A Deal

"You reached the Realm of Dao in space and time laws!?" Yennifer asked in shock.

I smiled and nodded my head in confirmation as the shock and fear slowly crept onto her beautiful face. I could understand her plight but at the same time not, in my past life I believe my comprehension was very high so I never had any problems gaining insight into the laws. Speaking of my past life, it seems that as more time goes by the more I forget about my past life, well, to be honest, I wasn't bothered let alone surprised by it. When those abyssal runes fused with my soul I had an idea that this would happen, changing the very nature of the soul was something that was deemed impossible. Even those of the astral plane were clueless about the truth of the soul but they had a lot of theories that made sense and had solid evidence to back them up so it wasn't wrong to say that they were getting somewhere.

Changing the nature of the soul was different from a corruption of the soul. Demons and Devils are spiritual beings or soul-like entities as some may call them, so when you transform into a demon or devil the will of the Nines corrupts your soul, due to this you will still retain the form of what you once were before the transformation, you are still the same but you are now something more and it comes with all the benefits. If a human becomes a demon or devil they will still retain a human form even though they are not human anymore, this is due to them being a human before the transformation and even though they are corrupted they are still human at their cores. When it comes to souls, the cores always remain untouched, I don't know why it is that way but I have a guess that it is due to the gift GOD gave us by having a soul to begin with.

The same rules apply for whatever race elf, goblin, mermaid, even a fucking dog it didn't matter. Once their soul became corrupted they would still be what they once were, but more. The same happened to me in this case but on a far larger scale, for one my soul didn't get corrupted but remodeled completely. My inner and outer layers were completely melted and shattered before they were being rebuilt and an abyssal soul but this is where things got weird, the All and the One are two separate entities although you could say they are siblings. GOD used the power of the Abyss to create creation, even the Nine Hells were formed through the Abyss, so becoming an abyssal demon means that I would be put out of GODS influence and control, this means that the core of my soul should've changed as well but it didn't, only half of my soul core become abyssal while the other remained unchanged but it pulsed with a power that I couldn't comprehend.

This was weird, to say the least. Since I was a human in my past life, even though my soul became an abyssal soul it would still take notice of the fact that I was once human, that is the reason I'm an abyssal demon now and not an abyssal dragon as I should've been. But since the runes pretty much changed my entire soul, I was losing memories of my past life, I still kept the important parts like the realms and other planes and things like that so I wasn't really bummed by this at all, I was in a new world in a new era and a higher dimension, this was also a new life as well so there would be no point dwelling on the past. But the matter with my soul core was a shocking thing, to say the least as this meant that I was still under the influence and will of the One and the All and that could only mean one thing...that I wasn't fully human in my past life.

As for what the other half of me was, I had absolutely no clue but for the fact that that part didn't get affected by the abyssal runes in any way means that whatever that locked part of me is, was a peak lineage, I was pretty sure that whatever bloodline it was is also still locked away in that part of my soul is still there, but only time will tell what it is. I pushed these thoughts away and focused on the matter at hand, the answers for those would come later so I wasn't pressed on finding them out now.

The reason I even came to Yennifer, to begin with,,, was to gain another ally in the academy, I would need a good amount of those when the academy becomes something akin to the ninth layer of hell and all bottom lines are crossed. The reason I chose Yennifer was simple, she was probably someone who I would work with the best, Kellian is already on board, Talia is too stuck up and probably in on whatever scheme the Dark Phoenixes are in on, Jerena is too arrogant and I have no time or patience to deal with bitches like those, Zantar doesn't need to be explained and Lian will probably be in my bed most of the time so I don't have to worry about her. As for Yennifer...that remains to be seen.

"The academy is about to become a warzone very soon, the sponsors of the academy are hastening their plans. They even plan on meeting at the end of the week to see where they go from there and while I prefer to work alone and can do what I need to do alone, I value efficiency,,, and to be as efficient as possible I need allies. That's where you come in."

She laughed and looked at me in amusement and disdain and said "You expect me to trust you? While my family is not as powerful as yours and we don't involve ourselves in political affairs, that doesn't mean we are weak and we are to be looked down upon. You overestimate yourself too much if you think that I am willing to be your ally just like that. You may be strong, but you are not as important as you think you are. Tone down you conceit."

I smiled as this was the exact response that I was expecting from her, "I don't really know who you are trying to lie to but I can tell for sure it is not me. I have a good idea how strong your family is, you guys are using Leonel as a puppet who belives he has free will when he is nothing but a dog. I honestly have no idea who is more pitiful, him or the peak of all dog emperors, Riff."

Yennifer looked at me with wide eyes and sent a threatening glare as she asked, "How the fuck fo you know!?"

I shook my head, turned around and acted as if I never noticed the threatening glare that made no difference on my mood and said, "That matters little to be honest, if you don't want to be my ally I'm not forcing you in any way as that is your choice, I won't waste any effort to change your mind-"

"Wait!!" she interrupted as she picked up her pace to catch up to me.

I turned around and looked her dead in her pristine silver eyes that seemed to attempt to peirce into my soul as she said, "I agree to be your ally but on one condition."

I smirked as I replied, "Oh, a deal perhaps? I agree, what are your conditions?"

Yennifer put three of her long, slender fingers in the air as she said, "You have to answer three of my questions truthfully and you must tell the truth no matter what the question is, the full truth mind you."

"That's it?" I asked as pretending to be surprised and a little fearful of her request. I couldn't be too calm or else she might change it and ask for something outrageous as it was pretty clear that she wanted to know more about me.

I laughed inwardly seeing her triumphant sneer as she thought that she had me in her little trap as she put her hand out as she said with supreme confidence and grace, "Yes, that's it, do you still dare to accept?"

I gave a smile that was not a smile as my eys gleamed with sin as I shook her hand as said "Deal," I then teleported to Rizen's floor after saying those words, but not before I caught a glimpse of the shocked look of Yennifer's face as she is probably just found out that she fell right into my palm.