False Prophecy

[Territory Status]

> Name: Tirianae

> Demonym: Tirianaen

> Level: 1

> Population: 674,000

> Age groups ratio(Teenage: Adult: Old): 2:4:1

> Territorial Religion: nil

> Territorial reputation: 340,080

> Territory size: 4,257 sq mi / 11,025.58 sq km

"So my territory size increased because I subjugated the orc's land, which means this land is mine..." Leon looked up to the orc that was chained. "I know you can understand me, all I'm asking you is to protect your people if truly you have their best interest in heart. " Leon said to him.

He looked at Leon for a few seconds and slowly went on one knee.

Leon exhaled, 'I'm so glad, he accepted, I'm already thinking where do I finish this up... now I can make them my permanent miners.' Leon walked closer to the orc and tapped him. "You made a good decision, all you need is to govern and protect your people, and don't worry, I'll think about covering the cost of living but you all have to earn too."

The orc looked up at him, "uerhhk kerghk."

[The Ungar orc has become a part of your duchy]

[You can now understand the orcish language]

"Uerkghh kaiekgh kegh(thank you for your benevolence)"

"No need to thank me, let's discuss in detail later, I have to return home now."

Leon afterwards departed to Tirianae, leaving some soldiers particularly to guard the gold mine as he couldn't trust the orcs and to keep watch over them he left Knight Hansel in charge.

His duchy received him with cheers and celebration.

"Long live the Duke!!"

"Long live the Duke!!"

"Long live the Duke!!"

The entire city hailed him as he rode in on his horse with the rest of the knights, soldiers and mercenaries that survived. Though they recorded several injured amongst the Haethatea knights and soldiers, none were recorded dead. Leon settled into his castle, where Merchant Conrad was waiting for him, after unequipping his armour and putting on a simple beginners shirt and trousers, he went to his office where the merchant was waiting.

"Your choice of dress always marvels me, you are an example of what every noble should be like. So did you get it?"

Leon sat down and looked at the merchant for a fee second, "Of course I did but what makes you think you have the right to it."

"What do you mean, young lord, you said you never go back on your word, you said you are going to make me a money-making machine, and I did all you required me to do. You have no idea how hard it was to steal that weapon without them noticing."

"Come again..." Leon cut in.

"I mean, I add to be extra careful so that they wouldn't notice that we stole it." Merchant Conrad asserted again.

"Come in, Priest Aelfhelm."

The door opened and the high priest in his dark-purple robe entered the office.

"Your grace." He said with a bow towards Leon and looked at merchant Conrad. "You must be the man that orchestrated the stealing of the Vita Convent's holy sword, knowing it's a highly treasured item. Your offence is punishable by death, but you should be lucky it is all path of the fulfilment of the prophecy."

"What Prophecy?" Merchant Conrad was flustered as he asked.

"Like a thief, one who is destined to serve the Holy knight shall come to claim the Knight's heritage." The high priest responded.

"What do you mean? It's a prophecy that I was going to steal a second for this lad here because I'm destined to serve him. How absurd..." he got up to his feet in anger, "Look here lad, we had an agreement, I steal you the holy sword, you make me a money-making machine..."

"If we are to go by that alone, then it's annulled, because of the bad job you did I was caught up to and was not allowed to use the holy sword, even though we defeated the orcs, do you know how many lives were lost because of that simple mistake? If only I looked for an alternative if only you stole the sword well. And you think you can still lay claim on my promise?" Leon growled at him. The merchant became silent and stood there I'm frenzy. The high priest looked at Leon and shook his head in pity towards the merchant.

"What do you want me to do now?"

"Just serve me, I'll make you a Viscount of the Temper Kingdom," Leon said.

"I am a merchant of Uruk, I serve no one."

"I guess the gold mine isn't that important, and here I was thinking merchants were all about money..." Leon said and whistled, softly tapping his hand on the arm of his couch.

Conrad squinted his gaze at Leon, "Gold mine? the one in the myths?"

"I found it" Leon replied.

He at once fell towards Leon's feet, "So that was what you mean when you said you were going to make me a money-making machine, it was the gold mine?!" The merchant said, with life and energy in his eyes.

'Just look at this guy, his attitude changed in matter of seconds', "No, I mean real money-making machine, you don't worry about that, I will put it in place, all you need is to pledge allegiance to me." Leon said.

"Can't we do it now?" Conrad said.

"Before that, we need to build a dragon lair, make your research and bring me the cost," Leon said with a smile.

"A dragon lair?" Merchant Conrad was quite surprised, even the High priest Aelfhelm, who had been silent like he was not there had a swift shift in composure.

"Get on with it." He said to merchant Conrad, signalling towards the door with his head.

"Oh, yes your grace." Merchant Conrad said and immediately exited the office.

High Priest Aelfhelm stood up and bowed to Leon, "Your grace, please don't make me do what you made me do today. I am a priest, telling lies about prophecy. It was only permissible because of the goddess's favourability towards you," He said and walked out.

Leon minded him not and straightway logged out as it was nearing his cooldown time.