairly," Leon replied to him and whirled his sword cyclonically.

The orc pulled out all the arrows and dashed at Leon, now with his double axes, he leapt into the air and shouted. "Chaos Tremor!!"

He swung his axe into the air and swung down as he descended upon Leon, who sharply released a block and counter, "Ninth form: Moonlight!"

Leon drew an arc as he swivel his sword, the arc revealed the after image of a moon right there in front of Leon as the orc collided with him causing another large explosion.

[You have lost 2,340 health points]

Leon tumbled away, this time he and his sword in different ways, his body stopped after multiple tumbles. He flipped up to his feet instantly.

[You have gained 1000 health points]

[You have gained 1000 health points]

[You have gained 1000 health points]

Leon threw the bottles away and equipped a katana sword. He got in stance, with the blade pointed towards his front, on his shoulder level and both of his hands on the hilt of the sword, holding it back as though he was about to pull the strings of a bow. The orc plunged toward him with high speed, his heavy chest and triceps pouncing as he ran with both axes swinging upwards, and downwards in turn.

"Mul Axe-Roll!" He swung both axes horizontally in a circle and also swirled with them. He swirled continuously toward Leon who just continued to lead back while finding a perfect chance for his next attack, as he re-assumed the pose he was taking the orc's head suddenly came out of the swirl, but Leon's knee rose in response, crushing the head from beneath.

[You have dealt 56 damages]

However, it was not enough to stop it.

[You have received 4,566 damages]


Leon was sent flying with just a head smash from the orc into his belly.