
"He must be in his 100s, seeing as he is holding out his own with the orc," Tara said.

"Plus his skills and equipment are great too but will it be enough, if that orc is a boss monster, it has not entered its second phase. Age of Aron is great, monsters don't have repetitive patterns of attacks, they attack based on their senses and knowledge, an intelligent monster like this attacks based on reading its opponent's attack pattern, the moment it enters into the second phase. Things will get very dirty." Rutaba replied. Both of them kept quiet and continued to watch.

"Don't you need to help him?" Knight Daryon said to Knight Finduilas who did not respond but just watched the battle which from the points of the troops was light sparks and loud clang sounds flying about.

"Seventh form: Moon drop"


From midair, Leon fell on the orc, with two sword swings that produced two large crescent slashes that crossed each other.

The orc flew out of the dust of the ground crashing, as did Leon, but before he could retreat further backwards the orc, ran after him.

"Moon run..."

[You have used all nine forms, skill is on cooldown: 1900seconds]

'Shit...the cooldown for lightsword should be-'


The orc's axe went over his chest, tearing it upwards and sending him into the air.

[You have received critical damage]

[10% of damages have been absorbed by armour]

[You have received 3,444 damages]

[You have entered bleed state]

[Durability of armour top has reduced by 37]

Leon lay on the ground for a brief moment and stood up. The orc was coming gently with style and confidence.

"Now that moonlit has entered cooldown, it's like I don't have skills anymore." He got in stance to use lightsword and breathed through his teeth using the fire breathe technique.

"Lightsword: Outburst!"

[You cannot use skill]

[You have used up your aura points]

The orc's pace increased and it started jogging towards Leon who unequipped his sword.

"I guess there's only one thing left.

Watching from afar, Daryon was in utter disarray, " Lord Finduilas, you really should go and help him, he will die at this rate!" Daryon shouted but Knight Finduilas did not care, he just stared.

As the orc ran closer to him, Leon spread his arms into the air, "Behold, my salvation." he said while enjoying the ray of the setting sun. As the orc closed in on him, he crouched, shoving himself beneath the arms of the orc, which caused him to dodge the orc's axe slash, he plunged his hand forward and muttered.

[Equip Holy Sword]

> Weapon Name: The Holy sword of Vita

> Weapon grade: Legendary

> Attack power: 6,500~9,888

> Durability: 590

> A sword forged by a dwarven blacksmith with godly minerals and has received the goddess Vita's blessing, the sword has a skill attuned to it and can only be used by one worthy.

The sword gently plunged into the orc's belly and plunged out from behind. Immediately a large green light plunged through the orc and into the sky.

[You have used Holy sword attuned skill: Light Plunge(S)]

[You have dealt critical damages]

[You have dealt 7,342 damages]

Purple blood splashed from the orc's back and he also coughed out blood, he dropped his axe slowly. Leon twisted the sword in his bowels.

[You have dealt increasing scorching damage]


Leon forced the sword up with a shout when he saw that it couldn't go further as he wanted it to, he pulled it out and stepped back.


The orc fell to his knee.

"What did you do to me?" He said, looking at Leon and looking at his wound.

Leon swung the holy sword downwards, splashing the orc's blood away but not totally.

The orc began to pant and after a few pants.


The orc let out a loud shout, louder than the previous.

[A CC stun skill has been cast]

[You have resisted]

Leon stood fine, even though the ground trembled at the sound of it.

[Monster: Red Orc(Mul) is entering the second phase: Berserk Mode]

At this point, the gate of the walls opened and the green orcs poured out like bees, however, compared to Leon's army who were like oceans, they were just like a swarm of bees amidst that ocean.

Leon's back was touched by Knight Finduilas, "Go lead the war, I'll end it here."He said.

Leon who was out of stamina was perspiring and panting softly, nodded.

[You have completed the quest: Impress Knight Finduilas]

Leon turned back and walked towards his troops who were already firing flaming arrows at the orcs that charged blindly.



"What a pitiful state you are in..." Knight Finduilas said as he slowly drew out his sword from its sheath.

The orc's sclera has reddened with veins and its eyeballs were nowhere to be seen. He breathed heavily, all his muscles and veins were popping out.

Knight Finduilas raised his sword.


Leon suddenly stopped and looked back, even though he was blindfolded(the blood on his forehead had stained the blindfold). He suddenly shouted, "Noo!!!" and began to run back to Knight Finduilas.

Meanwhile, the sword in knight Finduilas's hand slashed down and suddenly Knight Finduilas saw his hand fly off, in that moment everything went silent, he couldn't hear anything, Leon who was shouting and running towards him, the orc who was in berserk mode and breathing heavily and whatever force took his hand away, it was a brief moment of pause in the entire atmosphere.

A man standing on a rectangular floating board appeared with the orc floating beside him.

Leon's leg shivered at the sudden appearance of the man.

[You are in the presence of a transcendental being]

[You are subjected to all status defect]

[You can not resist]

[You have been subjected to fear state]

The man cleaned the blood on his hands with a white cloth which he threw on the ground, he looked at Leon. "You..." He pointed and was about to move closer when a man in a green robe appeared in front of Leon.

"That's as far as you can go Midras." The man said.

Midras the man floating on a rectangular board clicked his tongue, "Are followers of Vita now messing with Khamisi's business? you guys never learn?" He said and looked around and floated away with the red orc.

"...*whew*...that was tough, I am not sure if I would be able to stop him should he have decided to continue." The man said and faced Leon.

"Who are you?" Leon asked with anger in his eyes, "who was he?"

"Shouldn't you treat your subordinate?" The man said.

Immediately Leon ran to Knight Finduilas who had passed out on his knee. Leon came to a halt next to him and cried out as he tried to stop the bleeding on his hand.

"No! no! nooooooooo!!! my quest reward!!!!" He cried heavily for Knight Finduilas.

The man stared at him and smiled compassionately, "To think one that was chosen by Vita is a caring leader, it seems things will be different this time Midras."