Uatu, The Watcher POV ;
"Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility where a single choice or change can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the one you know. I observe all that transpires here, but I do not, cannot, will not interfere. For I am the Watcher. And now I am looking at an interesting reality. This reality we watchers have numbered as 1080."
"One would generally fail to notice a particularly unassuming blue planet in this particular reality. Known by many names such as Aeshim and Midgard, this remarkably unremarkable planet is located in the remote corner of the milky way, far from the eyes of the various intergalactic civilizations. But very few knew the truth that this seemingly unremarkable planet gave rise to the many fearsome civilizations which are present across the universe."
"These civilizations are so powerful that even with their tiny population they are often feared and respected. These civilizations call themselves many names. But many witnessing their feats called them Gods. And rightfully so, the strongest of them are capable of destroying planets and wiping out civilizations single-handedly. How could they not be feared and worshipped?"
" But this is not something that I am concerned about. A soul from outside this reality is traveling through the universe. It should have already disintegrated but it would seem that it has absorbed something which is keeping it in a stasis state. "
"What changes will this being cause I wonder? I think I will keep observing it. Something tells me it will be important."
"Oh, God! Oh, God! This fucking hurts." A woman screamed hysterically as she struggled to give birth. Even though she was covered in sweat she was still very beautiful. Her olive skin and her brown luscious hair which reached her feet made her irresistible. Her green eyes which usually twinkled with mischief were closed tightly to hold back the pain. She was inside a room surrounded by various maids who were trying to help her.
"Of course, it hurts Leto. You are giving birth, not taking a dump. And why are you calling out to gods when you are one yourself?"
The woman who stood in front of her asked. She had a well-built muscular body, unlike Leto's frail build. But the feature she shared with Leto would make anyone understand that they were sisters.
"SHUT UP. Can't you see I am pre-occupied Asteria? Go bother Delos. Shoo, Shoo" Leto growled.
"Fine, Fine someone is grumpy. We'll talk when this is over. I'll be outside." Asteria announced as she walked out of the room.
She paused and stared at the spectacled man standing guard outside the room. He wore a robe that hid his pale and thin body. He looked visibly concerned.
" My Lady, this will cause diplomatic issues with Olympus. The Queen of Olympus won't let this go. We have to take some necessary steps or there will be war. And that is not something we can afford right now."
" I know Delos. But don't worry I already have a plan. If we can weather this storm we will be safe. After all, this is not the first offspring from Zeus's flings. " Asteria smirked.
"The problem is that the child will be half titan. That makes things quite complicated." Delos said raising his worries further.
"I know. That is for me to worry about. Don't think too much and fry your brains." Asteria smiled and patted his shoulders.
"My Lady. I don't understand. As a living planet, I don't have a brain to fry. So I think I can gladly help you with this problem."Asteria snorted at his comments.
"Hahaha, thanks, Delos. You helped me calm down a bit..... And it was an expression!"She visibly relaxed.
Delos looked at her confused.
Just then they heard the cries of children from the room. A plain-clothed maid walked out of the room hurriedly.
"My Lady, it is over. They are twins. A boy and a girl." the maid said.
'Double trouble then' Asteria muttered.
Asteria and Delos hastily walked near the room. They saw Leto sprawled on her king-sized bed holding two children lovingly.
"Ahhh, my nephew and niece are so cute."Asteria squeaked. She realized her mistake and instantly tried to regain her composure.
"Don't worry my lady. The fact that you squealed like a teenager will not be known by anyone outside this room. I give you my word as your second in command."Delos said amusedly.
"Ahem."Asteria coughed trying to remove the shades of red from her ear tips. She was one to not lose composure easily.
But she could not blame herself. It was rare to see children born from Olympian royalty and especially such cute ones.
The boy was fair-skinned with golden hair. His light blue eyes seemed to twinkle as he observed the room. But it seemed to tire him out as he nodded off to sleep. He was sure to grow up into a handsome young god who would break the hearts of many men and women.
The girl on the other hand had a caramel skin tone. Her dark green eyes shone in the moonlight. She had fiery red hair which seemed to complement her face. It was already clear that she would grow up into a beauty. She looked incredibly cute with extremely pinchable chubby cheeks.
