Pros and Cons

You have got to be fucking kidding me?! Why is this happening? Shouldn't the empress be bothering her new disciples?!

I honestly have no idea why the empress has her eyes on me but this is not good in any way for me, I wanted to be as far away from the royals for as long as possible. While Lorent was right that I would have to deal with them in the future by that time I would have been long prepared but now it seems that I am truly fucked.

"Now that my introduction is out of the way we can begin with how being part of the Seven Blessed from Heaven will affect your life within the Academy," Irani said while pulling out her holocube.

A bunch of images including suites, food, cultivation training rooms, and other luxurious things was all scattered throughout the room for us all to see. I already had an idea of what these were and so did the others so after taking our time to see all the images we nodded our heads and looked at Irani for her to continue her explanation.

"Good." she nodded her head, impressed by our quick thinking. "You all are correct what you all see are the benefits you all will get by being part of the seven. I'm sure I don't need to explain what they are since you all can see them clear as day so I'll get straight into the cons and what you all have to do to keep your position."

"First, everyone in the academy knows you all are the Seven Blessed from Heaven, even if you didn't participate in the tournament it didn't matter." Irani said sending a glance at me that just screamed 'did you think you were slick?' "Second, anyone from your class can challenge you anytime anywhere to gain your position. Since we have the best geniuses all in one place here at the academy there is a pretty high chance that the spots of the top seven of the younger generation will be switched."

"Principle Irani I have a question," said Talia gracefully and looked at her with magenta eyes that seemed to see through all the bullshit. "When you mean my anywhere do you really mean anywhere or just where circumstances no matter how odd can still be fair game?" she asked.

"Anywhere." Principal Irani said. "It doesn't matter what you are doing. You can be training, being coached by your mentor, sleeping, beating your meat, or...having sex anywhere is fair game as long as there is a teacher or elder of the academy able to witness the fight anywhere is fine," she answered and sent me a side glance as she said the sex part and revealed a smile on her face.

Just what the fuck did this empress tell her sister?! I am an innocent and righteous man! I didn't do anything. This must be Kellians fault he became her disciple, right? The bastard threw me under the bus.

But thinking about these cons I wasn't bothered since my cultivation was hidden people would most likely go for me, only to get their ass beat. I'll make an example of the first guy who tests me to send a message to the rest and then the fools will leave me alone.

I looked up at the principal and asked "Principal? Are these challenges strictly one versus one or these fools are allowed to jump us?" While I and probably the rest of up had no problem with them jumping me as that would make my message easier to spread, I wanted to make sure so I still don't get taken by surprise.

She smiled and nodded her head "Yes. All challenges are strictly one versus one but that doesn't mean that you can't be weakened before the actual challenge. For example, if someone beats the shit out of you but you are still able to fight a person can just come challenge you and win easily. While that person might not have that position for long and you can request a rematch at any time something like that is still possible."

"Hakari, since you are so ten toes down on not wanting people to know about your cultivation I and my sister decided on something special for you. The rewards for beating you are much higher, whoever beats you will not only have Seven Blessed benefits but they will also get the opportunity to become a disciple of mine. This challenge will last from the first week of school so unlike the other six whose challenges will become open in the second week, yours will start right when you all leave until the end of the week. If you survive till then, then you will become my disciple." she said with a smile but the look in her eyes gave me the feeling that she wanted to devour me whole.

"Sure. I'm down." I said calmly shocking everyone here as they probably thought I would lose my shit and complain why I'm the only one going through this. But little did they know that what I was doing on the inside was exactly that.

Why me?! Seriously I have no idea why I am the one getting all the heat. Grandfather, did your simp ass piss the empress off that much that now she is taking her anger out on me? Also, what is up with the principal and why is she eying me like meat? I swear I haven't seen her before.

I turned to Kellian and saw his expression was just as confused as I was. So it seemed that even he had no idea this was going on and Talia had the same look on her face as well.

"Alright that is all for now. We will finish up tomorrow, you all go back to your dorms and get some rest as classes start tommorow. I look forward to teaching you all in the academy." She said as we all walked towards the door and just as I was the last person to walk out I heard a voice call out to me and turned towards Irani.

"Hakari, I hope that you do come out victorious during these challenges. We have a lot of things to do together, I will be watching."Irani said flirtatiously and vanised from my eyes.

I have no idea why but I feel like something serious will happen at the end of this week.