A Lair To Build

"How could I forget about that!!!" Frankenstein cried out. "Morkgol! You knew the gold dragon is important to USCR000's exclusive quest and couldn't inform me the probability of them meeting this early?"

>> Of all intelligence that has been created in Aron, dragons and the divine beings have the highest, calculating their probability ratio is a waste of time has it could change.

"But we calculated that of Khamisi and it turned out as we expected."

>> Not exactly as we expected, because Khamisi now has his eyes on USCR000, the interference of Vita was not also calculated, and the story might take a different turn than we have created.

"So, does that imply we should remove USCR000 since he is the course of all this?"

>> Even though the story will take another turn, it poses no danger of some sort to the world of Aron, instead it gives us a chance to see entire new entities unfold, it would be like watching a movie.

"You are saying it's going to be fun?"

>> Exactly. Don't worry, the gold dragon has the highest intelligence ratio.

"Okay, how's director Charles doing these days?"

>> He goes by the player name: Wrath and died during the orc subjugation, he's still on cooldown time.

"I see, things must be hard for him," Frankenstein said and chuckled.

... ... ...

"I thought Mor'kind were extinguished, but you are a mor'kind." The dragon brought out its head.

The dragon's head was characterized by a short face with long and smooth golden metallic horns that swept back from its nose and brow, as well as the neck frills that adorned both sides of its neck. From the mouth and nostrils descended four pairs of long, flexible muscular spines that resembled whiskers or barbels. Along with the dragon's narrow eyes, these features contributed to look sagacity. The dragon's eyes had an appearance of shiny, liquid gold, which was a sign of the dragon's ageing, as gold dragon ages their pupils fade away to take on that colour. Other facial features included a pointed tongue and small cheek horns that grew sideways.

Leon was awed, he loved what he saw, he was enthralled by it such that he subconsciously moved his hand towards the dragon to touch its nose, the dragon's whiskers softly touched his hand and for a brief moment, Leon felt an unexplainable familiarity with the dragon.

Leon belatedly jacked out and staggered backwards.

"It's fine, if you are a mor'kind then you are probably the only creature in this entire world that I can link with." the dragon's thick voice vibrated Leon's heart as it spoke, maybe it was due to the rest that it exuded or its voice was just too thick.

"What do you mean?" Leon said.

"I and my kind used to aide the mor'kind back in the days since their job was oversight over the powerful beings of this world, they would ride us and travel through realms. Though I can't be sure gold dragons that are being born these days carry that orientation, I'm probably the only one left that remembers since I'm the oldest."

"The mor'kinds were wiped out seven thousand years ago, does that mean you are over seven thousand years old?" Leon asked.

The gold dragon giggled, "Well, I shouldn't be since the lifespan of a dragon is between four thousand and five thousand years, but the last of your kind gave me his lifespan, it kept me living long enough."

"This is complicated, a mor'kind gave you his lifespan, why?" Leon asked, puzzled.

"Don't try to take it in all at once... you seem to have come for my gold ore..."

"Ah..yes, I'm sorry, I need it."

"It's fine but because of the state I am in, I need a lot of sleep, your mining would disturb me. If you can find another lair for me I don't mind. It'd be good for you too because as time goes on gold ore begins to grow in that place.

[You have received a new quest]

> Find a comfortable lair for the gold dragon, the gold dragon needs a lot of sleep and rest, if you want to mine the gold ore, build him another lair.

> Quest type: Privileged.

> Quest rank: Silver

> Quest reward: Access to the gold mine, Affinity with the gold dragon will increase, ???

> Quest failure: Access denial to the gold mine, ???

"... I don't understand, gold grows around you because you are a good dragon? why?"

"Yes, a dragon is the pinnacle of magical existence, whatever our nature is, minerals that take on that nature grow wherever we reside for long, just like you will find minerals that are attributed to the fire in a fire dragon's lair."

[You have gained new knowledge of dragons]

[Proficency with stigmata has increased by 0.089%]

[Proficiency with stigmata rises when you gain world information]

[Every 10% growth, a Mor'kind exclusive privilege will be unlocked]

'Wow, this stigmata must be a great thing.' Leon looked at the dragon, "Thank you Mr gold dragon, I'll make sure I get back to you. I will build you a big lair!"

"My name is Uldrass."

Leon looked at the dragon, "Uldrass... it's a nice name."

The Dragon nodded and with a blink of his eyes, Leon disappeared and appeared where he initially was.

"What took you so long? were you having a chit-chat with one of the greatest creatures in Aron..." Tessa said.

"Yes..." Leon responded subconsciously, his head was still wrapped around the teleportation skill, 'moving from place to place will be easy for me if I can get this skill'

Tessa giggled, "You wish."

Leon turned and was about to leave the cave.

"Wait, aren't you mining again?" She asked.

"No. I have a lair to build" He said and headed out of the cave.