"Indeed they are incredibly "Cute" my lady," Delos said.
"Leto, Can you at least answer my question now? " Leto nodded. Asteria took a deep breath.
"Why did you sleep with Zeus?"
"Sorry, but I can't. But believe me, I had my reasons. And even if I had received a second chance I will do it again." Leto immediately replied.
Asteria fumed at her answer.
"You are telling me to ignore the fact that my sister turned up at my doorstep haggard and injured, pregnant from the biggest womanizer in the history of Olympus. How can you ask me to ignore that? It is as if..." she paused suddenly realizing the reason. She looked at her strangely and then sighed.
"I told you not to worry about things like that. You don't need to sacrifice, ahh, this is driving me crazy. FUCK."
Leto looked at her solemnly.
"I can't have that on my conscience. Besides, you know I always wanted children." She replied.
" But you could have done things differently. There had to have been some other way."Asteria looked at her sadly.
"What should I have done, sister?"Leto looked at her icily.
She suddenly looked sadder.
"Should I have run away just like you did? Abandon my responsibilities as you did?"
Asteria recoiled at this. She wanted to get angry but held herself back.
"We should stop quarreling or we will disturb the kids. We have more than enough trouble. Hera will do her worst to kill all of us. You know that right."She asked.
Leto nodded.
"This is going to be a political shit storm. We need to start preparing. Otherwise, we will all end up dead."
"Don't worry sister. I'll handle stuff like that. Who do you think I am?"Asteria rolled her eyes. She moved closer and pinched the chubby cheeks of the baby girl.
'Cute, must be protected!' Asteria mentally nodded to herself.
Leto looked at her usually calm and cool sister pinching her child and staring at it intensely. A smirk appeared on her lips. Seeing this Asteria used all her willpower to stop herself.
"What are you going to name them? Wait! You already decided didn't you." Leto nodded her head vigorously. Asteria sighed.
'Ugh, always so impulse, this woman-child's Asteria thought helplessly.
"Of course I did."
Leto puffed out her chest at that making the already prominent mountains thrust out even more. Delos gulped at this sudden action. Asteria looked at her own chest and back to her sister's enviously.
"The boy will be Apollo. And the girl is Artemis."She smiled. Asteria looked at her helplessly and then looked at the children. She used all her willpower to look away. She was already sure that she was going to be a doting aunt.
"At least these buggers are cute. It won't be a loss to use some old connections." Asteria said as she walked out.
Delos looked at her and then back to Leto.
"It is as you said Lady Leto. My Lady Asteria is a 'TSUNDERE' ."Delos said nodding to himself.
Looking at her sister's departing back and her slightly reddish ear tips Leto snorted.
"Of course, my sister may act roughish but she is just a softie."She smiled.
" And what is with you staring at my chest. Aren't you just the physical incarnation of this planet." she looked questioningly at him. Delos looked away and started whistling.
While they were talking a yellow flash of light suddenly flashed into the room. In a femtosecond, it entered the body of the sleeping Artemis. Nobody realized that something strange happened. Suddenly a huge wave of magic exploded out of Artemis. It spread throughout the universe. It only lasted throughout for a zeptosecond hence it went undiscovered by most beings. Only the most powerful ones felt it and they felt threatened like never before. But as they couldn't detect where it came from they decided to prepare for the cataclysmic future.
Uatu, The Watcher POV;
Uatu observed as the soul flew into the body of the infant goddess. He waited for something to happen. As nothing happened he relaxed. Suddenly he was hit by an intense wave of pressure that brought him to his knees. He realized it came from the child.
"I am the Watcher. I observe all that transpires here, but I do not, cannot, will not interfere. I have seen everything that has ever happened. Ever will happen. Ever could happen. And yet, what the hell is this? "
But it disappeared just as it appeared. He observed the child, now Artemis but was stunned to see no changes at all. She looked like any normal child, well if the child was a goddess.
The Root Of Yggdrasil, Fates POV;
Multiple voices echoed near the roots of Yggdrasil.
"The fate of the universe has changed. The future is full of chaos. There is an anomaly, one not bound by the fates. Oh, how truly magnificent."
In the far corners of the universe beings who had been inactive for millennia began to once more.